note:The setting is right after Hiei and Kurama got married

This is YAOI and is rated PG-13!

Baby Shower------

People cheered as Kurama walked through the door into his backyard.Yusuke,Kuwabara,Botan,Keiko,Genkai,and Yukina were waiting all waiting for him.Then Kurama realized it was a party. He looked up and saw a big banner that read "Happy Baby Shower"! Kurama caught sight of Yusuke and Yusuke smiled. "Thank you",Kurama said. "Hey,no prob!",Yusuke replied. At least Yusuke was okay with his "un-natural" pregnancy.And that was what counted,right? "But,where is-",Kurama was cut-off by a small tug on his shirt. Kuama looked down. It was Hiei. Hiei had his old black cloak on and after getting Kurama's attention,put his hand back in it. "Hiei!!",exclaimed Kurama as his face lit up with joy and tickleing sensations over taking his body. Kurama held out his long arms and wanted Hiei to cuddle between them. Kuwabara was just about to crack up,but stoped abruptly when he saw Hiei give him a death glare out of the corner of his eye.

After a sweet kiss on the cheek,Hiei pulled Kurama to an empty corner of the yard. Hiei sat down with him on a small bench. Kurama was mentally glad that Hiei had understood about how youkos can get pregnant. (He sure would have haten it if he had to explan it to Hiei if he was human.)Ooohh Inari,how confusing would that have been!! .Hiei pulled out a rose from his cloak and handed it to Kurama. "Oh,Hiei!!! It's soo beautiful! I-I don't know what to say",Kurama could hardly speak he was so full of joy that Hiei gave him a flower! It was the most beautiful rose he'd ever seen. Even more pretty than his own. Maybe it's more beautiful to me because Hiei gave it to me..:giggle:. Kurama held the rose to his nose and took in the sweet smell of the rose. Oh,Hiei. You're really so sweet even though you think you're not.

A few moments passed before either of them said anything(they just stared at each other with the truest passion.) Then Hiei started to blush. It was the cuttest thing Kurama could ever hope to see! Even he started to get a bit red in the face. Kurama wanted Hiei all to himself at this point. But, he could not just ask eveyone to leave. Not when Yusuke and everybody else worked so hard to put this baby shower together for him and Hiei. Damn!But,maybe I could.....Kurama just thought of something he had forgotten to ask Hiei before. "umm...Hiei?" "What?" "I was wondering....",Kurama did not quite know how to ask Hiei this. "Hiei. You know we still have not taken our honeymoon yet. So...would you like to go some where this weekend?" Hiei was trying to remember what Kurama said a "honeymoon" was again. cute Hiei thought about it and then nodded a "yes". "Oh,thank you Hiei! Arigato koibito!",Kurama hugged Hiei."You've made me soo happy!" "I'm glad",Hiei hugged him back. Kurama smiled and dove in for another kiss. Hiei's tiny lips accepted his. Their fingers inlaced. "Ai shiteru,itoshi",Kurama whispered in Hiei's ear. "Me too,fox. Me too",Hiei replied with a sweet smile he hid from Kurama. As they pulled away,Hiei and Kurama got up and walked towards a table together to talk to their guests.

The baby shower went well. People congraduated Hiei and Kurama and gave them gifts and blessings. When Shori came home,she started to cry tears of joy at her son's happiness and helped at once with the party. "Oh,Shuichi! This is all too exciting",Shori exclaimed,"I only wish your father could be here too." "Yes,mother. Me too",Kurama faked a smile. Because his stepfather would kill Kurama if he ever found out about his baby.Or any of his secrets. Like:He was married without his father's consent,TO A MALE! Or that he was not completely human,but of the youko demon kind. Kurama was also scared that if his stepfather figured any of that out,he'd not want to be married to his mother.He'd be so ashamed,he'd want to devorce his mother;and Shori deserved better that to be alone because of him or anyone else. So he had to keep everthing a secret for now. And thats what he hated the most;keeping his love for Hiei a secret.He'd kept it a secret for too long already.Truly,he had loved Hiei ever since the day they met,but never told him untill he was 15(two years later). This just a bunch of $%#!!!!Shori looked over at Hiei. "Konichiwa,Hiei-kun." Hiei,with a heart-warming smile,said "Konichiwa, Shori-san. How has your day been?" Kurama could bearly believe it was HIEI saying those nice things. Everybody smiled after that and Kurama was just so thrilled with how this day was gonig!!

After the baby shower,Kurama and Hiei finally had time alone together;just the two of them. And thats all that really mattered to them right now. After a night of sweet love-making,they planned their honeymoon together. It would not be too long or exciting of a vacation because Kurama was pregnant after all. But,that was fine with Hiei;he just wanted to spend time with his kitsune.
