The Wonders of Vacations

Description: Random romance, ain't it fun? Ryo/Rika, Jeri/Takato, Henry/OC. The tamers go on a vacation to that beach house that Takato was at, and fun and romance ensues. It's my first tamers attempt, so beware if I don't always stick completely to character, I'm trying. Plus I'm completely making this up as I go. PG-13 for the use of minor curse words.

Disclaimer: I own two, ONLY two, of the characters in the story. Krista, and Alex Yoshika. The rest isn't mine.

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I'm updating ASAP, but like I've said, I'll be gone until the 19th, so you won't get anything until a couple days later. Sorry!

:-: Chapter 4 :-:

"What do you want to talk about? No offense son, but we haven't talked in a long time."

The glimmer of guilt struck Henry's eyes as he glanced away, concentrating on an area of carpet as he decided what to say next. "Well that's sort of what I wanted to talk about Dad." He paused. "See, I was talking with my friends, well Kris actually, and..." He broke off.

"Of course." The elder man smiled, whenever Henry had a startling revelation Krista was often behind it somewhere. "It's okay Henry."

"No, it's not. I've been awful to you lately, I've treated you terribly, when you didn't have much of a choice. And you just sat and took it, as if it wasn't wrong of me. You didn't yell or get mad or anything. You just put up with me never being home, and ignoring you." There was a note of shame echoing in his voice that was easy to hear.

"It's alright Henry. I understand why you're upset, I know you felt the loss of your friend, and I knew you needed time to get over it and grieve in your own way." There was an extremely fatherly smile upon Mr. Wong's face. "I'm glad you've come around though. I wonder, what made you?"

"Well the other day, yesterday actually, when I went over to Krista's she forced me to talk about it. Well I really only listened, because I wouldn't talk. She made me realize that you didn't really have much of a choice in the matter, and if you hadn't done what you did we might have lost them forever. She also helped me see that I wasn't the only one who'd lost their friend, that we all had, and because of that we had each other to find comfort in."

"She's pretty smart, that girl."

"Yeah she is." Father and son both nodded and smiled in agreement, then Henry looked away again. "There's something else too though. Something that made me more determined to talk to you."

"What's that?"

"Later on that day, after we'd got back to Kris' house from the ice cream parlor, we were talking and I remembered that Krista didn't even have a dad. I had almost forgot, and I was so mad at you, but at least I have you, she doesn't. I felt even worse after that. Kinda stupid, and guilty and ashamed, ya know?"

"I understand what you mean Henry, really I do. It shows good character to realize that you're lucky to have a family when others don't and to learn from it."

"Thanks Dad."

"Your welcome." He watched proudly as his son walked from the room, glad that he understood things better then he had before. "Oh, and Henry."


"You'd better get packed. We're picking up your friends to leave early tomorrow. We'll leave here about 9:00 and go get them."

"Alright. Well I'm gonna go pack then."

Upon entering his room he picked up the phone and quick fingers punched in the familiar number he wanted.

The phone rang three times before someone picked up. "Hello?" A young, male voice said on the line's other end, a little breathlessly, as though he'd been running around before answer.

Probably trying to find the phone, Henry thought with a smile. "Hi, Alex. Is your sister there?"

"Oh, hi Henry. Yeah, hold on, I'll get her." Distantly he heard Alex yell, 'KRIS! Henry's on the phone!.'

A moment later there was the click of a receiver picking up, and another click of one going off. "Hey Henry, what's up?"

"Just figured I'd call and tell you I talked to my dad."

He could almost hear her beaming at him through the phone. "That's great Henry! How'd it go?"

"Good, it actually went nothing like I'd planned. I didn't say any of the things I had written down."


"Uh huh. Also, Dad says we'll be picking you guys up tomorrow morning. So, we'll probably be at your house a little after nine. You're closest so I'm guessing we'll get you first."

"Alright." He heard her flop onto her bed, and then he did the same. "You finish packing yet?"

He laughed. "You kidding? Haven't even started." He could picture her shaking her head in mock disgust and exasperation.

"Haven't started? Best get a move on or you'll never finish."

"Spose so." He relented then considered something. "What about you? How far along are ya?"

There was a short moment of silence which gave Henry his answer. "You haven't started either, have you?"

"Sort of."

"How do you sort of start packing?"

"Well I've thought of what I want to bring."

"That doesn't count."

"Sure it does."


She sighed resigned to defeat. "Fine, it doesn't count. Guess that means that we should stop talking and start packing, huh?"

"Yeah, guess it does." He grinned at a thought. "Race ya."

"What dyou mean, race ya?" He could tell she was curious and up for any challenge he threw at her, so he explained.

"Well, we'll hang up, and start packing and then as soon as we're done, we'll call the other. That way we'll know who's done first. And who ever is will have someone at their house confirm it, so we can't cheat. Not that either of us would." He added quite hastily, knowing she would not appreciate such an insinuation on her character.

He could hear her hair hitting the phone lightly, indicating she was shaking her head once again, and most likely it was for the same reason. "Only you could turn packing into a race."

"Well that way we'll both hurry. I don't know about you, but I am a terribly slow packer. However, if I'm trying to beat you in a race, I'd go much faster."

"Try being the key and operative word. You've yet to beat me in any kind of race, Henry Wong. What makes you think you can just because it's packing?"

He was grinning, and she knew it, though she had no way of telling. "Well, I guess we'll just have to see, won't we?"

"Guess so. So what does the winner win?"

A pause as they both thought, however it was Henry who came up with an answer first. "How bout loser has to carry, load and unload the winner's stuff tomorrow?"

She was laughing lightly, and when she spoke her tones rang with good humor and gentle teasing. "I take it you already plan on me winning then?" His confused silence made her continue. "Well, if I lost, how on earth could I load your things? I'd have to run over to your house in the morning, then come back home." More silence. "Henry! I'm not going all the way over to your house to put your bags in the van and then come back home."

"Then don't lose."

"I won't."

"Then you'll have nothing to worry about, will you?"

"Alright then, it's a race. Ready, set, GO!" Both phones clicked off the second the word was said, both tamers were determined not to lose to the other.

:-: Now to Rika :-:

She was staring contemptuously at some the clothes her mother had bought her. While it was a nice gesture, one of the garments definitely was not of Rika's style. The pink and black bathing suit did not agree with her in any way. However, her mom had done very well with the two pairs of shorts and the pair of jeans she'd picked up. And the shirts she'd given her were also fairly acceptable.

(A/N- Note how I give no details on Rika's clothing, this goes back to my comment in the prior chapter about me being no good in the field of fashion.)

"What's that saying, again?" she asked herself aloud. "Oh, yeah, it's the thought that counts." So she left them in and zipped up the large, off red, duffel bag.

Standing up tall and stretching, she surveyed her things. She had two bags, the duffel bag, and a backpack. She'd remembered to pack some cards, in case anyone forgot, monopoly, which was the game she was told to bring, and a couple old movies her grandma had suggested. Also stuffed into her backpack, which she planned on keeping with her on the way up, was a small pillow and a throw blanket, just in case the trip up got boring. Her CDs, headphones, and player were also tucked away, along with her digimon cards.

The phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hey Rika!"

"Hello Jeri. What's up?"

"Just curious to see if you finished packing."

"Yup, just now, you?"

"Not quite, I wasn't sure what I ought to bring. I was hoping you might come over and help if you were done."

Rika rolled her eyes to herself, but she was smiling. "Sure Jeri, be there in about 20 minutes."

"Thanks Rika! See you then!" The line went dead so Rika shut her phone off, and pulled on her shoes.

"Grandma! I'm going to Jeri's." Her mom was off at a shoot, but she knew neither would mind her leaving.

"Alright Honey, have a good time. Be back before dark."

"Okay, Grandma, love you, see you when I get home."

"Bye dear."

The door shut and she turned down the street to Jeri's house.

:-: Ryo :-:

"God, am I bored." Ryo sighed, sitting in his room, his bags having been packed ages ago. He was too excited about the trip to put it off. For a few minutes he debated silently what he should do to spend the rest of the afternoon. Picking up the phone he called Rika.

After two rings it picked up, but it wasn't the voice he was hoping for.

"Hello? Nonaka residence."

"Hello, is Rika home?" He asked her grandmother hopefully.

"Sorry, Ryo. She went over to Jeri's, she probably won't be back for awhile."

"Oh, alright. Thanks ma'am." Hanging up the phone he sighed again. Maybe Henry?

Again he dialed the phone, this time the subject of his search was the voice that picked up.

"Hello?" Ryo thought Henry sounded a bit breathless.

"Hey, Henry. I was wondering if you wanted to do something? I'm bored out of my mind."

"Sorry, can't. Not now anyways. I'm having a packing race with Kris, I'm almost done, and I'm gonna beat her, I think."

"Packing race? No problems figuring out who thought that one up." He replied with a smirk. "Well, guess I'll let you finish up. I'll just go for a walk. Good luck Henry."

"Thanks, later Ryo."

Hanging up the phone he put it back on the receiver. With a sigh Ryo headed out of his room and toward the door. He headed dejectedly in the direction of Takato's house.

Ten minutes later he was walking into the bread shop. The sweet scents of warm dough hit him, and the sound of the bells jingling against the door rang trough the air.

"Hello Mrs. Matsuki (CHECK)." He smiled kindly to the women, then noticed another familiar face and turned to greet it as well. "Hello, Ms. ah..."

"Just Riley, Ryo. Hello to you too."

"Looking for Takato, Ryo?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"He's upstairs in his room, go ahead on up."

"Thanks!" He replied as he did what he was told. Upon reaching the door he knew to be his friend's room, he knocked.

"Who is it?"


The door opened seconds later to reveal an cheery Takato. "Hey, Ryo. What're you doing here?"

"I was bored, and I figured you'd be home, apparently I was right."

They laughed slightly. "Yup, I'm here, but I was going to go for a walk. You more then welcome to come though."

They stepped out of the room and made for the stairs. "Sure, where are you off to?"

"The park." The pair was now back in the shop. "Mom, I'm going for a walk with Ryo, I'll be back in an hour or so."

"Alright Takato, be careful."

The afternoon sun struck them as they left the bakery and began to walk in the general direction of the park. The walk only took a few minutes, and when they got to their specific destination, Guilmon's cave, they spotted Kenta and Kazu.

"Hey Chumly, Ryo."

"Hey guys."

"Ready to get beaten Takato?"

With a wayward grin Takato pulled his digimon cards out of his pocket. "Not this time Kazu."

"Then let the battle begin."

:-: At Krista's :-:

The phone rang and she winced. Hoping it wasn't Henry she answered.


"Hi, Kris!" She breathed relief.

"Oh, hey, Jeri. What's up?"

"I couldn't remember what game you were going to bring for the trip, and neither could Rika. What was it again?"

"My game?" She thought a second, then glanced at the shelf of games in her closet. "Oh! It was checkers, and chess." Grabbing the set she quickly put it with her things. "Was that all?"

"Yup, thanks Kris." She hung up the phone and looked despairingly around her room. She had everything more or less set out. Unfortunately she was still getting it ready to put in a bag, and still trying to figure out where her bag had gone to.

Leaving her room she went downstairs to rummage around the basement. After about ten minutes worth of looking she gave up and came upstairs, to find Alex waiting with the phone.

"It's Henry." He said in answer to the look she'd given him.

She groaned. "You didn't have to pick it up." She shot at him, snatching the phone in defeat. "You finished, didn't you?"

"Yeah, and you didn't, did you?"

"Nope, not even close. I can't find a duffel bag to put my stuff in."

Hearing her Alex came out from his room. "Kris, you know Mom had to throw that out last summer after the jellyfish got stuck in there."

From her reaction it was made apparent she did not know, or at least she had not remembered. "Oh, great. Now what am I going to put it all in? I've gotta go and try and dig up a big enough backpack, or something. Later."

"Kris wait!" But she'd already hung up. He sighed and walked out of his room.

"Mom, do you have an extra duffel bag Krista could borrow?"

"Sure Henry, in the closet."

"Thanks Mom." He grabbed the spare forest green bag, and shut the closet. "I'm going to Kris's house. Be back in a little while."

He reached her place and knocked on the door, noticing Mrs. Yoshika's car was not in the drive.

"Oh, hey again Henry."

"Hi, Alex. You're sister still looking for a bag?"

"Yup. She's in her room."

Henry nodded and made his way there. Standing in the door frame he watched her attempt to stuff her things into a small book bag, an amused grin on his face. She hadn't noticed him watching her, so he walked in and set the bag in front of her.

"Huh?" She looked up in surprise, then smiled gratefully. "Always the knight in shining armor, aren't you?"

"Nah, only for you." He grinned as she rolled her eyes in a playful matter. "Knew dad had an extra, but you hung up too quick."

"Thanks Henry." She began pulling clothes out of her backpack and putting them neatly into the bag he'd brought. He watched her intently, smiling as she made sure everything was folded just right. "So." She said after a few minutes, feeling his eyes expectant upon her. "I guess I'll be at your house tomorrow morning, eh?"

"Nope, I'm not going to make you." She raised a brow to him in question. "It's much more satisfying to know I've won."

They laughed and talked and an hour later they sat on her bed, satisfied that she was finished packing.

"Well, I'd better get going, I said I wouldn't be gone too long. Later Kris!"


:-: With Kazu, Kenta, Ryo & Takato :-:

"Told you I'd win, Kazu." Takato boasted.

"He beat you good. Nice job Takato."

"Thanks Ryo."

"Oh, man. I cannot believe I lost to Chumly."

"It was bound to happen, all that digimon battling, figures he'd get good enough to win against you Kazu."

"Not helping Kenta."


The four friends laughed, half of them rolling their eyes, then stood up, stretched, and parted ways.

"See you all tomorrow! Oh, hey, Takato. How are we getting there."

"Henry's dad will be picking us all up sometime after nine tomorrow."

"Alright, later!"

:-: Rika and Jeri :-:

"Thanks for the help Rika."

"No problem Jeri, see you tomorrow?"

"Yup, bright and early!"

"Yeah, fun."

:-: End Chapter 4 :-:

So what did everyone think? I hoped you liked it. I know I said they'd make the trip up this chapter, but I'm leaving in two days, and I have my own packing crisis to get through now. I've been putting it off to put up one last chapter before I left, and now I've got tons of wash and such to do.

Until Next Time, and Until I Get Back,
