Hi guys! I hope that you like this story. It took me forever to come up with the plot and everything. I don't own anything except for the plot and some characters.

Harry woke up at the sound of baby cries and got up quickly running to the nursery.

Harry looked down into the crib of a baby around the age of 10 months. Her mother had died giving birth to her. The 30- year-old looked at her and picked her up.

"What is it now Annabelle? I just put you to sleep 4 hours ago." Said Harry, sitting down on the pink rocking chair.

Harry glanced over in the corner and checked on his son. His name was Caden; this was his first son with his now dead wife, Alyssa.

"Are you sleepy now princess?" asked Harry as he fed her a warm bottle.

Annabelle looked up at him and blinked. Harry never realized how much she looked like her mother. She had the same blond hair and perfect sea blue eyes that Harry absolutely loved. While he was thinking, Caden woke up and walked over to his father.

"Dad, when are we getting a new mum?" asked the 11 year old.

"I don't know son. I just can't go out there and ask any old girl to marry me. We have to be in love." Said Harry, pulling him into his lap.

As they sat there rocking back and forth Harry and his kids fell asleep at the sounds of the rain hitting the window. Harry woke up the next morning with a terrible neck ache. Caden was gone and so was Annabelle.

'Oh great. They're both gone. Well Annabelle couldn't have gone far, she just learned how to crawl.' Said Harry to himself.

Harry walked out of the room and headed towards the kitchen where all the noise seemed to be coming from. He stopped dead in his tracks. Caden had made a huge mess, there were egg shells and flour all over the place and puddles of milk and water.


"I'm sorry dad. I was hungry and you weren't up yet. Please don't get mad at me." Said Caden, handing his father a plate of something that Harry didn't want to eat.

He looked at his son and saw how important it would be if he just tried a little. I mean it wouldn't kill him, or would it?

Harry took a spoonful and put it up to his lips and looked at his son one more time. He placed it in his mouth and started to chew. He felt the eggshells and the uncooked chunks of flour and egg.

"Yummy, good, tasty." Harry lied taking a huge gulp of pumpkin juice that was handed to him.

When he finished the revolting plate of food he looked all over for his daughter.

"Caden, where is your sister?" asked Harry, not able to hear her moving or making any noise.

"Um, I think she went outside." He said, looking around him.

"Outside...oh no." was all that Harry could say. He ran out the back porch sliding doors and around to the front.

He found Annabelle covered in wet chalk from his briefcase.

"Oh sweetheart, how did you get this?" asked Harry looking around and using his wand to help clean her up.

During the school year ever since he left school 13 years ago (I think that's right?) he became the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts. He had met Alyssa there while he was still in school and had gotten her pregnant with Caden, so when school let out he married her and they lived in the house that her family had built for them. She too was a teacher. She had taught Charms. Now it seemed there was a new teacher that Harry didn't feel like talking to.

Harry winced at those memories and carried Annabelle back into the house.

"So where was she?" asked Caden, he had taken a shower and had gotten dressed.

Harry gave him a cold stare and pointed to his room.

"But what did I do?" asked Caden as he followed his dad into his room.

"You are suppose to watch your sister. She could have gotten hurt, you could have gotten hurt this morning trying to cook." Said Harry, running his fingers through his hair revealing his scar.

"I'm sorry dad. I didn't mean to get you mad." Caden said, looking down at his perfectly clean shoes.

Harry looked at his only son and placed a hand on his shoulder that made him look up. Harry looked deep into his turquoise blue eyes. They were a mixture of his green ones and his wife's blue ones. His hair was dirty blond and sticking up at the back.

Harry couldn't help but smile. When Annabelle took hold of his hair, trying to pull it off he snapped back.

He gave her to Caden and told him to go and make sure that everything was packed and ready for school. The train would be leaving in 2 hours.

Harry quickly got ready and packed his clothes and Annabelle's clothes since she would also have to come with him. He put all of their things in the trunk of his SUV and they took off towards downtown London.

"Dad, how are you getting to school?" asked Caden as they sharply turned a corner.

"I'm going to drop you off at the train station and then Annabelle and I'll floo from the Leaky Cauldron. I'll get there way before you do." Said Harry finding a great parking space in the front of the building.

They quickly loaded Caden's things onto a cart and stopped in front of the barrier between 9 and 10.

"This is what you do. Make sure you run straight at it and don't stop. Make sure that no muggles see you. We aren't suppose to be found out about." Said Harry, giving his son a hug and a small bag of coins for the ride.

"I love you. Be careful." Harry said, pushing him along.

"Love you too dad." Said Caden, throwing a rock at a train so that all attention was in that direction and running through."

Annabelle made some bubbles with her spit and tried to take off Harry's glasses.

"You are a destructive little thing aren't you?" Harry asked her but she paid no mind and put her chew toy in her mouth.

She was starting to grow teeth. She had one already and it hurt her like crazy so she had to chew on everything she got in her hands.

Harry buckled her in and started on the way to the pub down the street. He used his wand to make all of his luggage and car pocket size and he placed them, in his pocket.

"Good afternoon Mr. Potter. This is your little boys big day isn't it?" asked the bartender.

"Yes. This is Annabelle. This is my last child, Alyssa died giving birth to her ten months ago." Said Harry.

"I'm sorry sir. The floo powder is over there waiting for you like always. Have a good year." Said the bar tender going back to his work.

Harry took a handful and stepped into the fireplace and took a tight grip on Annabelle.

"The Great Hall!" exclaimed Harry and he was engulfed in a wave of green flames.

Annabelle laughed because the fire wasn't hot or cold. It had a weird warm sensation that surrounded you. Finally it stopped and Harry rolled out of the fireplace at Dumbledore's feet.

"Well good afternoon Mr. Potter. I see you've brought a guest with you this time. What might her name be?" asked Dumbledore picking her up.

"This is Annabelle. As you know, Alyssa died giving birth to her ten months ago." Said Harry, dusting himself off.

"I'm so sorry. Please come to my office, we're having a teachers meeting." Said Dumbledore, taking big strides to the Great hall doors leading to the entrance hall.

Harry followed the best he could up the steps until they reached the fifth floor and Dumbledore said the password. Pumpkin Pasties.

The gargoyle moved over to the side and the staircase winded up to the top where all the other teachers were waiting for them to arrive.

"Hello Harry said a familiar voice from behind as he let Annabelle wander about the office. Harry quickly turned around and came face to face with Hermione Granger. His second good friend. He hadn't seen her since he left school.

"Hi Hermione. What are you doing here?" asked Harry casually.

"I just started. I'm the new charms teacher. Professor Granger if you please." Hermione joked.

"Oh. My wife used to be the charms teacher until she died ten months ago giving birth to Annabelle. I have a son that's coming this year. His name's Caden." Said Harry, moving a sharp object out of reach for Annabelle.

"I'm so sorry Harry. You must have gotten her pregnant during school for Caden to be 11 already." Said Hermione sitting down.

"Yeah it was during 7th year over the summer. But then I eventually married her of course." Said Harry quickly before Hermione got the wrong idea.

"I see. I've never been married nor have I any kids. I'm waiting for that special someone to come along and sweep me off my feet you know." Said Hermione, a dazed look on her face.

"Well I hope you find that person." Harry said thoughtfully.

'I've already found him. It's you Harry, why do you think I never wrote you any letters when I found out you got married. I was jealous of that wife of yours.' Hermione said to herself.

"Thank you Harry. I hope you find someone to love again." Said Hermione, getting up and walking away to talk to the new divination teacher, Professor Odet Pearson.

Everyone talked for a while and then they had a 2 hour meeting about the prefects and the head boy and girl. Then they discussed what was to be happening that year and how they were going to take care of Annabelle.

"I think maybe, when one teacher doesn't have a class they should take care of her or I can just keep her in my class with me all day. That wouldn't be too hard for me." Said Harry, covering her up with a blanket.

"I think that's a wonderful idea. Or we can have a student look after her during half of the day and the other half, hand her to someone else." Said McGonagall.

"Is there anyone else with any other ideas. If not we shall take a vote on which one should be better." Said Dumbledore, looking around.

No one had anything else to say so Dumbledore asked the sorting hat which idea was more likely to work out.

"I think that Mr. Potter's idea might work with her being in his class all day. The student taking care of her would get distracted and not paying attention." Said the Sorting Hat.

"Well then, it's decided. Annabelle Grace Potter will for the rest of the year be taken care of by Harry and any other teacher who has too much time on their hands." Announced Dumbledore looking around the table and resting on the sleeping form of Annabelle.

When the meeting was over, Harry went straight to his room with a big picture of a storybook mermaid guarding the doorway.

"Hello Harry. What's the password this year?" she asked, tying a shell into her hair.

"Giant squid." Said Harry, adjusting Annabelle on his hip.

"If you wish it." Said the mermaid as she opened for him to crawl through.

Harry had his own mini common room. The walls were a deep red and he also had red carpets too. He checked the bathroom and it was the same. A small shower, a bath the size of a small pool, a counter with three sinks and a wall length mirror and white tile floors. He then checked his room. The same. A king sized bed with hangings, a sit-in window with pillows. And a crib for Annabelle.

Harry took out his trunk and pulled out his robes and slipped them on. Then he picked up Annabelle again and headed for Hermione's room. For some reason he was drawn to her. Her hair wasn't bushy but still had its curls; her body was short and perfectly curved. And something about her eyes Harry couldn't forget.

When he reached her room he knocked on the door because he didn't know the password. Hermione greeted him in a vanilla scented bath towel.

"Can you please excuse my appearance. I just took a shower." Said Hermione, blushing.

"It's alright. I wanted to talk to you on our way to dinner." Said Harry as Annabelle slowly woke up and looked at her new surroundings.

Hermione rushed into her room and came back out, her hair in a messy bun. Harry also noticed that she had on make-up. She had dark blue eye shadow and white eyeliner. Her lipstick was called mood gloss because it showed how she was feeling. She had made it herself and had made a fortune. Right now the color was pink for shyness.

"I'm sorry again. I wasn't expecting anyone let alone you." Said Hermione, watching Annabelle try and crawl into her lap. She picked her up and placed her there.

"I'd be careful if I were you. She just got two teeth and she's been biting stuff. Her favorite thing right now is her brother." Said harry, smiling.

"I understand. Don't you think we should get going, the students will be here shortly and I'm dying to see your son." Said Hermione, taking Annabelle in her arms.

"Wow, she's heavy for 10 months." Said Hermione going down the steps.

"She kind of is. I think it's because I'm still feeding her that baby formula instead of regular milk. She was only born in December." Said Harry, helping Hermione down the last flight of steps.

"Oh I see. So we'll be celebrating her first birthday at Hogwarts?" asked Hermione going through the big oak doors, and down the isles of now empty tables and benches.

"Yes, I suppose so. And Caden's birthday was two weeks ago making it August 18th." Said Harry, pulling out Hermione's chair for her.

"Did he have fun?" asked Hermione, getting a highchair from professor Snape for Annabelle.

Harry told her all about his birthday and how they went to the zoo and Harry asked a snake a question that Caden had always wanted to ask and how he had to pay a lot extra for him to get to ride an elephant.

"He has the best father in all the world." Said Hermione as the 2nd years and above walked into the Great Hall.

"I hope they be careful out on that lake tonight. Looks like it's going to rain." Said Hermione, looking at the enchanted roof.