King Hank had indeed returned. He was accompanied by an elderly gentleman of indeterminate age. He had a full head of grey hair with a matching beard. Despite his advanced age, there were no visible wrinkles, but he did have lines around his eyes which suggested that they crinkled when he laughed or squinted. The wisdom that he had gathered over the years shone through intelligent grey eyes.

"Welcome home, Your Highness," Giles watched as she sedately waddled…er…walked towards his brother. He glowered when he saw the fleeting look of disgust pass over the king's face.

"Well met, my wife," Hank kissed the air on back of her hand before raising his head and looking in his direction, "Brother."

The brother in question ground his teeth in fury. Bastard! He deliberately stays away for her entire pregnancy and he swans in like he's done nothing wrong!


"I have so much to tell you. But first allow me to introduce High Chief Travers. He's come to read the Queen,"

"Read me? What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty," Travers bowed, "His Majesty has hired me to chart your future to better understand the heir's destiny."

"I don't understand. Why not just use Michael's projected due date and work from there?"

"Who is Michael?" the king asked as he sat at his seat at the High Table. Before anyone could answer he slammed a fist on the table and bellowed for ale.

"Michael is your child," Giles said from between gritted teeth. He knew for a fact that Joyce had sent him a letter informing im of her choice of names.

"Oh right," Hank gulped down the entire tankard of ale that a servant had placed before him.

"Would you like something to drink or shall I have a bath drawn for you, My Lord High Wizard?"

"No, thank you, Your Majesty,"

"Good, good. Now that the formalities are out of the way, let us begin. I'm anxious to know all about the baby,"

Travers walked forward and sat down. Giles turned away as the Queen came forward.

"Run along, dear. We don't need you for this,"

Joyce stifled a gasp. "Very well. Will you tell us the results later?"

Hank nodded and said, "I'll send a missive1 up later."

He waved a hand in dismissal.

Joyce bit her trembling lip hard. She dared not confront her husband. He knew best. The one and only time she had questioned one of his decisions had resulted in consequences she had never forgotten. She turned and walked away.

Giles watched the woman he loved walk away gracefully. Mother be damned. If he ever hurts her like that again, he'll answer to me.

"You can stay if you want Giles,"

He was torn. He felt like following Joyce, but he knew that she needed to be alone right now. Besides he'd never seen a Diviniscope before and he had always wanted to.

He joined them at the table. Travers flicked the fingers of his right hand. Before his eyes a tiny telescope appeared.

"That looks like any ordinary telescope," Hank muttered.

"Indeed it does," he smiled as he assembled the Diviniscope by hand, "until you look through the lens."

He passed the Diviniscope to the king who shook his head and continued drinking. Giles gingerly took it in his hands, half afraid that it would break apart.

"Oh my word," he whispered in awe. Through the Diviniscope he could see the heavens. The stars twinkled merrily at him as if to say hello.

"The Diviniscope shows the current location of the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars, and any other entities out there and combines the results to produce an accurate reading,"

Travers reclaimed the scope. "Right, let's get started. What is Her Majesty's celebration date?"

"June 12," Giles answered when Hank remained quiet.

Travers said something to the Diviniscope.

"Do you happen to know the time?"

Hank shrugged.

"She was born in the afternoon if that helps,"

Travers kept asking questions and Giles kept answering them. After each response the wizard would say something to the scope.

"That should be enough," he said finally and looked through the eye piece, "You'll be pleased to know that the Queen lives a long and happy life."

"I'm not interested in that," Hank snapped impatiently, "I'm only interested in my heir."



"Your wife will give birth to a daughter," Travers said completely ignoring the king's outburst.

"A girl? Are you sure?" Giles asked quietly. A little Joyce running around? He couldn't wait.

"I'm sure. The Diviniscope has never given an incorrect reading," he smiled and looked up, "I can give you the date of confinement if you wish."

Both men shook their heads, but for different reasons. One wanted to be surprised, the other didn't care.

"Pack up and get out," Hank growled at Travers as he stormed off.

"Thank you for your services, Lord High Wizard," Giles added, "You must be tired. There's a chamber ready for you."

"Thank you, young man. I will take you up on your offer of hospitality," he nodded at the younger man and smiled. With a flick of his fingers the Diviniscope dismantled on its own. It disappeared from sight.

"May I show J...Her Majesty the scope tomorrow?"

"Of course," the wizard studied the man in front of him with a knowing look, "You love her."

Giles opened his mouth to deny it, but then closed it again. He studied Travers for a moment. "Did your crystal ball tell you that?"

"No," his eyes twinkled, "you just did."

Giles laughed, "I'm going for a ride, but when you are ready to retire just ring the bell and someone will escort you to your rooms."

"Enjoy your ride, Your Highness."


Travers nodded and said, "You may call me Quentin."

Giles smiled and shook his hand before walking off.


1 A letter