Soldiers of Eternity

A.N. - Dramatic title, I know. It was the first thing that popped into my head, and it fit the idea that I had.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or any of the characters. I wish I did, but who wouldn't?

Chapter 1:

Heero suppressed a groan as he woke, feeling as though he'd just been trampled by a herd of elephants. What had happened to him anyways? Oh, right. He'd fallen out of the sky in Zero, then jumped into an underground base. He was starting to wish that he'd been run over by elephants instead. It had been painful enough flying Zero at that point, but crash-landing was even worse. But the wars were over.

"Finally," Heero thought to himself. "Now I can rest." Then he suddenly remembered what he had to try and explain to the others. "But how can I tell them that none of us are really human? I know none of them want to fight again, just like me. How can I tell them that we're really angels and that we're the immortal defenders of humankind? Maybe I should wait a few years, until they notice that none of us are aging like humans are supposed to. Wait, why do I feel like I have my wings back?" He shifted slightly to confirm what the feathery things next to him on the bed were. "Oh shit. Well, there goes the option of not telling them until later." It was then that Duo decided to bounce into the room.

"Hey, Heero buddy. I see you're finally awake. Want something to eat..." Duo's exuberant speech trailed away as Heero sat up slightly on the bed.

"Uhhh, Heero, did you know that you have wings?"

"Yes, Duo. I did know that I have wings."

"Why do you have wings? I mean, c'mon, I think I would've noticed you having fucking WINGS before!"

"I don't know why my wings have decided to reappear at the moment. But I want to get everyone together before I explain WHY I have wings. It's important that all the other Gundam pilots hear it, and I really don't want to have to repeat it."

"Sounds good man. We're all staying in this hotel we dragged your sorry ass to after you passed out. I can have everyone rounded up in a couple minutes. Wait a second, reappear? You mean you had them before? And you never told me? I thought I was your friend!"

"You are my friend. I just couldn't tell anyone about this before now. Besides, would you have really believed me?"

"You have a point. I would've thought you landed on your head again, or that Zero was making you hallucinate if you'd told me earlier that you had wings. Hey, is that why Zero has wings?"

"I don't know, Duo. It's possible, but I'm not sure if J ever really figured out what I am."

"So what are you?"

"I'll tell you when you get the other pilots here."

"Awww, not even a hint?"

"I have WINGS sprouting out of my back. What more of a hint do you need?"

"Alright, alright. I'll get the others. Did you want to tell anyone other than the pilots?"

"No, I think it's best that this remain between us for now," stated Heero decisively. Duo nodded and left the room, while Heero sat down to think about how he was going to explain this.

"Duo took finding out I have wings better than I expected. I hope the others are as accepting. I don't want any of them to hate me because I told them what they are. Although I wouldn't be surprised, considering that's pretty much what my reaction was when I found out about all this." He suddenly slammed his fist into the bedside table, breaking it cleanly in half. "Dammit, all I wanted to do was rest when this fucking war was over. I wanted a chance to be 'normal'. But that's a chance I don't think I've ever had, and never will now." Heero heard approaching footsteps and made an effort to compose himself. It wouldn't help the situation if he wasn't able to explain everything calmly and rationally. Then the door slowly opened and he braced himself for the storm of questions and explanations that would surely follow.

Trowa was the first in the door, and he seemed to be unaffected by the sight in front of him, but Heero saw his visible eye widen in surprise. He was followed by Quatre, who proceeded to faint, almost smacking face first into the floor before Trowa managed to catch him. Heero almost laughed at that. Wufei came in second last, followed by Duo, who was in hysterics at Quatre's reaction. Then Wufei noticed Heero and immediately drew his katana.

"Who are you, and why do you look like Heero? What have you done with him?" he demanded. That just made Duo laugh even harder, while Heero just shot him a dry look.

"I am Heero, Wufei. I just have wings now."

"I don't believe you. Who are you, and what have you done with the real Heero? Answer me you bastard, before I kill you."

"Wufei, it's really me. I'm Heero. If you don't believe me, I'll prove it. Ask me a question you think only Heero would know the answer to."

"Alright," he agreed. It took him about five minutes to think of a good question, one only Heero and himself would know the answer to. "What did you say to me before you dove into the ocean?"

"I asked you how many more times I had to kill that girl and her dog, because Zero wouldn't tell me." The shock on Wufei's face when I answered the question correctly was so funny that I finally let out the laugh that had been threatening since they walked in the door. That shocked him even further.

"So you're really Heero, huh? Mind explaining why you have wings?" he said finally.

"That's exactly why I asked all of you to come here. As soon as Quatre wakes up, I'll tell you."

Trowa looked up from where he was crouched over Quatre and said, "he's coming around now."


Just then a groggy Quatre finally woke up. "What happened? Why did I think I saw Heero with wings?"

"You fainted because you did see Heero with wings," replied Duo. "Just don't faint again, k? I don't think Tro can catch you as well a second time." Quatre blushed bright red upon hearing that he had fainted and that Trowa had caught him.

"Everyone might as well get comfortable before I start," suggested Heero. "I have a lot to tell you all, so this is going to take awhile." The others nodded and seated themselves at various places around the room. Wufei perched himself on an uncomfortable looking chair, Trowa and Quatre occupied the couch, and Duo plopped himself on the bed next to Heero. Heero took a deep breath before starting. "The reason I have wings is because I'm an angel."

"WHAAAT?" four voices exclaimed in unison.

A.N. - I know, I'm evil for ending it there. I didn't want to say too much in the first chapter, so I'll be posting a second one soon (hopefully) Please review! I want to know what people honestly think of this. Constructive criticism is welcome, flames are not.