
I wrote this while I was writing my research paper. It made my sentimental friends cry like babies. Then again, they cried when WHR was over and when InuYasha and Kikyo were kissing by Kagome and when Amon left Robin in chapter 5 of Amon's Dream and when Amon and Robin were running in espoide 15 of WHR. They are such sappy babies. Alomost done with my research paper and I'll post a new chapter of LTP2 on Thursday. This story is not related to LTP2.

I am alone in the Darkness

This always happens

No matter what I do, I end up alone

Why does this happen?

What did I do wrong?

What did I do to deserve...this?

What can I do to keep you near?

To keep you from leaving me too?

Why did you go?

They left me, they all left me

Will you go too?

You closed your eyes then whispered,

"I'm sorry, I must."

FINE! GO! LEAVE! I don't care...

I lied to you and to myself what I said as you left me

I wanted to say no...

As you turned to leave my heart screamed NO!

I will not let you leave

I will not let you go

My...reason? My reason you ask?

I...uhhh...your powers.

Your powers, yeah. That is the reason you cannot be alone

If your power corrupts you, I will be there to stop you

I will be your watchdog

I will be your warden

I will be your dark guardian angel

I shall protect the world from you if need be

But my heart tells me something different

I ignored it for far too long

I will start listening now

It tells me I have-


I need, I want to protect you from the world

I will protect the world from you

Just as I protect you from the world

You can be so naive yet wise beyond your years at the same moment

You are so simple-minded that you are, in fact, complex

While I am with you I will learn

I will find out what you do to me to make me feel this way

I will find out what makes you act the way you do

But I still feel alone even when our bodies are near

No matter how close we are


Am I cursed to be alone?

Or are you destined to be mine?

I am alone...

I will always be...alone

They took you from me




"I have to go Amon. Please forgive me and move on.

Please forget love."


I refuse to be alone

I will not let you leave

I will not let you go

I will never forget!

I refuse to be alone anymore

I will fight to protect you

I will die for you

I will give up my life for you

But you...still managed to slip away

We were so close to freedom

And then you left me...




Once again...I am...alone...

"You'll never be alone."

Your voice breaks the thick silence of death

You have broken the chains of fate that bind me, that binds us

"One day you'll understand

You'll never be alone..."

Your last words to me

" you...

You'll never be alone..."

One day I will understand

I will

I promise

Not today, not tomorrow, but one day

I...will never be...alone?

"You'll never be alone."

You said smiling at me, it was one of your last gifts to me

Yes, I understand now

I will never be alone

I won't ever be alone!


We are together in the light

A/N: This is the beginning of a new story. I'll try to do both. The fist chapter to this should be up by Friday at the most. I hope you like, R&R and ask questions if you don't get this story or my other one.