Star: Well…here it is…the final chapter…and I'm trying so hard not to cry.

Yugi: And you are doing a great job.

Yami: But I still have an umbrella, just in case.

Star: I can't believe it's really over! I mean…it's really over! It seems like just yesterday I was typing up the first chapter and wondering how to write shounen-ai, and here I am, 29 chapters and 763 reviews later, finishing up this story with one in the works and tons waiting to be started. I just can't believe it! And I can't stop saying that!

I want to thank each and every single person who has read and/or reviewed Deepest Dreams. It's because of all of you that I continued this fic. And though I sometimes procrastinated for months on end, I kept going because I didn't want to disappoint any of you. I really enjoy writing, and reading all your positive comments makes me smile. (And sometimes laugh. Boy, some of those reviews were hilarious!)

So thanks again for sticking with me through Deepest Dreams. I hope you continue to read my other stories, and I hope to hear from you again! But for now, here is the final chapter of Deepest Dreams.

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.


'dream speech'

(Yugi's thoughts)

((Yami's thoughts))

/mind link/

----A Sweet End----

The wind silently blew through the surrounding trees, gently moving the leaves to their will. A soft snow fell gracefully from the darkened skies and landed on those leaves, piling up till the leaf caved under its weight, sending the small mound to the forest floor with a plop. It was so silent and serene, and the young boy who stood in its mist was captivated by the sight.

Yugi stood there between the trees, looking up at the night sky while watching the star light reflect off of the snowflakes as they descended from the heavens. The snow shined a pale blue under the full moon, and the trees seemed to light up. The scene was familiar to him. The forest, the snow, the dark night. It was all familiar to the teen.

How many times had he been in this place? Quite a few, and all in the past week. It was strange; before he had been too preoccupied to notice how beautiful the place really was. Instead of bringing him fear as it had done before, this place now brought him a sense of tranquility. Funny how things seemed so different once you took the time to examine them better.

A light tug in his chest made Yugi turn to his right and start walking in that direction. Where was he going? What would he do when he got there? Yugi didn't know, but wasn't worried at all. He knew what lay ahead, and knew that worrying would be stupid. After all, why should he worry? Nothing could hurt him anymore.

Yugi kept walking through the forest, taking his time to admire the scenery. It was just like how he remembered it from the other dreams, but this time the shadows that had seemed to be reaching out to grab him were nothing but shadows. The wind and snow no longer attacked him in fury, but now they flowed around his body in harmony, lovingly caressing his cheeks and playfully nipping at his nose. Yugi smiled and giggled lightly, knowing his cheeks were probably a bright red by now.

Another tug in his chest, slightly harder, made the boy smile more and roll his eyes. It was impatient, and so Yugi slightly quickened his pace. Up ahead he could see a clearing, the trees beginning to become further apart. Happiness filled the boy and he began to run towards the opening, wanting to get there as quickly as he could. The snow slowly stopped falling, and the few clouds scattered, letting the moon shine in all its glory.

And suddenly he reached the end of the trees and stopped to stare at what was before him. There, in the middle of the clearing, was a large rock. Lying on top of the rock with his eyes closed, acting as if he had all the time in the world, was Yami. Yugi smiled softly when he saw his other half, and quietly walked over. The crunching of the snow caught Yami's attention, and the spirit opened his eyes and sat up.

'It's about time you got here,' Yami said, a playful smile on his face.

'It's not that easy to walk in snow,' Yugi replied as he walked over to his lover. 'So are you going to get off or not?'

'You are so bossy sometimes,' replied the Pharaoh as he slid off, landing next to his hikari and drawing the other into a hug.


'And I'm the king, which means I should give orders.'

'You wish,' Yugi said, looking up at Yami and smiling.

'You are so annoying sometimes.'

'But you can't not love me for it.'

'No, I can't,' said Yami, leaning down to kiss Yugi. 'Your lips are turning blue. Are you cold?'

'Not anymore. You keep me warm. And you know I love the snow,' the younger replied while snuggling closer to his yami.

'Good. But you know how much I hate the snow.'

'Of course I do. You never let me forget.'

Yami stuck his tongue out at Yugi, and Yugi repeated the action. The two softly smiled at each other, before Yami leaned down and captured his lover's lips. Yugi parted them and Yami slipped his tongue inside. He ran it over Yugi's, beckoning it to play with him. Yugi responded by curling it around Yami's tongue and they began to battle for dominance. The two tongues rubbed and caressed each other, trying to be the victor in their duel. In the end, Yugi surrendered to his other half, and let Yami explore at will while he ran his hands through the Pharaoh's hair.

After a while they broke apart for much needed air. Yugi smiled lazily at his boyfriend, his face even more flushed than before. Yami smiled back at him, brushing his lips softly against Yugi's temple, and tightening his embrace. Yugi sighed happily and placed his head on Yami's shoulders, closing his eyes as he basked in the love that surrounded them. 'I love you, Yami. Always,' Yugi said, looking up into the spirit's crimson orbs.

'I love you too, Yugi,' Yami replied, brushing away a bang so he could gaze deeply into Yugi's beautiful amethyst eyes. 'Always.'

The snow began to fall again. Softly and silently it fluttered to the ground, not wanting to disturb the two lovers as they leaned in for another wonderful kiss. It was content to fall around them, blanketing the area in soft cotton and providing a romantic ambiance for the two. It had much to be proud of, for it had brought the two teens together time and time again, and was happy to continue doing so. Yes, the snow had helped their love bloom and was very proud.

And in the end, Yami learned to love the snow too.


Star: So…there is the end…:breaks down in tears: I'm really going to miss this fic!

Yami: I knew she'd start crying.

Yugi: But you still have your other fics, so you don't have to be so sad.

Star: Yea…I guess. Thanks again for sticking with me! Hope to hear from all of you again soon! Goodbye!