Mind over Matter

Chapter 11: Sissy has definitely lost it.

By: Raven612

Yumi lay on her stomach on her bed flipping lazily through a magazine. Tomorrow was the last day of school then Jeremy, Ulrich, and Odd would have to go home. Lightening was playing with Yumi's feet, Yumi let out a soft giggle and closed the magazine and scooped up Lightening.

"I think it was you that saved me." Yumi said petting his head. "The night I found you I was going to come home and commit suicide but you saved me." Yumi laughed and drug a string for the kitten to chase. Suddenly Yumi's cell rang. She leapt up and answered it.

"Hello," she said.

"Hey Yumi it's Odd, have you heard from Jeremy yet?"

"No, is he at the factory?" Yumi asked.

"Yeah he went there a few hours ago and I wasn't expecting him to be gone this long."

"I'll meet you there." She sighed and threw the string for Lightening to chase. "I'll be back in an hour." She yelled to her parents as she ran out the door. Yumi was half way to the school when someone grabbed her arm. She faltered and fell to the ground. She looked behind her and found Sissy staring at her.

"What are you doing out here Yumi?" She asked.

"What are you doing out here I don't live on campus so I won't get in trouble." She shot back rubbing her knees off.

"I was out for a walk." Sissy answered slipping something into the pocket on her jacket.

"Well I'm just going to continue on my walk." Yumi said uneasily walking away from Sissy.

"Well if your walking to why don't I just join you." Sissy smiled evilly.

"Well because I want to walk alone." Yumi said.

"Why are you going to meet Ulrich somewhere or any of the others?" Sissy shot.

"No I am not I just want to go for a walk." Yumi yelled finally getting fed up with Sissy's obsession over Ulrich. Yumi stormed off leaving Sissy in the dust. Yumi was unaware of the evil grin on Sissy's face.

"Just wait Yumi your end will come soon." Sissy said to herself as she turned and walked back in the direction of the school.

Yumi continued on to the factory hoping Jeremy was there and that Odd was waiting for her. She reached the bridge and ran across it; she could see the silhouette of a person standing in the entrance. She reached the entrance and grabbed the door way for support as she caught her breath.

"Is Jeremy here?" She asked.

"I didn't go inside yet I was waiting for you." Odd said whistling.

"Let's go," Yumi said pulling him by the arm inside and to the elevator.

She punched in the code as Odd leaned with one foot on the wall on the opposite side of the elevator. "So do you think Jeremy finally got the materialization program finished yet?" She asked leaning on the other wall opposite Odd.

"I don't know he just ran out on me and Ulrich, Ulrich should be here with him too." Odd added.

"How long has he been here anyway?" Yumi asked concern fogging her voice.

"For about 2 hours now he totally skipped supper." Odd yawned.

"Well we'll see what's up once we get to the lab." Yumi said smiling knowing that Jeremy was totally dedicated to his materialization program.

"I hope he finally got it I'm sick of him talking in his sleep about..." Odd's last statement was cut off once the elevator doors opened, "...Aelita." He whispered his mouth hanging open.

"Hey guys," Aelita called proudly waving in her new body.

"Aw, Jeremy you actually did it!" Yumi exclaimed hugging him tightly.

"Yeaup and Ulrich here helped out tons." He with a smiled and blushed when Aelita brushed against him on accident.

"Well Jeremy we better bring Aelita to school and go back to our dorms incase Jim found out we left." Odd said still staring at Aelita.

"Right," Jeremy agreed and took Aelita's hand without even knowing he had and lead her to the elevator and almost forgot the others.

They made it back to the school slowly because Aelita wanted to stay and look at the stars and smell the night air more and feel the breeze every time it came up and she wanted to run and jump into the stream by the park. They finally got back to the school, Jeremy and Odd took Aelita to the principal's office and Ulrich walked Yumi home.

"Wow you guys how long did it take?" Yumi asked leaning into his body.

"Well Jeremy had most of it already figured out I just helped him a little bit besides he's the one with the brains not me." Ulrich laughed.

They reached Yumi's house. Ulrich was leaning in to kiss her goodnight when something hard hit his back. He and Yumi reeled around to see what it was. They saw Sissy standing there with a crazed and deadly look on her face.

"Yumi!" she roared.

"Sissy what are you doing here?" Ulrich asked.

"What are you doing with her?" Sissy demanded pointing a threatening finger in Yumi's face.

"I was walking her home." Ulrich said.

"Yumi you're dead!" Sissy screamed and jumped on Yumi.

"Hey cut it out Sissy I don't want to fight." Yumi said easily pushing Sissy off.

"I don't ever want to see your face again!" Sissy screamed still not backing away and Xana's mark flashed red in her eyes for a split second.

"Sissy settle down it's not like you and Ulrich were even going out." Yumi said backing into the brick wall behind her.

"You have no right to steal him from me!" Sissy said loudly slapping Yumi.

"Hey!" Yumi yelled rubbing her cheek, "Sissy will you just leave us alone?" Yumi asked clenching a fist by her side.

"Sissy please there's no need to fight us." Ulrich said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"You're a traitor!" she spat in his face. He withdrew his hand and shoved it in his pocket.

"Sissy please, just leave us alone." Yumi pleaded.

"No I will not, you knew how much I loved Ulrich and you had to go and take him from me didn't you Yumi." She snapped stepping closer.

"Yumi I don't think this is the real Sissy." Ulrich said finally realizing that it might be Xana.

"What?" Yumi asked unsure if she heard him right.

"I think it might be Xana feeding off of her feelings." Ulrich said.

"I really hope so." Yumi said blocking another slap from Sissy. "What am I supposed to do about her then and then there's Jeremy and Aelita." Yumi said dodging a punch now.

"Stop talking to him your dealing with me now." Sissy laughed and her eyes grew an ominous glowing red.

"Ulrich hurry and find the others you guys are going into Lyoko I'll stay here and deal with this, you have to hurry." Yumi ordered and Ulrich nodded as he ran down the street to the school.

"Sissy can't we just talk?" Yumi offered dodging another punch.

"No I have no need to ever talk to you again I just want you to die." Sissy said with an evil laugh.

"I really don't want to hurt you but if I really have to..." Yumi trailed off as she threw a punch back at Sissy that hit her square in the jaw.

"Jeremy, Odd, Aelita!" Ulrich called running to Jeremy's room.

"What is it Ulrich?" Jeremy asked not bothering to look away from Aelita.

"It's Xana he's controlling Sissy and right now Sissy and Yumi are in a fight and I think Sissy wants to kill Yumi." Ulrich huffed nearly out of breath.

"What?" Odd almost yelled letting the magazine he was looking at fall to the floor and ignored an annoyed looking Kiwi.

"Sissy and Yumi are fighting right outside Yumi's house and Sissy is totally crazy." Ulrich said much faster now and pulled Jeremy out the door. Odd followed with Aelita as they ran to the factory.

"Hey, Jeremy do you think that if Aelita goes back to Lyoko we can still bring her back?" Odd asked dumbly.

"Of course Odd I have the program all done." Jeremy answered with a shake of his head as he grabbed his scooter and left a little room for Aelita to double with him.

"We have to hurry Yumi could be in a lot of danger if Xana is controlling Sissy." Ulrich said as he sped forward on his skateboard.

They reached the elevator. Odd, Ulrich, and Aelita all got off at the scanners as Jeremy went to the lab. They all stepped into a scanner and waited to be virtualized. Jeremy managed to virtualize them near the tower but there to greet them were two large cannon ball type things, (oops forgot what they were called lol) three crabs, and four blocks.

"Xana must really be testing us." Ulrich said stepping in front of Aelita holding his sword in front of him, "Triplicate," he yelled and three of him appeared. The three Ulrich's ran after the crabs. One Ulrich was taken out and two crabs were taken out. Odd took care of the third.

"I got the cannons if you got the blocks." Odd yelled to Ulrich.

"Go," Ulrich screamed as he and Odd took off after their opponents.

Odd flipped as he dodged an attack by the cannon ball. "Laser arrow." He yelled as an arrow shot from his hand into the monster and it exploded. "One down one to go," Odd said smiling as he turned to the other cannon ball.

Ulrich stared smiling with his sword drawn at the four blocks surrounding him. He ran as a block shot at him. It hit him in the arm but he kept running and stuck his sword into the block and it exploded. He smiled and turned to the other three remaining. He took out one and as he did so he got hit again.

"Ulrich try not to get hit anymore you have only 30 life points and Odd now has 10." Jeremy said.

"I'd like to see you in here." Ulrich said under his breath as he ran to the other block and jumped in the air and brought his sword down into one of the two blocks left and at the same time Odd took out the other one.

"Let's get to that tower." Odd said smiling as he and Ulrich walked back to Aelita.

"Sissy settle down," Yumi pleaded again. Her lip was bleeding and she had a small cut on her forehead from sliding across the sidewalk and a large bruise on her abdomen from being kicked. Sissy was in worse shape but the pain never seemed to get to Sissy.

"I will never settle down until Ulrich is mine." Sissy screamed flying at Yumi. Yumi ducked and punched up as Sissy flew over her. Sissy flew back first into the sidewalk. Sissy was kneeling on one knee with an arm around her stomach. Her hair was covering her face but Yumi could hear an evil like laugh coming from under her hair.

"Sissy?" Yumi asked concerned now that she might have done some serious damage.

"Yumi you never learn do you?" Sissy asked laughing as she did and looked at Yumi her eyes a deep scarlet and the sign of Xana flashing in them.

"Sissy what happening to you?" Yumi asked backing away with fear.

"Nothing Yumi I just want to see you dead." She laughed lunging at Yumi with her hands in front of her. Yumi stood stunned as Sissy's hands closed tightly around her neck. Yumi fell backwards and kicked up sending Sissy flying behind her. Yumi rubbed her neck turned towards Sissy.

"I hope they hurry." Yumi said wiping away a trickle of blood.

"Ok I guess this is where we say good bye." Odd said saluting Aelita.

"I'll see you guys again soon in the real world." Aelita said laughing at Odd's funny gesture. She stepped into the tower and floated to the second floor. She touched the screen it flashed Aelita then is flashed Code Lyoko. The files along the walls fell and a white light filled the tower.

"Return to the past," Jeremy said pressing a button. A white light covered the school then the factory then the rest of the city.

Ulrich and Odd ran to the spot that Ulrich had left Sissy and Yumi fighting. Yumi had a hand against the wall and was breathing heavily. Sissy lay on the ground moaning.

"Are you two okay?" Odd asked helping a half awake Sissy to her feet.

"I don't know, what happened?" She asked holding her head.

"I, uh we were attacked by thugs." Yumi said quickly leaning against Ulrich.

"We were?" Sissy asked wide eyed.

"Yeah, yeah we were they um, wanted our money, they knocked you out and I um, fought them off." Yumi said hissing in pain again holding her bleeding scalp.

"Ulrich, if we returned to the past shouldn't they be um, not hurt." Odd said for a lack of better words.

"I'm not sure." Ulrich answered truthfully wiping away a trickle of blood from Yumi's cheek.

"Ulrich could you help me home? I think I twisted my ankle." Yumi asked limping over to him.

"Sure, Odd can you bring Sissy home?" He asked over his shoulder leading a limping Yumi away.

"Sure, you don't mind do you?" He asked.

"Just bring me home." Sissy snapped.

"Alright princess," he said smiling and lead her back to the school.

The next morning was the last day of school. Yumi met Aelita, Ulrich, Odd, and Maya by the gate. She was surprised to see Maya and Odd actually holding hands.

"When did this happen?" Yumi asked.

"....Um well last night before Odd had an important errand to run." Maya said blushing fiercely.

"Hmm, really?" Yumi asked slyly leaning into Ulrich.

"Yeaup," Odd said smiling widely.

The others laughed. Aelita grabbed Jeremy's hand and it caused him to blush deeply. They all laughed and walked together into the school for the last day of school and what they hoped to be the last day of Xana.

A/N: Well this is the last chapter of this story but I am working on a sequel called Summer Mists which kinda is based around all of the couples but mostly Ulrich/Yumi and Odd/Maya. Well R&R!!!