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Chapter 3: List of Things Not to Do

Sitting back in front of his computer, he contacted Shane, Dustin and Tori as promised with the verdict on Hunter's condition. Dustin and Tori took the news, extended get-well-soon wishes and that was it. Only Shane wanted to discuss it since he was the leader of the Rangers (although Hunter and Blake may voice a disagreement).

"Here's hoping that the Squirrel doesn't come back any time soon. It sounds like Hunter's going to need all the rest he can get."

"He does have a concussion, so I'd like him to stay as calm as possible for the next few days. Blake and Dustin have already said that they would talk to Kelly since he won't be working either."

"Lothor probably knows that Hunter's hurt," Shane sighed. "If he does, we'll be seeing that Squirrel too soon."

"And if I know Hunter, he'll want to be right in the middle of things. And him playing swordfight with that thing won't end well."

"You don't think he'd let you take his morpher as a precaution, do you?"

"Would you let anyone take yours?"

"That would happen over my dead body. Point taken."

"Anyway, even if I were to ask, Blake would be all over my case. And I have a feeling that little brother can be just as protective as big brother."

"Probably learned it from big brother."

"Probably did, but was well-served," Cam replied, referring to the troubled past the two Bradley brothers shared.

"I'll be by in the morning. Call me if anything happens."

"Will do."


The next day came, finding three Wind ninjas training while Blake stayed with Hunter and Cam kept an eye out for any alien attacks.

When the alarm sounded, Cam found himself flanked by three ninjas. But it was the last two that joined him that made him react. He turned to see Blake standing with Hunter just behind him, his forearms resting on his little brother's shoulders.

"Hunter, you're not going anywhere," Cam pointedly said.

"I've already told him that," Blake replied.

"I just want to know what's going on," Hunter said.

Cam stood, pointing to the chair while staring at Hunter. There was no mistake what the wordless order was. Hunter sat in the chair, then felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked to see the familiar hand that belonged to his brother.

"No morphing," was all Blake said before joining the others to morph and face the Squirrel.

Hunter watched the battle not go well. But the five soon returned when the Squirrel retreated. When Cam approached him, Hunter moved to stand, but Cam motioned for him to stay where he was. Blake sat by his brother while the other four were scattered around the room with Sensei on the console near Hunter.

"What is with that thing?" Shane asked. "It was kicking our butts, but retreated."

"Lothor is up to something," Hunter stated. "Although it's something I'd rather forget, I remember using this strategy, beforeā€¦"

Hunter trailed off, not needing to finish the thought. He felt Blake lean against his leg, and he looked down, mussing his brother's hair slightly.

"Yeah, but what?" Dustin asked, breaking the silence.

"That's the 64-million-dollar question," Cam answered with a shrug.

"Maybe they're trying to lure Hunter out. They know he's hurt, maybe they want to take advantage of that," Blake suggested grimly.