The Music of the Heart

Chapter Title
: "Break Down Here"

: Ree

Pairing: Harry/Snape

: "Break Down Here" by Julie Roberts

: Harry and Severus Snape have been together for years. Suddenly, Harry finds himself on the receiving end of more betrayal. After all those years…how could the one he love betray him? So, Harry decides to head out on the road for a while and try and find himself.

: I am not Miss Rowling and if I were, I would be filthy rich and be in heaven, so don't sue me. The song "Break Down Here" by Julie Roberts is hers alone and I claim none of it. Thank you.


"Mile marker 203

Gas gauge leaning on the edge of E

And I'll be danged if the rain ain't pouring down.

There's something smokin' underneath the hood

It's a bangin' and a clangin' and it can't be good.

And it's another fifty miles to the nearest town."

Harry Potter slammed the door shut of his beat up Chevrolet truck. After dealing with what went on between Lucius Malfoy and his…well, his supposed soul-mate Severus Snape, he just wanted to drive and never look back. Apparating to the US, he converted some of his money into Muggle money, bought a truck, threw everything he'd brought in the back, and began to drive. He didn't have maps and by the time he had to stop for gas, he decided to buy one.

"Where you headed?" the clerk had asked, only taking a slight interest in him being on his own.

"Anywhere except where I was before."

That answer was all that the clerk needed to hear in order to fall silent again. Harry paid for his gasoline and got back into the truck. As he drove, following his maps, the green-eyed man couldn't help but think of all that had transpired. He had just gotten out of the shower and was walking into the living room when he saw Severus kneeling in front of the fire. Of course, Harry just assumed he was talking to someone from the Order or something…he never imagined the head floating inside would be the one of Lucius Malfoy.

"Damn," he muttered, glancing at his gas gauge. "It's almost empty and there's not a bloody town around for miles."

"Everything I own's in the back in a hefty bag.

I'm outta cigarettes and I'm down to my last drag."

Sighing, he reached back and fumbled with the things he'd brought on his journey, searching for his wand as a precaution. Sighing heavily, he downed the last of his firewhisky.

"I'd sure hate to break down here

Nothin' up ahead or in the rearview mirror.

Out in the middle of nowhere and knowin'

I'm in trouble if these wheels stop rollin'

So God help me, keep me movin' somehow

Don't lemme start wishin' I was with him now.

I made it this far without crying a single tear

And I'd sure hate to break down here."

Wiping at his mouth, Harry pulled over to the road, thinking. He and Severus had broken down the walls that had been placed around each other's hearts over the years, but it was still far from a fairytale life. The two constantly bickered, it was over the smallest things, and it would end up with Severus up drinking the night away and Harry going out with his friends. Neither of them would admit to being wrong, and by seeing Lucius in the fire, he knew that Severus was probably going back to his childhood friend's arms. Cursing and swiping at his eyes, Harry refused to break down and cry. He'd come so far without shedding a tear over that bastard and he wasn't going to start now. Especially not when he'd come so far.

"I won't shed any tears for that greasy bastard. He's done enough to me already," he muttered.

Getting out of the truck, pulling over to the side, he spread out his maps and trailed his finger over the roads and interstates he planned to take. He didn't have any means of getting in contact with anyone else…and he was sure that he wouldn't make it to the next town without using some magic. Harry ran his fingers through his hair as he continued plotting his course.

"Under fifty thousand miles ago

Before the bad blood and busted radio

You said I was all you'd ever need

But love is blind and little did I know

You were just another dead end road

Paved with pretty lies and broken dreams."

"I can't believe that I let him talk me into that relationship…he told me so many lies," Harry whispered as he lowered his forehead, the forehead with the infamous scar, onto the hot metal of his truck's hood.

Fighting the urge to bang his head against the metal, Harry tossed his maps into the truck and glanced over at the empty bottles of firewhisky. It had been great at the beginning, before all the arguments and drinking, all the late hours and accusations. Severus was so sure that Harry had been cheating on him.

"Of course, all those accusations were made while he was drunk from drinking so much scotch at once," Harry muttered and got back into the truck, his route clear in his mind, starting the engine.

He didn't care if he didn't make it to the next town…all that mattered was getting as far away from Snape as he could. He just couldn't take it anymore. Both of them were so wrong for each other that it wasn't funny. Of course, they say that love is blind, Harry reasoned.

"Baby leavin' you is easier than being gone.

I dunno what I'll do if one more thing goes wrong.

I'd sure hate to break down here

Nothin' up ahead or in the rearview mirror.

Out in the middle of nowhere and knowin'

I'm in trouble if these wheels stop rollin'

So God help me, keep me movin' somehow

Don't lemme start wishin' I was with him now.

I made it this far without crying a single tear

And I'd sure hate to break down here."

Harry drove down the road, feeling as though he had just run a mile. He couldn't believe he'd just up and left Hogwarts…it had been his home for so long. No, that wasn't right. It hadn't been his home since Sirius had died. Everyone had treated him like a pariah, and it hadn't stopped after Voldemort was killed. It was ridiculous, he hadn't asked for much, had he?

"I don't think I did…and yet, I kept getting shit in return," he grumbled under his breath and sighed heavily.

"Mile marker 215."

He pulled into the next gas station and filled up his truck. As he was doing so, he leaned against it in his faded blue jeans, which showed off his lower body nicely, and folded his arms over his chest. The warmth of the North Dakota sun was nice…and although he didn't know where he was headed, it was bound to be better than where he'd come from. He wouldn't go back, not after what happened. Snape can go be with Lucius for all I care. It doesn't matter to me. Although…he really did want Severus to be in his life, but not like this.

"It's too late for both of us," Harry murmured decidedly, took out the gas pump, shut it off, and headed inside.

As soon as I'm on the road again, I'll be able to find somewhere that I can relax and just be myself. The thought sounded appeasing and Harry smiled. After paying for his gasoline and going back outside, he saw a blonde standing by his truck, with an amused expression.

"Hey sexy, going my way?"

"What do you want, Malfoy?"

"You do realize that my Uncle Severus is in the Hospital Wing right now, because of alcohol poisoning, right? I mean, after all, you were the reason he binged that night you left."

"He was drinking before that, Malfoy. And I don't think it helped that he was going to crawl back to your sire, either."

"Are you daft? Uncle Severus was talking to my dad because he was worried about your relationship and wanted some advice. He thinks you left him because of his drinking and arguing."

"Well, that did play a factor," Harry snorted as he climbed into his truck again, starting up the engine.

"Come on, Harry," Draco coaxed, also climbing up into the cab. "You know you miss him and he really wants to see you. Why not go back and try and make it work? You've made it through a lot of other things, so why not this? Besides, you know you're worried about him."

Harry had to admit the little git had a point and sighed. "Fine…you win. I'll go see him. But I'm going to finish my road trip first."

"Great! I'll go with you."

"Who the hell said you could come?"

And with that, the two began to bicker in a friendly way as Harry started down the highway again, glancing at the road marker that stated how far he'd come…and how far he would go.


Well, what do you think? Thanks to one of my reviewers, I had the inspiration to write a new chapter. Wow, that was fast, don't you think? LoL. Well, you know the drill, R&R please!
