Chapter 1
New story. Taking on the challenge of the character Sesshomaru. If you bear with me it could prove interesting. Advice is most certainly welcome. And so I begin. I don't own Inuyasha.
A soft breeze floated into the cool, shaded room through the open window. It played with the strands of silver hair, moving them to obscure her face. With a single clawed finger, he brushed the stray wisps away, lingering on her warm, soft cheek.
Shifting to settle into a cross-legged position, he regarded the sleeping form before him with guarded golden eyes. He sighed lightly. Lifting his head, he gazed passively out the window, at the rustling trees and early evening sun.
"When?" He murmured absentmindedly, still gazing out of the window detachedly.
Gracefully, he stood to return to the clearing, where he had told the child and the toad to wait.
He had left them by a stream, the stream he followed now, in a field dotted with wildflowers, much to Rin's delight. Before he had even departed, she had begun to weave them into scented jewelry and Jaken had begun his incessant grumblings about the carefree child.
Their scent entered his nose long before he heard her gleeful cries.
"My Lord Sesshomaru!" the child, bubbling with innocence, giggled and skipped towards the majestic demon lord.
"Why Lord Sesshomaru insists on the presence of that annoying twit, always with us, always bouncing and running and asking such meaningless questions..." Jaken trailed off into intelligible grumbling as he approached Sesshomaru.
"I chose to keep the girl Jaken. Surely you do not doubt my judgment?" He whispered, teasing the imp with a malicious tone.
The toad's mouth dropped. "No! My Lord! I simply... Uh... I... My Lord! I would never doubt the soundness of you decisions Lord Sesshomaru!" He stuttered, flopping down at his master's feet.
Ignoring wailed pleas, he motioned simply to the cowering toad and the still prancing Rin.
Shaken, Jaken wobbled to his feet and followed the great demon Lord.
Rin, heedless of the conflict, which had just occurred, continued to run and twirl, bejeweled with wildflowers.. She danced as she ran after the long regal steps of the Lord of the Westernlands.
Short, but it was just supposed to get your attention and keep you wondering who this "Sleeping Beauty" is. So did it work? Read and Review please!