Title: Life

Author: Callista Wolfwood

Email: R

Part: 7

Dear readers,

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time but yeah 2005 was a really bad year and I'm just getting around to writing again. I figure I owe you guys are really long chapter so I wont be surprised if this ends up being around 10 or more pages. I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful reviews that I got telling me to go on etc. On with the story, enjoy.


Chapter 7

"Rory, ohh Rory… time for hell" Lorelei sang as she danced around Rory's room looking for her missing shoe.

"Bah…" Rory mutters from the comfortable position on her bed as Lorelei keeps looking around for her missing shoe.

"You don't want to be late for your ride with Nick and Rosalyn."

"What time is it anyways?"

"6:30am of course, you know it takes at least an half in hour to get to Chilton and your ride should be here and 7am so that you can get there by 7:30ish."

"Wow you got that well planned out but it all depends on how fast it takes me to get ready."

"Too True, have you seen my other shoe?"

"Which ones?" Rory asks getting up from the bed, it's finally Friday.

"Black hooker boots… not those ones I mean my black sensible hooker boots."

"Uh did you check in the oven? Or the microwave?"

"Yes and yes."

"What time is it?" Rory asked from her room putting on part of her uniform and walked into the bathroom to wash up.

"Don't worry you won't be late…" Lorelei mumbled as she looked in the closet for her missing shoe.

"Aah ha! I found it!" Rory screamed from the bathroom mouth full of toothpaste.

"YAY! So where was it?"

"Don't ask me how but it was in the medicine cabinet" Rory replied once she spit out her toothpaste.

"Strange" Lorelei replied as she put one the last touches of her outfit and proceeded to drink coffee.

"Don't forget Friday night dinner mom." Rory's muffled voice could be heard from her room she only had her knee highs and boots left to put on as well as her tie. She put on her eyeliner and the last touches of her uniform.

Her mom was surprisingly encouraging when it came to the new her. She explained the entire thing with Dean as well as her feeling for Tristan and her mom was very supportive of her decision to change. After all it wasn't for a guy it was for herself to experience new things for a new perspective.

"I still don't get how you get out of it to go to a party and I still have to go," Lorelei pouted as Rory walked out of her room buttoning up her white blouse, skirt already on.

"It's a Chilton party you know how grandma and grandpa think that I need to be more sociable."

"Why can't mommy come to the Chilton party, I'll bring coffee?"

"Mom, granted you are the cool mom but bringing you to a party will not help my social standing."

"I know hon. Oh your grandmother called yesterday at the inn and they are expecting some guests so I better be on time."

"So going to late as usual then?"

"You know it, maybe I'll take Luke in all his flannel goodness to the stuffy dinner party."

"I'm sure that would be very entertaining but I doubt grandma and her guests would like that very much but if you do, bring the camera." Rory replied grinning like a madwoman. 'I may be the voice of reason but if she's going to do all the insane things that are in her head, I want pictures.'

"Will do darling daughter of mine, oh and don't forget to pack an overnight back for Rosalyn's house after the party. Are you going to Rosalyn's afterwards?"

"I'm pretty sure that's the plan but if not Nick has a ton of rooms in his house that I'm sure we could use. I've already stuffed some pajamas and clothes for tomorrow in another bag. I figured that I'd keep my book bag with me all day and put my overnight bag in my locker or Nick's car."

"Keep me posted on the sleeping arrangements."

"Sure, one possibly drunken phone call to tell you where I'm going to be sleeping and with who." Rory replied grinning.

"No details for poor mommy if you're going to be in someone's bed that isn't with any of the girls."

"Aww not even Jess?" Rory asked innocently and grinned as Lorelei gave her a look.

"I take it Jess is going than?" With Rory's nod she continued, "Be good my darling daughter for poor mommy's sake who will have a heart attack if you revert to my old high school ways."

"Mom, I'm not about to let history repeat itself. Aside from that you don't have to worry as much since we are a lot more open with each other than most"

"This is true."

One of Lorelei's deepest fears is for her daughter to repeat her mistakes. Not saying that Rory was a mistake but she doesn't want that life for her daughter. So at 16 Rory was put on birth control especially after the Dean incident with the Chilton Formal in which they spent the night at Miss Patty's.

"It's part of the mom gig to worry, that's all" Lorelei told Rory tying to reassure them both.

"I don't think you'll have to worry about that since the one person I would even consider anything with will not be there." Rory tried to reassure her mother that she wasn't about to do anything too stupid.

"Tristan?" and with Rory's final nod continued "Well, darling daughter of mine do try not too get to drunk or wasted. Giving tribute to the porcelain god is not fun and neither is the hangover that usually come with the worshiping."

"Yes, mommy dearest," Rory responded glad that things were starting to take a lighter tone.

"Oh and try drink some water about an hour before you go to bed so that you don't actually get an hangover tomorrow."

"Will do."

"So, to change the subject before I die a terrible death I heard some interesting gossip last night."

"Oh really?"

"Apparently Dean was trying to hit on Rosalyn yesterday at the market and she turned him down in a way that it made a blizzard seem warm."

"Sucks to be him."

"I take it you're still angry with him?" Lorelei asked.

"Not really angry as much as disappointed that he would think that I was cheating on him with Jess or some other nonsense as that. So I'm glad Rosalyn turned him down you would think that he knew she had a boyfriend since the town has been buzzing about them since I started hanging out with them."

"Speaking of Rosalyn didn't she say yesterday that the theme for the party was going to be a leather bondage thing? I have the camera ready for Rory the dominatrix"

"D&S party, but I'm sure she was just joking anyways."


"There will never be pictures of something like that not even for my privet personal collection. Actually I never really thought about it before, maybe I would."

"You're scarring Mommy for life"

"So sorry. So how exactly will you be getting these pictures since I'm not getting ready here?"

"I have my ways…" Lorelei responded cackling evilly.

"Mom she was joking… I think… hope… OH SHIT!" Rory sputtered as she slowly started going pale.

"Hon I'm sure she was joking," Lorelei responded grinning "Oh wait she left this for you," she handed Rory a leather dress holder that had her outfit in it. Rory opened it and screamed in horror as a leather outfit came into view.

"So I guess she wasn't joking." Lorelei responded laughing evilly before taking a picture of Rory with the flash at her horrified look. Rory didn't even notice as she continued to stare at the outfit. She had been waiting for this moment since she took a peak at the outfit before waking up Rory.

It was a outfit that was clearly tailored to fit Rory specifically complete with a riding crop and mask. She was positive that Rory would be freaking out even more if she noticed the additions, granted Rory hasn't really taken a good look at the outfit. It wasn't as bad as it could have been.




"Rory you have…"


"Rory you have to leave…"


"RORY!" Lorelei finally screamed finally getting Rory's attention


"You have to leave for school now or you wont be able to stop for Luke's Coffee."


"You're going to be late."

"SHIT! I'm going to KILL Rosalyn when I see her" Rory replied as she ran out the door.

"Rosalyn reminds me of a younger me sometimes… scary." Lorelei responded to the closed door somewhat wistfully and continued to get ready for work. I would love to know why they didn't have parties like that when I went to Chilton.

Rory walked into Luke's Dinner with her book bag over her shoulder and the leather dress holder over her arm. She grabbed her usual pot of coffee complete with cup and walked directly up to Jess who was reading at the counter. She grabbed him by the arm refilling her cup for the second time and walked up the stairs to the apartment above the dinner.

"What's up Rory? I was working down there you know?" Jess told Rory in a sarcastic tone that he usually used.

"I saw your so called working but that's not why I dragged you up here…" Rory started with the last gulp of her second cup coffee.

"What are you doing with the entire pot of coffee? How did you get that past Luke?" Jess asked as Rory filled her third cup.

"I didn't see Luke just you and I dragged you up here for a reason you know."

"Oh I get it you wanted to get frisky…" Jess started walking towards her with mock seduction. "If you wanted me all you had to do is say so."

"Ah, no." Rory responded laughing. "Jess, did you happen to see the outfit Rosalyn and Nick picked out for the party?"

"No. It's still in it's leather case holder thing I mean it's a prep school party how bad could the outfit be?" Jess replied.

"Oh really?" Rory responded giving him a look as he opened the leather case and his mouth dropped in surprised. Rory just started laughing, took a picture of his gapping mouth and glanced at her watch and with a wave left Jess there with his mouth still hanging open.

Rory walked down the stairs to see Nick and Rosalyn waiting for her outside so she grabbed a mug to go of coffee from Luke and walked directly outside. With a quick wave to Luke Rory got in the car. She placed her bag next to her with the leather case holder on top of it and glared at Rosalyn. Rosalyn on the other hand just grinned at Rory knowing full well why she was upset.

"Like you outfit?" Rosalyn asked Rory with an evil grin waiting for her reaction.

"I didn't get a chance to really look at it but I already know that I'm not wearing it and I doubt you'll get Jess into his either."

"Come on Rory it's a theme party you have to go with the theme besides you will look hot in the outfit Rosalyn chose for you." Nick responded starting the car.

"As for Jess, I'm thinking that we'd set him up with Paris who is also going to be there in a leather outfit as well. I'm sure Jess will wear the outfit if he wishes to hook up with anyone at the party anyways."

"I personally can't wait to see Paris in something leather or vinyl. She's a feisty as it is just imagine her with a leather whip." Nick told Rory.

"I just don't think I'm comfortable in something like that…" Rory started but was interrupted by Rosalyn.

"The outfit you get to wear covers a hell of a lot more then our uniform, hell you get to wear pants. I have most of the girls wearing leather or vinyl skirts but I knew you would be uncomfortable enough as it was." Rosalyn grinned.

"I got pants?"

"Yes, I gave you pants but they're going to get hot." Rosalyn responded.

"…but leather" Rory tried to continue.

"I know but we figured that no one will be that comfortable so it will put everyone in a equal footing. Tell you what, if you decide that you really don't like the outfit I'm sure I can find you something else that still fit's the theme." Rosalyn told her trying to put her fears to rest. At Rory's nod of approval to the compromise they left for school.

"Oh and Rory don't be surprised at what people are going to come up with at the party. There's a leather riding crop and a mask that goes with your outfit, the riding crop is for ambitious males. In case we aren't there to scare them away and the mask is to give the illusion that your identity is concealed. We are giving all those who don't already have one at the door." Nick told her.

"Why the masks to hide our identities?"

"Well, the rules are pretty specific; no one is allowed to take off their masks until midnight. You get to know people that you never would of talked to in any other situation and some people end up dating."

"How long have you been having this party at the beginning of the year?"

"For about two years, it's been a pretty big success. Most people end up meeting their long term significant others because they get to know each other without the labels of who's cool and who isn't."

"That's great, it's a wonderful idea." Rory responded as they finally entered Chilton's parking lot.

Tristan's P.O.V

Tristan woke up with a jerk and looked at his alarm clock and wasn't surprised to see that it was 5:30am, it was still dark outside. Goodness knows he use to have to get up at 5am on the dot, he slept in a bit. Of course he had set the alarm it for much later but his body was use to the rigorous schedule that was military school. He got up and out of bed figuring that he can get his daily run in and then after a shower can climb back into be for a couple more hours of sleep.

He ran about three miles before he even felt his body begin to waver he glanced at his watch it was 6:30am. He was already about half way to Chilton which started at 8am, he could of course run all the way there. He wouldn't get there till at least 7:30am which is when students would start to arrive. Tristan jogged in place for a few minuets before turning around the way he came and started back to the DuGrey manor not wanting to blow his cover.

'Six miles. I guess some things wont change despite being back.' Tristan thought before he ran up the stairs and into his room. It was 7:30am and he knew that no one was awake in the house quite yet if anyone was in the house at all.

He grabbed his latest mix CD and put it into the surround sound system in his room that was wired in his bathroom as well. His room was big enough to hold a small section of stuff to workout with but he generally used the punching bag the most. He taped up his hands for safety and started to get about an hour's worth of a workout on the bag.

He than started to strip of his sweaty clothes and walked to the bathroom to turn on the shower. He looked a his body briefly before getting into the steaming shower, he was very tone. God knows he worked long and hard for the body he now had; granted, before Military school his body was okay but now all of his muscles were very visible. He felt the warm water roll down his body slowly starting to relax his muscles.

He was extremely tense and not just from his workout. He was worried about his upcoming meeting with Rory "Mary" Gilmore. She always managed to get under his skin. There was always the possibility that she changed in such a way that the girl he dreamed about doesn't exist anymore or perhaps never really existed at all. Maybe she was just a dream and ideal and the real Rory Gilmore wasn't the person he always pictured. He just needs to put the Rory… Mary he always pictured aside and get to know this Mary.

Tristan turned the shower knob from a relaxing warm to cold as the thoughts of his Mary filled his head. Just thinking about her and the possibility of getting to kiss and hold her always got him painfully aroused. The Chilton uniform that he usually saw her in didn't really do anything for anyone unless you got it altered but seeing her in regular clothes made him want to see her in everything as well as nothing.

Tristanfinally got out of the shower and got dressed again for the rest of his day knowing that he would never get back to sleep in the state that he's in. He had a bunch of school work to do anyways from this week if he wished to go to back to school caught up. He decided to walk down the stairs in his huge house that seemed more empty than anything else.

He suspected that his parents are out of town somewhere doing whatever it is they do. They were constantly out of town traveling the world, they weren't even there when he came home from military school. In fact he hasn't seen them at all since he's been back.

Tristan headed towards the kitchen the get a cup of coffee and hopefully some breakfast, the cook always puts a pot on for him. It's been a constant since sophomore year when he met his Mary and discovered her love for coffee. Granted he always liked coffee but he felt somewhat closer to Mary when he started drinking it everyday. In fact it became a habit that he didn't lose in Military School.

"Hello, son." Tristan turned to see his father sitting at the table drinking some coffee and reading the paper.

"Father." Tristan took a long gulp of his coffee and leaned against the counter. He figured that this might be a long conversation and he might as well get comfortable.

"We have a dinner party to go to tonight at Richard and Emily Gilmore's and you are to attend as well."

"I take it I don't have a choice in the matter." He responded knowing that a fight was bound to occur. It wasn't that he didn't want to go to the party at his Mary's grandparents but he didn't want to be caught up in society life again.

"You knew the conditions on your return from military school and you agreed to abide by them."

"I returned from military school because I was at the top of my class and I would of graduated with honors. You brought me home to show off your reformed son to all you society friends."

"Tristan you are coming to this dinner with your mother and I you have no choice in the matter. Besides, you don't care why we brought you home you'd rather be here instead of there."

"I earn every award and honor in Military school because I worked hard for it, not because I was a DuGrey. That is what made military school good for me and yes I missed my true friends that I had left here as well but if I'm going to be trust back into society life then perhaps I should of stayed in military school because it's only going to make me relapse into the person I don't want to be."

"That's very wise son, I can understand that but I would like you to join your mother and I at this dinner party. Afterwards we can talk about the new boundaries I don't want a repeat of the safe incident."

"Alright, father. After the dinner at the Gilmore's I'm going to a party at Nick Parker's house. It's his annual beginning of the year party and I don't want to miss it since I'm announcing my return to Chilton. I'm planning to spend the night and chill with Nick after the party is over." Tristan told his father finishing up the last of his coffee and with his fathers final nod he left. He couldn't believe that a understanding was finally reached with his father.

He walked up to his room and got out his make up work for the week, he had to make sure that he was caught up with all the Chilton work. As far as he knows he has a pretty identical schedule with his Mary with the help of Nick of course. He needed to prove to her that he's changed and pays attention in class. God knows that he could never live down the ear staring incident with his friends. Granted Mary did turn a lovely shade of red afterwards but I'd rather not relive the incident.

Ten Pages, I haven't updated in like a year so I thought I'd throw this chapter out the next will be the party hopefully it wont be another year before I update.
