Tori: OK it was too long to I had to split it up, um enjoy, like I said before It will be better next story.

:- to end and begin the fic

- Switch to where someone is and/or change of P.O.V

()-- - Author commentary

NOTE: PLEASE READ! This story may not fallow how you played the game, I'm writing this fiction with the story that:

1)in FFX you beat the Luca Goers as Tidus and the Aurochs,

2) in FFX2 you sided with the Youth League

4) FFX2: you are champions of the Blitzball season (chapter 5)

5) You received Lady Luck, Trainer and the Mascot Dresspheres (Yes I know they are hard to get but somehow I did! all proud... even though it took me four games)

Gullwings, Paine's P.O.V

I can't believe I let them talk me into this, after a whole hour I finally agreed, I still can't realize why either. I sighed as the doors to the mansion opened and LeBlanc greeted us, happily.

"Hello Loves! So good of you to come!" She cried, then stepped out of the way so we could enter and continued walking around and tweaking little decorations here and there, I left the sphere's on the table to my left.

I looked around and saw many people we knew, Yuna and Rikku ran up to Lulu and Wakka, almost instantly engaging in a conversation.

The main hall doors were open, I caught sight of someone just enter the crowd, for a second I though it was Baralai but doubted that he would have worn anything aside from his normal green uniform. Suddenly my attention was directed to the throbbing pain that had just started in my arm, I looked back to where I'd seen that guy had been but he was gone. I gazed up and saw that LeBlanc's room was closed off, I ran up the stairs weaving around people who were on the stairs and went into the room.

It was empty so I sat down on the bed and touched my arm, it hurt even more than before. I used cura on it but it made it worse.

The door opened and to my surprise it was Baralai, he was in fact wearing something completely different than normal.

His hair was still the same but his clothes consisted of black pants and a white Chinese collared shirt, I wondered why he had worn something like that but my arm began to hurt again, I looked back to it hoping he would leave.

"What's the matter with your arm, Paine?" He asked coming closer, I cursed in my mind.

"I just hurt it on some fiend, nothing much, I was going to cast cure on it before you entered," I lied but he touched my arm, before I could stop myself I flinched and swatted his hand away.

"Nothing huh?" He repeated skeptically.

His hand touched by arm again, this time much softer, my heart began to beat wildly as his hand skimmed my skin.

"Can you change into anything so that I can tend to it?" He asked and alarm bells rang off in my head at the thought of my Lady Luck dress-sphere.

"NO!... I um, I'll do it myself, I told you nothing big I just had a bruise there that's all!" I blurted and stood up abruptly.

"I'm not leaving until I'm sure you're OK." He told me firmly standing up and touching my shoulder, my heart raced again...

"I don't have anything I can change into," I lied again knowing full-well that I had Lady Luck with me and my garment grid.

"You're lying, I can tell... come on Paine I swear I won't laugh!" He said kindly lowering his arm. "There must be one dress-sphere that your shoulder isn't covered." He continued.

"It's embarrassing!" I snapped rounding on him and right then I wished I hadn't.

"So there is one!" He accused and then crossed his arms across his chest, "I said I wouldn't laugh, you know!"

I shifted uneasily, it wasn't that I was worried about really, more like how he would react as soon as I'd finished changing... My arm was killing me though, I needed to make a choice, FAST!

"FINE!" I rolled my eyes, man he was persistant... well I was glad he was worried, even if it was just because he was a nice guy.. "OK, I'll change but you have to PROMISE not to laugh or... um stare... agreed?" I looked at him pleadingly and he shrugged.

"I don't understand why you won't trust me Paine, I promise and if I do laugh you can hit me deal?" I gave him a look and he backed away. "So I'd better not laugh huh?" He chuckled and I breathed in and threw up the dress-sphere.

A light engulfed me and the room faded from sight, I slowly felt the outfit of Lady Luck wrap around my body. It took every ounce of self-control not to do that stupid stance of mine. But I was still on the ground because that was how I changed in this dress-sphere. For a split second thoughts flooded into my mind all at once, I turned red in the face and slapped myself mentally, telling me it was ONLY the dress-sphere thinking these thoughts.

I got up and sat down on the bed not even daring to look at him, my face was crimson and I took off the small part of the glove so that we could see the bandage with blood bleeding through. I wondered what he thought of me but shook my head, why should I care, it was ONLY Baralai...

(He he he I know I'm evil!) Baralai's P.O.V

I watched as she changed, wondering what type of outfit would make her this embarrassed, but by the time he was finished I understood why.

Before I could help her up she did so herself and sat down on the bed, I watched as she pulled down her glove and stared at the bandage. I rushed to her side and sat down beside her, momentarily ignoring the blush that was creeping up on my face.

I unwrapped the blood-stained material and examined the gash in her arm, bruised around the edges, no scab, still open and from the look of it the wound had spread, the poison was eating away at the flesh surrounding it.

"Have you tried to use white magic on it?" I asked and she looked startled and then nodded. This wasn't good.

Only one type of poison could have done this, a Ocra's poison if still developing would be an easy task to heal, remedy or antidote could do it. But Over-soul and near death would be devastating. The poison keeps the wound from covering itself and healing and in the same time eats away the flesh. It was almost like the zombie effect, instead of healing the cut it would only make it worse. And wrapping something around it irritated the skin more, the new blood mixed in with the old. The best thing she could of done was to wash it out, but now we needed a kind of potion.

Now I was thankful for all that training in the healing arts as well as fighting, although some of the things we had to examine made people ill...

I took out a small container which held the potion we needed but I had to wash out the wound first. I walked into her bathroom and grabbed a pink towel (the whole bathroom had pink EVERYTHING!) and wet it in the sink. I went back to beside Paine and dabbed around the edges, blood was slowly crawling down her arm.

"Here you need to wash this out," I took her wrist and lightly pulled her to her feet careful of not pulling too hard on the sore arm.

I led her into the bathroom and let the water run on cold, it would stop the blood flow long enough to apply the potion. I made her run it under the water and explained what kind of a cut it was, she simply nodded when I asked if it was a grand Ocra

When the blood had stopped I opened the container and spread it along the outside of the cut, automatically the clear liquids began to cover the cut and create a barrier, and I put the rest on the wound.

I could feel Paine flinch and then go to touch the hurt arm with her hand, I grabbed her wrist and she balled it up into a fist, trying to relieve the obvious severe pain going through her shoulder. This stung a lot and as much as you want to you can't touch it because if you do anything could get into your bloodstream.

I stood there holding her arm and wrist for at least a few minutes until her pain sub-sided.

"My whole right half is numb," She breathed focusing on the sink and then looked up at me, our eyes met and I realized how awkward it must look but I refused to let go of her... just so that she wouldn't accidentally touch it. I wanted to say something, but I was scared to open my mouth and say something stupid. She was so close...

Paine's P.O.V

Where the hell did he learn that, I took first aid to become a recorder for the crimson squad and 'I' didn't know that.

I felt the numbness become a sort of sensation, I looked down and stared amazed: the wound was literally closing up, it became smaller and smaller until it was only a long smaller cut.

I wanted to stay like this, I couldn't believe it but his touch sent shivers up my spine. Did I really feel this strongly towards him, I'd never felt like this before around this what 'it' feels like?

He let go of me but as soon as he did a wave of dizziness swept over me, I fell forward just to have him catch me, I think I was too tired to blush and I blacked out. I couldn't remember if I had a dream but my arm had hurt a lot and it effected my sleeping immensely. Then I felt a sensation come over my body and the pain stopped.

Some time later --(only about a half an hour)-- I awoke to something cold dabbing my face, it stopped when I opened my eyes. I sat up when I saw who was beside me and just barely missed hitting that pole when I did so. He smiled and I felt heat rising to my face, I looked away and noticed that I was back in my warrior outfit, I looked at him with my eyebrow raised, asking my question wordlessly.

"Hey! I put a bandage on your arm and you changed, I swear I did nothing!" He told me defensively, raising his arms as if I was to strike him.

I looked down at my arm, I couldn't even remember how much pain I had felt, It was as if it never happened.

I desperately wanted to tell get away from that position, he kept on smiling at me and I kept on blushing. It felt so weird.

"Thank-you," I managed to mumble even though I didn't ask for his help in the first place.

"You're Welcome, I think you should go downstairs though, I bet Yuna and Rikku probably thought you left." He held out his hand to me, I hesitated before taking it, he helped me up, I smiled.

Maybe I imagined it but I could of sworn he gave my hand a squeeze and then let go.

Going back in time! Normal P.O.V

Baralai caught Paine as she fell but wasn't prepared so he stumbled back a little. He picked up her limp body, carried her to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. He grabbed a bandage from behind the slide mirror and bandaged her arm.

He dared to look at her outfit and then turned away blushing madly, OK so he KIND of liked it, what's wrong with acting like a guy? He hit himself, mentally and fought the urge to look again. What was wrong with him! Since when did he act like this, he needed to get his act together, what exactly was he going to do if she woke up and he was THIS flustered?

A bright light interrupted his thoughts and he turned around to see Paine's outfit glow. She began to toss and turn a cold sweat forming on her face and neck making her messy silver hair plaster to her forehead.

Baralai grabbed a towel and ran cold water over it, he returned to the room and dabbed the sweat off of her forehead. He stopped to brush her bangs away from her eyes. He stroked her cheek softly, unconsciously, he had always wanted to and it hurt him to see her in pain.

He began to dab her face again, her panting stopped and he the cloth away from her face to see that the outfit had stopped glowing and now it was disappearing.

He turned away abruptly but realized that Paine's hand was right near his and he felt a glove covering it, hoping for the best he turned back around slowly and sighed in relief. She had changed back into her default dress-sphere. Unlike the other spheres the Warrior, Gunner and Thief were all based on the three girls, that was why it was their defaults. But the others like Lady Luck or Songstress were spheres of girls in the past.

He placed his hand on her forehead and then took his hand away, she had a fever. He took hold of her hand and color rushed back to her pale face.

She stirred, opening her eyes and he quickly withdrew his hand away from hers. She sat up bolt and was staring at him with a surprised look on her face, he just smiled.

To the present

Paine walked down the stairs with Baralai at her side, she looked around the blush was still on her face. It looked like Yuna and Rikku didn't even notice she had been gone, they were with Gippal and Tidus.

She walked up to Yuna and tapped her on the shoulder, Yuna jumped and spun around to see Paine smiling and shaking her head in amusement.

"Paine! Where were you, we called the Celcius and everything!" Yuna asked frowning slightly.

"I had to bandage my arm." Paine informed her keeping her tone light, as if it didn't matter and nothing had happened.

Yuna looked worried, she gave her a look and put her hands on her hips waiting to hear why her arm needed bandaging and why she hadn't told the other Gullwings about it.

"There a problem?" Asked Paine raising an eyebrow at Yuna, trying to seem that she had no idea what the 'Grand High Summoner' was staring at her for.

"Why didn't you tell us?" She questioned disappointed.

"...I didn't want you to worry it was nothing," Paine told her feeling like she had said that same three words a thousand times just that night to various people.

Where Rikku and Gippal are

Gippal and Rikku had just caught a glimpse of Paine and Baralai come out of the room and then separate. They were both trying to figure out what had happened in the room and why the two were both blushing.

"E tuh'd drehg Baralai fuimt syga y suja, ra'c duu cdyht-uvvecr yht cro du ajah ycg ran uid," Rikku said thoughtfully putting her finger to her cheek in thought.

(I don't think Baralai would make a move, he's too stand-offish and shy to even ask her out)

"Oayr, yht Paine fuimt bnupypmo dinh res tufh ev ra ycgat, fuhtan fryd syta dras pudr pmicr..." Gippal agreed and then took a sip of his red non-alcoholic drink.

(Yeah, and Paine would probably turn him down if he asked, wonder what made them both blush)

Actually mostly everyone was having the non-alcoholic punch, supposing that fact that they didn't want to get drunk because they had to get home. The punch had small pieces of strawberry floating around the top that Rikku just couldn't get enough of.

"Drehg ra fymgat eh uh ran (Think he walked in on her)?" Rikku smiled evilly and Gippal raised an eyebrow in interest.

"Oui ghuf, ra tet damm sa ra megat ran frah fa fana eh dra lnescuh cxiyt, lnicrac tea rynt...(You know, he did tell me he liked her when we were in the crimson squad, crushes die hard...)" he trailed off as Baralai walked over an said hello, almost immediately wishing he hadn't.

"So Navigator what exactly happened between you and Paine in LeBlanc's room?" Rikku asked using Gippal's nickname for him.

It took Baralai less than one second to turn red in the face and look away embarrassed.

"N-Nothing!" He answered pouring himself a drink.

"Nothing you say, well then why did you both come out of her room blushing, hmn? I mean if nothing happened..." She pressed on pressuring him, smiling with fake sincerity.

"She needed help bandaging her arm, OK?" He admitted, Rikku and Gippal exchanged unimpressed looks.

"That's it, that's all that happened?" Asked Gippal unbelievingly.

Baralai gave him a questioning look but the blonde Al Bhed's waved it off and then acknowledged Tidus and Yuna who were coming towards the small group.

"Heya newbie," Called Gippal obviously talking to Tidus who smiled and waved.

Rikku rolled her eyes, more nicknames...

Baralai almost didn't realize that this guy wasn't Shuyin, he calmly reminded himself that Shuyin was in the farplane. In fact once you really looked: Tidus looked younger than Shuyin, although they had the same hair style, height and similar clothes Tidus had a more boyish face and attitude while Shuyin had a more grown up look to him. Tidus had sky blue eyes while Shuyin had deeper, darker ocean blue ones, the kind of eyes that belonged to someone who knew things they didn't want to.

"Hey, I'm Tidus." Said the blonde blitz-ball player extending his hand in greeting.

Baralai took it and shook it firmly, "Baralai, nice to meet you." Gippal began to chat with Tidus, Rikku and Yuna looked around for Paine.

Baralai took this time to slip away and fidget with something in his pocket, he started towards Nooj who was looking like a lost puppy beside an over-energetic LeBlanc. The woman looked ecstatic!

Nooj had arrived shortly after Paine had Baralai had disappeared into the bed-room. He wasn't too impressed with LeBlanc but stayed anyway. There had been a line of people giving him their gifts.

"Hey Nooj," Baralai said walking up to him.

"Help me," Whined the Meyvn pathetically and then shot LeBlanc a sideways glance.

The Preator chuckled and then reached into his pocket and pulled out an orange sphere.

"Happy Birthday," He told him and then handed him the sphere, "It's from two years ago, not really worth anything but I thought you might like to have it." Baralai bowed and then walked away.

"Ooh Noojie, it's time for the dancing!" Cried LeBlanc and she dragged him into the second room, the lights dimmed and in a minute the Syndicate Leader's voice rang throughout the party, silencing everyone.

"Hello and thank-you for coming, Now I would like to welcome up our musicians! Everyone give them a warm welcome!" Baralai slipped into the crowded room to see the Musicians from Macalania Woods take the stage.

They began a slow melodic tune that he had only heard once before when he had first entered Guadosolam, but he had barely paid attention to it. It was beautiful and many couples had covered the dance floor, these included Nooj and LeBlanc, Tidus and Yuna, Wakka and Lulu, Gippal and Rikku and many more. It was called 'memories of waves and light' (It's the song that starts up in the opening credits when you start up the game).

He took a seat at a empty and clean table near the corner of the room and watched as the enchanted music made all those who listened to it dance. He hadn't anyone to dance with, that was until he saw Paine enter the room.

He sighed, 'Well better at least ask her before giving up' He thought and then made his way across the room to where she was standing.

"Paine?" He tapped her on the shoulder and she turned towards him startled, obviously not seeing him while he was crossing the long spacious hall.

"Hmn?" She replied suddenly looking at the ground, finding the tiles on the floor quite 'interesting'.

"Would you like to dance?"

A small smile crept on her lips as she nodded and took his hand, for some reason the sensation that sent through her hand as she touched his didn't seem to bother her. She thought it could mean one of two things, she liked it or she was used to it.

Paine's P.O.V

I didn't know why he effected me this way, I didn't know how I could have been smiling and blushing at the same time, I didn't know why I was feeling so happy then. I didn't know anything. All I knew was that the emotions I was feeling were happy ones, it scared me a little. I had felt this before with everyone: not wanting to know them, Yuna, Rikku, the Gullwings but I had gotten over that. It was just Baralai that I couldn't get close to, I wanted to, but couldn't. I don't want to be hurt again. If only I could see him outside of work... not have to worry about boundries.

The song died away, and then I ran away without a word, the doors were open so I ended up outside.

I stopped when I was in front of the Farplane, slowly I walked to the entranceway and disappeared into it.

I looked around me, pyerflies circled the ledge of rock floating in what looked like a valley with beautiful flowers, otherwise known as the Farplane glen.

'Why did Shuyin have to go an screw everything up?' I asked myself, but I was momentarily alerted as the pyerflies joined to make a mirror image of Shuyin.

"You are in rest now with Lenne,-" Lenne suddenly appeared beside him "-Yuna has found Tidus, Rikku and Gippal are in love. But my life is still screwed up, no matter how much I try to forget and move on those memories still haunt me." I started to pace around in front of the image before me.

"Why can't I be happy? People are at peace no one is fighting anymore, all around me my friends have found what they are looking for... yet I'm still confused.

"So how am I supposed to find what my answer is?" I asked him, as if he would actually answer me, "It's your fault this happened and you get a happy ending, how fair is that?" I glared at him and then at Lenne, they both looked so happy.

I was jealous, simple but powerful. I wanted everything to fall into place for me just like it did for everybody else. It was like Yuna had said, all the threads will eventually meet. What did I do, fallow the wrong one? At some point in time did I turn down the road that led to questions instead of answers?

When Yuna and I had met I didn't really wonder about what would have happened after we defeated Shuyin. I just assumed that everything would be all right in the world for everyone, but it didn't. I can't look at Baralai without remembering all these horrid memories... Were we the only two in Spira who didn't get something out of this? Maybe I was just being naive and selfish with my feelings, Baralai had been through a lot and so had everyone else but don't I at least deserve an answer to why I'm not truly happy?

"Damn it, why can't I get some answers!" I yelled as the pyerflies disappeared erasing the image of Shuyin.

"Maybe you're trying to hard to get them?" Came a voice from behind me.

"What is it Rikku?"

"Nothing. I came to check up on you, one of the Mr. Goons told me you ran up to the Farplane so I fallowed." Rikku explained and then I heard her footsteps come closer.

"So, what answers are you looking for, and don't give me that crap about it's none of my business 'cause it hasn't stopped me from asking before." She said airily.

Rikku's P.O.V

Silence stretched out between us, her back was to me but I was sure she was thinking about what to say. I rolled my eyes and walked up to her, did she always have to be so secretive, I don't understand people like her she reminds me too much of Auron.

The pyerflies began to react but I quickly thought of someone who was alive.

"So what are you trying to get answers to?" I pushed on.

"Why my story doesn't have all the pages and yours does." She finally spoke, but her words puzzled me a little.

"Maybe you need to write the next ones yourself?" I suggested, she didn't answer. "Come on the party's just getting started, we still need to do our little act, remember?"

Normal P.O.V

Paine and Rikku returned to the party just as Buddy and Shinra entered Guadosolam.

Nooj, LeBlanc, Tidus, Yuna and Gippal were waiting for them but surprisingly didn't want to know anything on where they had been.

"Happy Birthday Nooj, here these are presents from the three of us," Buddy said and handed Nooj and LeBlanc a sort of ticket each, "It's a weeks vacation in that resort just near Kilika Port." Buddy added.

"Isn't that the new small island they found? This must have cost a lot of mon-" Nooj started but Buddy and Shinra didn't want to hear it.

"That's nice Nooj, Anyways girls come over here for a minute," Shinra took the three girls off to the side and gave them each two tickets each. "Buddy and I think you three deserve it, so pick anyone to come with you, it's next monday. We'll wait for you on the Celcius, and DON'T TELL BROTHER" He warned and then he and Buddy started towards the Celcius.

Yuna smiled, she walked over to Tidus and gave him her second ticket. Rikku smirked and ran over to Gippal.

"Hey Gippal, you see I have these tickets and I don't know who I should take..." She teased, "Maybe I could take Nhadala..."

Just then the doors opened and Baralai exited the mansion, to see where everyone had gone. Paine stood off to the side gripping her two tickets tightly in her hand; it was a perfect opportunity.

'"So what are you trying to get answers to?" Rikku had pushed on and Auron disappeared.

"Why my story doesn't have all the pages and yours does." Paine finally spoke, but her words puzzled the Al Bhed a little.

"Maybe you need to write the next ones yourself?" '

"Baralai?" Paine called and the Preator turned towards her, she took his hand and pulled him to the side.

So what if she got hurt, it was a part of life and she needed to get used to it, if she waited for her life to fall into place it would probably never happen, so she would write it herself.

"Here, Buddy and Shinra gave them to me, I want you to come. And we'll pick you up." She handed him the ticket and then retreated back to where Rikku, Yuna and Tidus were ready to enter the party again.

Baralai was still shocked he looked at the tickets and smiled, he caught Nooj giving him a look, it seemed to be a releived one but Baralai suddenly realized what this meant: one week off, he was going to be murdered when he got back. They had wanted him to work EXTRA since he got the night off, not LESS.

When he got back into the party everyone was in the main hall, the lights were out and the stage was the only thing that was lit, aside from the candles on the cround tables. Baralai walked over to where Gippal was, he was sitting at the same table as Lulu, Wakka and Nooj (LeBlanc was up on stage hooking up the mics).

"So Baralai, Paine invited you?" Asked Gippal so everyone could hear and then lowered his voice so that the other people talking drowned him out, only Baralai could hear, "Well you'd better use that to your advantage, she obviously likes you!"

Instead of blushing Baralai just nodded and then they all turned their attention to LeBlanc who had just began to speak.

"I'm pleased to bring you none other than the Gullwings preforming a song for you all!" She cried into her own microphone and everyone fell silent.

The lights went completely out, Baralai could barly make out the three girls profiles on the stage, then a song started up.

Paine's P.O.V

I looked around at the crowd, the small lights from the candle's just illuminating their faces, I saw Gippal wave at Rikku and looked beside him to find Baralai. I blushed at the selection of the song and half of me hoped he would take it for real, the other hated Rikku for choosing it.

Below us was all of our dress-spheres, during the song as a specail effect we could change dress-spheres by just thinking of them, right now I was in my Warrior, Rikku in Theif and Yuna in Gunner. Shinra had also made a little trick just for the occasion, when the lights went on the audience could only see the person singing, the other microphones had a spell of shell, reflect and a few more that created an invisible wall.

I took a deep breath in and held the microphone up to just before my mouth, I was the first one to sing. It made my insides squirm everytime in practise, but now I thought I was going to faint. The song started and the spotlight landed on me.

"How many times have I lost my heart?

I can't remember, it always ended with goodbye"

I knew by the gasps I had disappeared to them, I directed my attention to Rikku who was now the one singing.

"And just when I needed time To get myself together

That's when I saw you And the promise in your eyes"

Rikku disappeared and then Yuna began to sing:

"I was captured by romance My heart never had a chance

Tell me where do I begin? oh"

Then the chorus began and all three of us sang it together

"Now that I'm in, over my head again

When will I ever learn

That I'm in too deep

To ever let you go-" I focused my thoughts on a certain dress-sphere and all three of us were envolpoed in light, "Now that I'm loved,

It's out of my hands again

And the time moves slowly

Over my Head, Over my head"

In the background a back-up voice sang "No, no boy" and it echoed three times, Yuna's body was seen before everyone then on the second echo they all saw Rikku, the third everyone saw me, but it was so fast that I was sure no one saw my dress-sphere.

"Just when I thought it was much to late

For taking chances

All my lessons have been learned, mmm" Sang Yuna, now in her Gun Mage dress-sphere, making small actions with her hands to emphisize the part of the song.

It was my turn and everyone could now see that I was in the White Mage dress-sphere, my staff was gone however:

"You walked through my door

And broke down my defences

And now I'm standing at the point of no return" I couldn't help but let a smile curve up my lips as I locked gazes with Baralai before disappearing.

I could make out Gippal's eyes go huge as Rikku began to sing, Yuna now invisible surpressed a giggle and we exchanged looks, Rikku was in Lady Luck.

"When I heard you call my name

I knew my world would never be the same Hope this feeling never ends."

Then once again we all sang the chorus, I began to glow as I thought of my second-last sphere:

"Now that I'm in, over my head again

When will I ever learn

That I'm in too deep

To ever let you go

Now that I'm loved,

It's out of my hands again

And the time moves slowly

Over my Head, Over my head"

"I was captured by romance

My heart never had a chance" I disappeared in my Trainer Dress-sphere

"I could lose or I could win" Sang Yuna in her Songstress dress-sphere.

"But I know, I'm back in love again" Rikku sang in Alchemsist

We finished off the last chorus, then repeated until it faded, during it all we each thought of the same dress-sphere, each time we'd finshed changing into one we switched to another, I was almost hesitant when Lady Luck came on but then I was greatful for the song to end.

"Now that I'm in, over my head again

When will I ever learn

That I'm in too deep

To ever let you go

Now that I'm loved,

It's out of my hands again

And the time moves slowly

Over my Head,

Over my head

When will I ever learn

That I'm in too deep

To ever let you go

Now that I'm loved,

It's out of my hands again

And the time moves slowly

Over my Head, Over my head"

The lights turned on, I gave my mike to the guy off to the side and then waved to Baralai before leaving the party and entering the Air Ship Celcius in the Thunder Plains. I had just turned around when Yuna, Rikku and Tidus had got on and saw Baralai waving to me. I blushed and waved back again as the hatch closed, blocking him from view.

USK! E vehecrat! Tuac y meddma jelduno tyhla UG cu E dneat y meddma duu rynt du kad dra tabdr uv Paine's druikrdc pid ed duug sa y pmuuto suhdr du fneda drec cu oui ryt paddan ybbnaleyda ed! E YMCU ryt du lid y mud uid pid ed fyc fundr ed E cibbuca. Dra cuhk fyc y hela duilr du aht ed, ev oui fyhd du rayn dra cuhk pio Fusyh yht cuhkc 7, ed'c hispan 17. Yht ed'c lymmat 'Ujan So Rayt' Po Sherrie Lee.

Po dra fyc ed'c dra aht uv clruum yht E kud ymsucd YMM 80-100 banlahd eh so cipzaldc yceta vnus 2ht Myhkiyka Lincac ran daylran vun kejehk ran 78'c yht 79'c Cra RYC du zicd becc sa uvv po uha banlahd! UHA BANLAHD TYSH-ED! Ar, ur famm E ryt vih, E buinat y mud ehdu drec cu ruba oui mega ed N & N! Vmysac yna famlusa, E naymmo haat cusa cikkacdeuhc vun fryd cruimt rybbah fedr Paine yht Baralai haqd lrybdan (Frah drao ku du dra fydan-byng).

Tori: OMG! I finished! Does a little victory dance OK so I tried a little too hard to get the depth of Paine's thoughts but it took me a bloody month to write this so you had better appreciate it! I ALSO had to cut a lot out but it was worth it I suppose. The song was a nice touch to end it, if you want to hear the song buy Woman and songs 7, it's number 17. And it's called 'Over My Head' By Sherrie Lea.

By the was it's the end of school and I got almost ALL 80-100 percent in my subjects aside from 2nd Language Curses her teacher for giving her 78's and 79's She HAS to just piss me off by one percent! ONE PERCENT DAMN-IT! Eh, oh well I had fun, I poured a lot into this so hope you like it R & R! Flames are welcome, I really need some suggestions for what should happen with Paine and Baralai next chapter (When they go to the water-park).