A/N I know I know... its been over a month but work got hectic... pouts
sorry... well anyways after 3 viruses, 1 flu bug, 1 week of having my
friend living with me... and 3 chapters of my summer school stuff completed
Here is the next and FINAL chapter of Silent Hope... I know I promised
wedding stuff but I'm only 17 I haven't planed a wedding I've only been the
maid of Honor in 1 wedding and that's the ONLY wedding I've ever been to
and it was very SMALL Soo... just gonna give a quick summery of the
wedding... K alright here it goes!
One year later
Pan sat outside on the roof of C.C. her eyes closed as she remembered the past
few years... she had convinced her family both new and old to tone down the wedding
only close relatives important businessmen and camera crews were there well and a HUGE
army of bodyguards keeping everyone else out. She had enjoyed it and was scared stiff.
But here she was a year after the wedding two days till their anniversary and only a month
away from adding another member to the family. That's right she was pregnant... and by
god she couldn't shake Trunks off for more then Five minutes... she was really starting to
feel bad for Marron and Bra... Yeah she was an aunt... about two weeks after her wedding
Bra and Goten made a double announcement... they were getting married as well and were
expecting... Vegeta nearly had a heart attack then went on a rampage for not waiting till
after the ceremony ,even though he didn't believe to much in the ceremony he just wanted
an excuse to kill Goten. Their little girl was so cute with her thick head of black hair...
luckily it was manageable like Bras but her eyes were defiantly Bras big and blue. She was
so cute... Her name Lilly after her great-grandmother's favorite flower. Vegeta was not to
happy about a Saiyan princess being named Lilly but he wasn't so happy about a princess
named after a female undergarment either... The family was growing as was the population
of Saiyans. Pan was snapped back into reality as her hearing picked up the all to familiar
sound of a panicked Trunks coming after her "Pan where have you been?" Pan looked
back up at Trunks "Here just enjoying the sunset" Trunks sighed nodding and sitting down
next to Pan "You know we have to get going if we are going to make it to the wedding"
Pan chuckled "I still can't believe that V and Uub were dating all that time and never told
us" Trunks smirked "I knew but V wanted you to focus on school instead of her love life"
Pan pouted and hit Trunks in the arm "Jerk... you kept that from me... how I don't know
but I'm really going to hurt you once I can move again" Trunks just laughed wrapping his
arm around her shoulder. Uub and V had started dating after knowing each other for three
months they dated nearly a year in secrecy then a few months ago Uub had asked her to
marry him... the wedding was tomorrow today was the rehearsal dinner. "Alright Alright
I'm going..." Pan slowly stood up with the help of Trunks and made their way off the roof
top. To go to the dinner...
(skipping over the whole uub/V wedding stuff Sorry babes)
One Month Later
The group of friends and family sat in the waiting room of the hospital rather
impatiently waiting. All was quiet almost to quiet... "TRUNKS I'M GOING TO
FUCKING KILL YOU!" broke the silence of the waiting room... "Damn that girl has
some lungs on her" V chuckled from a seat next to Uub "Wait till you see what she does
to his hand... I nearly broke Goten's hand and I don't even train. She is a Saiyan
remember" Bra smirked at the memory. The whole room broke out in laughter at that... as
Goten whimpered nursing the now healed hand. Finally after about another twenty
minutes and a few more choice words from Pan and a yelp from Trunks as she finally did
break his hand the doctor came into the waiting room "Its a Boy" was all he said as he left
to tend to Trunk's hand.
Five years later
Pan, Trunks, Goten, Bra, Marron, Radditz, Vitaleny and Uub sat around the large
table in the backyard of C.C. the older adults were all inside. Out in the yard six little kids
ran around. Goten and Bra's little girl (5)Lilly, Marron and Radditz's children (6) Bardock
and their twins (boy) (4)Raden and (Girl)(4)Raina, Uub and V's twins (boy)(4)Lex and
(girl)(4)Lana and Pan and Trunks' son (5)Gogeta Were all running around playing freeze
tag. "So V how much longer till the next set comes along?" Pan Joked to her old friend
"Hey I can't help it if Twins run in the family ever other generation" The whole group
laughed "And for your information 7 months" the laughter died "Seriously?" V looked
over at Uub who smiled and nodded "Yeah just found out a little over a week ago..." Pan,
Marron and Bra jumped up tackling their old friend laughing "Congratulations V! Were so
happy for you and Uub" V smiled hugging their friend.
Ok Ok I know I totally ended this really bad but I'm sorry I have lost my insperation and I'm to busy to drag this story out any longer... maybe once school starts back up I'll get some more time and will write the M/R I have been promising Alright??? Shoot me for all I care... but here ya go the end finished YAH though it was mostly over last chapter so sue me... please don't!!!! I'm kidding!
Alright I put up a preview for a sequel for Accedental Saiyan, if you don't know what that is its my other DBZ story its a BV but the sequel is a TP so hey go check out the story and the first chapter of the sequel and tell me which story you want first the spin off of this one or the sequel to AS please please please sorry it took so long but hey what can I say I'm a busy woman I need to start writing a story for my great grandma and I want to get both the Sequel to AS and the spin off to this story done before I go to the military so hurry up and tell me!!!!
One year later
Pan sat outside on the roof of C.C. her eyes closed as she remembered the past
few years... she had convinced her family both new and old to tone down the wedding
only close relatives important businessmen and camera crews were there well and a HUGE
army of bodyguards keeping everyone else out. She had enjoyed it and was scared stiff.
But here she was a year after the wedding two days till their anniversary and only a month
away from adding another member to the family. That's right she was pregnant... and by
god she couldn't shake Trunks off for more then Five minutes... she was really starting to
feel bad for Marron and Bra... Yeah she was an aunt... about two weeks after her wedding
Bra and Goten made a double announcement... they were getting married as well and were
expecting... Vegeta nearly had a heart attack then went on a rampage for not waiting till
after the ceremony ,even though he didn't believe to much in the ceremony he just wanted
an excuse to kill Goten. Their little girl was so cute with her thick head of black hair...
luckily it was manageable like Bras but her eyes were defiantly Bras big and blue. She was
so cute... Her name Lilly after her great-grandmother's favorite flower. Vegeta was not to
happy about a Saiyan princess being named Lilly but he wasn't so happy about a princess
named after a female undergarment either... The family was growing as was the population
of Saiyans. Pan was snapped back into reality as her hearing picked up the all to familiar
sound of a panicked Trunks coming after her "Pan where have you been?" Pan looked
back up at Trunks "Here just enjoying the sunset" Trunks sighed nodding and sitting down
next to Pan "You know we have to get going if we are going to make it to the wedding"
Pan chuckled "I still can't believe that V and Uub were dating all that time and never told
us" Trunks smirked "I knew but V wanted you to focus on school instead of her love life"
Pan pouted and hit Trunks in the arm "Jerk... you kept that from me... how I don't know
but I'm really going to hurt you once I can move again" Trunks just laughed wrapping his
arm around her shoulder. Uub and V had started dating after knowing each other for three
months they dated nearly a year in secrecy then a few months ago Uub had asked her to
marry him... the wedding was tomorrow today was the rehearsal dinner. "Alright Alright
I'm going..." Pan slowly stood up with the help of Trunks and made their way off the roof
top. To go to the dinner...
(skipping over the whole uub/V wedding stuff Sorry babes)
One Month Later
The group of friends and family sat in the waiting room of the hospital rather
impatiently waiting. All was quiet almost to quiet... "TRUNKS I'M GOING TO
FUCKING KILL YOU!" broke the silence of the waiting room... "Damn that girl has
some lungs on her" V chuckled from a seat next to Uub "Wait till you see what she does
to his hand... I nearly broke Goten's hand and I don't even train. She is a Saiyan
remember" Bra smirked at the memory. The whole room broke out in laughter at that... as
Goten whimpered nursing the now healed hand. Finally after about another twenty
minutes and a few more choice words from Pan and a yelp from Trunks as she finally did
break his hand the doctor came into the waiting room "Its a Boy" was all he said as he left
to tend to Trunk's hand.
Five years later
Pan, Trunks, Goten, Bra, Marron, Radditz, Vitaleny and Uub sat around the large
table in the backyard of C.C. the older adults were all inside. Out in the yard six little kids
ran around. Goten and Bra's little girl (5)Lilly, Marron and Radditz's children (6) Bardock
and their twins (boy) (4)Raden and (Girl)(4)Raina, Uub and V's twins (boy)(4)Lex and
(girl)(4)Lana and Pan and Trunks' son (5)Gogeta Were all running around playing freeze
tag. "So V how much longer till the next set comes along?" Pan Joked to her old friend
"Hey I can't help it if Twins run in the family ever other generation" The whole group
laughed "And for your information 7 months" the laughter died "Seriously?" V looked
over at Uub who smiled and nodded "Yeah just found out a little over a week ago..." Pan,
Marron and Bra jumped up tackling their old friend laughing "Congratulations V! Were so
happy for you and Uub" V smiled hugging their friend.
Ok Ok I know I totally ended this really bad but I'm sorry I have lost my insperation and I'm to busy to drag this story out any longer... maybe once school starts back up I'll get some more time and will write the M/R I have been promising Alright??? Shoot me for all I care... but here ya go the end finished YAH though it was mostly over last chapter so sue me... please don't!!!! I'm kidding!
Alright I put up a preview for a sequel for Accedental Saiyan, if you don't know what that is its my other DBZ story its a BV but the sequel is a TP so hey go check out the story and the first chapter of the sequel and tell me which story you want first the spin off of this one or the sequel to AS please please please sorry it took so long but hey what can I say I'm a busy woman I need to start writing a story for my great grandma and I want to get both the Sequel to AS and the spin off to this story done before I go to the military so hurry up and tell me!!!!