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Code Lyoko: Forgotten Memories


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Chapter Six


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Yumi stared into anger-filled emerald eyes, and they stared right back at her. She watched him surmise the situation as his eyes took in the scene.

Odd watched the interaction between the two with a hint of suspicion. The stranger seemed to know Yumi well and Odd wondered how well was well?

Yumi's puzzlement slowly grew into anger as she realized that he was not involved in her current predicament. She wondered why she had hesitated when he spoke and why the dread she had felt when she heard that deep baritone felt so familiar. She shook her head and berated herself inwardly; it was not the time for such thoughts.

"Excuse me, but I see no reason what so ever for you to be butting into any of my affairs! Who I choose to date or not to date is none of your business quite frankly and you would do well to stay out of them!" She exclaimed as her face began heating up, her ears turning brilliant shades of red.

Her rant was put to a stop when a deep throaty laugh emanated from the strange boy—no, man standing before her. Her ears heated up quite considerably. "I don't find any of this funny! What's your problem?" She practically shouted at him, causing his laugh to subside abruptly and a stern expression to scatter across his features. The scowl caused Yumi's heart to beat considerably faster and her anger to die down as she felt a strange feeling in the bottom of her gut when his scowl became a feral grin.

"My, my, my, poor little Yumi," he spoke, his voice now flowing as smooth as silk causing a shudder to run down her spine. "Have you forgotten? You're mine." He stated with a hungry expression cast in his eyes.

What the hell did he mean by that? Yumi felt her self unconsciously take a step back where she crushed back into Odd's arms. Odd griped Yumi securely and felt her tremble underneath his touch. He looked down at her to find her staring at the strange boy with an expression akin to fear. Odd felt a surge of anger wash through him at the one causing Yumi pain.

Odd gripped Yumi around her shoulders and tucked her into his side. He raised his eyes to meet the boy and gave him a hard glare. "Leave Yumi alone," he stated chillingly, "She obviously doesn't want anything to do with you." Xavier stared back into Odd's eyes, which were full of fierce determination, and broke his gaze. He knew he wouldn't be able to accomplish anything with all of these pests around. He'd have to look into exterminating them all to accomplish his final goal.

With one last smirk, Xavier spun on his heel and sauntered off gracefully. Odd dropped his gaze from the retreating figure and focused it upon Yumi, who looked thoroughly shaken up. He squeezed her shoulder comfortingly.

"Are you alright Yumi," he inquired as she looked up into his eyes, which were full of worry, she instantly felt overcome with relief as she nodded with a small smile. Odd smiled back but didn't remove his arm from around her shoulders.

"What was up with that scene back there?" Odd inquired lightly, trying to tread softly, but off course being Odd he was always inquisitive. Yumi furrowed her brows.

"I don't exactly know, one minute I was angry and the next minute I felt like cowering in a corner. I don't know what it is, but he doesn't give off a good vibe." She shuddered inwardly. Odd's gaze softened as he enveloped her in a soft warm hug. After getting over the initial shock of Odd hugging her she buried her face into his hard, yet warm chest and raised her arms to place them on his back.

Before she could do so a loud familiar protest caused her arms to fall and to breakaway from Odd. She looked over to spot Ulrich with an enraged look on his face.

"What the hell were you two doing?" Ulrich demanded as he stomped over to stand in front of Odd, his leveled glare meeting the opposite's gaze. Odd had actually looked sheepish as a hint of pink stained the tops of his cheeks. Yumi stared up beneath her long, dark lashes as she recognized the hurt concealed in his expression.

"Ulrich let me explain—" Yumi started, only to be cut off with Ulrich's glare.

"Save it. I don't' want to hear any excuses, especially from you Yumi." He said softly and sprinted off in the opposite direction. Yumi's heart felt torn between her emotions. She had always valued both Odd and Ulrich as close friends, albeit her and Ulrich always had some chemistry together, but that had been put aside when they decided to focus their all in defeating X.A.N.A. Sure they always joked around and Ulrich kept up that ridiculous competition between him and Theo, but she knew that he wasn't completely serious in it.

Although now she knew she had definitely hurt him, but she couldn't deny the slight attraction she had felt towards Odd recently lately too. She turned to Odd to see his crestfallen expression at the interaction between Ulrich and herself and sighed lightly.

"Let's get back to our classes to avoid getting into any more trouble." She declared to Odd. She saw him nod slowly.

"That's fine Yumi; also I want you to think about what I told you earlier, I'm still one hundred percent serious about it so don't dismiss me lightly." Odd said lightly and bent slightly to give Yumi a quick peck on the forehead and sprinted away quickly before Yumi could inflict any damage upon him.

Yumi instead watched his retreating figure and raised her hand to softly touch the area he had quickly kissed and blushed. It seemed a whole lot more intimate than the kiss they had shared together yesterday. She shook herself out of it and hurried to her class even though she was already beyond late.


Yumi sighed aloud at the end of the day. It had shaped out to be one of a kind. She could barely concentrate during class and during passing times if she saw Ulrich he would determinately try to not notice her, if she saw Odd he would smile slightly or throw a wink at her, if she saw the strange, creepy, new boy Xavier, which she desperately tried to avoid—to no avail of course, he would give her a hungry grin, which would cause her to scurry to class faster. All three reactions caused her to sigh aloud once more.

All in all, today was a truly magnificent day. She was heading back to her dorm when she spotted a familiar silhouette shaded by the setting sun. She hesitated then walked over as the soft brown hair came into vision.

There was Ulrich standing in front of the lake as he skipped small rocks and watched them land.

Plop. Plop. Plop.

His form looked magnificent as Yumi couldn't help but draw her eyes towards his frame. His strong shoulders and lean, yet muscled frame drew her in. And those arms, they would feel magnificent wrapped around her—wait! What was she thinking? She had to straighten this mess out, not drool over his body! Her gasp of outrage caused his body to tense and he looked slowly around.

He met her gaze and his soft features turned into a scowl as he turned back around sharply. Yumi was surprised at how much that simple reaction had hurt. Well they had been best friends for a long time, she told herself unconvincingly.

She slowly approached him and noticed that he realized it as well as his frame stiffened with each step she took. She walked to the other side of him and crouched down, picking out some small rocks. Ulrich continued skipping rocks as he seamlessly ignored her. Yumi looked up at Ulrich and noted the stern expression that caused his usually open, friendly features to dissipate.

She stood unsurely watching him the whole time. As she noticed he was obviously not going to pay any attention to her she began to skip rocks as well.


She flushed as the rock didn't skip but just fell right through. She looked up to Ulrich to notice his hesitance. She tried once more.


She blushed to the roots of her hair and slightly jumped in shock as Ulrich let out a soft chuckle. Although still embarrassed she felt instantly relieved when she saw that familiar smile she recognized grace his delicate features.

"I'm still mad y'know." Ulrich stated half-heartedly as he came up behind her and fixed her hand into the proper angle. "It's all in the wrist and the angle it is thrown at. If you master that then you'll have no problem," Ulrich stated as his hand continued to softly grip Yumi's smaller one.

Yumi's stomach began to flutter in response to the situation that they were in and she lightly blushed, unbeknownst to Ulrich. The fabric of his shirt kept brushing against her back and she felt the heat radiating from his wider, muscled frame. If she was asked to repeat everything Ulrich had said she would definitely fail. She was fully concentrated on his arms that were almost enveloping her.

Ulrich paused to look down at Yumi when he noticed she had started dazing off. He then noticed the proximity between them and flushed. His arms could just wrap around her and her slight frame would perfectly fit against his harder one. Shocked by his traitorous thoughts he jumped back abruptly.

Yumi, noticing the lack of comfortable warmth against her back, twisted around to face Ulrich's lidded eyes. Entranced, she walked forward until she was looking up into Ulrich's warm eyes. Ulrich stared down at the exquisite being before him. Her light, translucent skin contrasted with her dark eyes and long dark eyelashes. Her nose was small, cute and pert, blending in with her face and then the full pink-tinged lips were drawing him in.

Ulrich placed his hand upon the side of her cheek, tracing along the contours of her face. He brushed along her brow and down her cheek and reached her full pink lips. Ulrich couldn't draw himself away from this particular feature. He lightly gripped her chin and tilted her face upwards slowly to face him.

He leaned into her to deliver a soft, yet passionate, kiss. Yumi's eyes widened, but soon she fell into the kiss and her eyes closed as she kissed back. Ulrich's arms fell to her waist as Yumi's arms rose to wrap around his neck. Ulrich pressed passionately into the kiss and Yumi yielded to him, obliging him by opening her mouth for a deeper kiss.

The surroundings melted as Yumi and Ulrich became lost in one another.

In the shadows, a pair of emerald eyes glinted at the pair.

"Yet another pest." He said to him self quietly, "Soon you'll be rid of all of them dear Yumi, and then...you'll finally be mine." He broke out into a feral grin.

"Yes...you'll be all mine."


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End of Chapter Six

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Note: Yes, I know. O. M. G. I'm alive! The last time I wrote this I was a junior in high school and now I am a sophomore in college. It has DEFINITELY been a long time. Apologizing and making excuses won't make the situation any better, but I'm still very sorry for taking so long to update. I hope you guys enjoy and the next chapter should be out sooner than 3 years or so. JK! But I'll work hard! I'm trying to update all my fics before starting anything new! Till then! ;)