This is my newer humor fic. You do not have to know anything about Ranma 1/2 in order to enjoy this, though it may help a little of you do. Oh forget it What I'm trying to say that is you have no idea whatsoever what Ranma 1/2 is, you're okay! And yes, this is an inukag fic. If you want to know about what I think of Kikyou vs. Kagome, then here it is.

I greatly dislike Kagome. I think Kikyou is awesome. Inu/Kag is okay, I guess. Inu/Kik rocks.

There you go. Confused? So am I.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Ranma 1/2.


Inuyasha and Miroku were running on a small path in the forest. Inuyasha looked irritated, while Miroku had a slight grin on his face.


"What?!" Inuyasha hollared, with a surprised yet angry expression. "Kagome! We came all the way here, we even went over the sea, you can't tell me that you're backing out of it now!" He told her. "I'm sorry, Inuyasha, but I feel terrible. I can't go jewel hunting today..." She murmured, leaning up against a tree, sweating. Sango was kneeling next to her.

"You two can find it on your own, can't you?" Sango asked, looking up at them. "But--" Inuyasha began, but was cut of by Kagome. "The jewel shard is about five miles southeast of here..." She told them. Inuyasha blinked. Kagome sighed, and pointed southeast. "That way."

"Kagome, we'll never be able to find it! You've got to come along!" Inuyasha protested. "Inuyasha, I can't. I'm sure you'll fine it... after all, it's not moving, and it hasn't been ever since I first sensed it. It's just lying there." She said. Inuyasha glared at her. "Kagome, you're going to come with us whether you like it or n--" "Inuyasha, sit."

--End of flashback--

Inuyasha let out a deep growl. Miroku glanced at him. "It won't be that bad, Inuyasha. besides, we're almost around the area where Lady Kagome sensed the jewel shard." He pointed out, "We should arrive in the area any time now." Just then, many tall, thin poles came into view as the forest around them dissapeared.

"What's this?" Miroku wondered aloud, as they entered the area. He then caught sight of a sign that read 'Jusenkyou--training grounds'.

"Jusenkyou training grounds?" Inuyasha asked, after seeing the sign as well. There were many small springs, and tall bamboo sticks arising from the water. "Not very impressive for a training ground, is it?" Inuyasha asked, with a small smirk on his face. "Do you see that, Inuyasha?" Miroku asked, changing the subject. "See what?" Inuyasha asked, but then noticed what Miroku had been looking at.

It was faint, but it was there. It was a small pinkish glow, coming from the edge of one of the outside springs. "A jewel shard!" They said, in unison, and hurried over to it. "It's just sitting here?" Miroku asked, with a blink. "Heh. Just making it easier for us." Inuyasha laughed, but then suddenly looked over Miroku's shoulder, surprised. He then narrowed his eyes, angrily. "Naraku!" He shouted, making a motion to the tetsusaiga.

Miroku looked surprised, but then spun around to look where Inuyasha was glaring, his hand gripped to his staff. Just as he turned around, though, he felt his body being knocked to the side, and into the water. Inuyasha bursted out laughing, and Miroku raised his head above water, gasping for air.

"You should've seen the look on your face!" Inuyasha teased, looking down at the jewel. "We should go back to the others now." He staited, and picked up the jewel shard. Then, suddenly he felt a wrist grasping around his ancle, and pulling him into the spring. Inuyasha resurfaced soon enough, and was angry. "Miroku!" He yelled, but then clasped his hands around his mouth.

"What the hell?!" He spat. His voice was wasn't as deep as it normally was. He looked over at Miroku, for the first time since he pushed him into the spring. Inuyasha blinked. It wasn't Miroku. It was a girl with light brown hair tied into a small ponytail, wearing purple and black robes, just like Miroku's. She had an identical staff, too. "Oi, who the hell are you? And where'd Miroku go?!" He demanded to the person floating in the spring with him.

"Who am I? Who are yo--" but then, the girl clasped her hands over her mouth, just as Inuyasha had done before. Inuyasha stared at her, then, looked down at himself. Or, rather, herself.

They both scrambled out of the springs, in panic. "What the hell HAPPENED to me?! Is this shard corrupt?! I bet Naraku had something to do with--" "Inuyasha?" The other girl asked, just as confused as he was. Inuyasha glared at her. "What do you wan-- Oh, God..." He murmured. it was then that it struck him. "Miroku?" He asked. The girl nodded. They both looked down at their reflections in the water. Then screamed. Then ran.


Since nobody in any of the near towns spoke thier language, they decided to camp out in the forest.

They had to do something about their tranformation. Their plan was to tell Kagome, Sango, and Shippou about it, and together figure out what happened. In the meantime, they discussed this with eachother.

"Inuyasha... You're not a half demon anymore. Your ears are gone." Miroku pointed out. Inuyasha quickly reached to the top of 'his' head, and found thar Miroku was right. There were no ears. Plus, 'his' hair was black. "What? I'm not a..." Inuyasha began, but then froze in shock. Miroku had undone 'his' small ponytail, so 'he' looked much more like a girl. Much cuter, too.

After about an hour or so, Inuyasha was still expressing his displeasure about being human. Then, the two 'boys' found a nearby hot spring. Inuyasha was reluctant to go in, but Miroku 'surprisingly' insisted, and forced Inuyasha to join.

They both undressed, and Inuyasha freaked out at 'his' new body parts. Miroku seemed slightly happy, though. Inuyasha hit 'him' on the head a couple of times, and they both decended into the springs. As soon as they entered, a realization struck Miroku. "They're gone-- I mean, Inuyasha, we're back!" Miroku said, amazed. They looked at eachother, then at themselves. Inuyasha felt for his ears. They were there.

"Yes!" Inuyasha exclaimed, happily. Miroku sighed, but then grinned as well. They enjoyed their return to being men, and after a bit of bathing, left the springs and returned to their camping area. It was right next to a calm river. However, when Inuyasha 'accidentally' pushed Miroku in, they found out that cold water changed them back.

The next day, they walked back to where Kagome, Sango, and Shippou had set up camp, talking along the way. They were both males. They decided that, to disguise their female selves, Miroku had 'his' hair down, Inuyasha had 'his' hair in a ponytail, and they should wear feminin clothes.

"You know..." Miroku said, "Now that we know how to stay in our male forms, we don't have to tell the others. All we have to do is avoid cold water, right?" He asked. Inuyasha hesitated, but then nodded. "It's best if they don't know, I guess. But... what if we're caught like... like that?!"

"Don't worry," Miroku replied smoothly, "We'll just pretend we're other people." He stated. Inuyasha blinked. "How are we supposed to do that?" He asked. "Hm..." Miroku considered, then snapped his fingers together. They both stopped, and Miroku pulled out a spell card. He turned it to the back, and wrote 'Miroku' on it.

He crossed off letters of his name, and rewrote them right below it, in a mixed order. He did the same for Inuyasha. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. "Mixing up the letters in out names? That's the best you can do?" He murmured, crossing his arms.

"Oh, and you have a better idea?" He asked. Inuyasha remained silent, and Miroku put a satisfied grin on his face. He handed Inuyasha the slip of paper, and he read it. Below Miroku was the name 'Korumi', and below Inuyasha was the name 'Ashiyuna'.

Inuyasha stared at him, and tore up the piece of paper. "Whatever. This doesn't change anything, though. We're going back across the sea, and we'll find out how to fix this. Understand, Korumi?" He asked, tauntingly. Miroku grinned. "Perfectly, Ashiyuna." He responded.

They both laughed, and they continued on their way.