Chapter five of the Dukes of Smallville

After dropping off Clark Jonathan headed back to the farm. Normally he would've sped home while behind the wheel of the General but this time he decided against it. Jonathan took his time getting home and for good reason.

He had a lot on his mind. More specifically, the fact that his long lost relatives and friend were now at the farm. He'd been reunited with a part of his past and that made him beam with pride. It also saddened him because the one man that had helped him through a lot while he was younger was now gone.

Jonathan thought back to the day when he left the farm. The last thing he remembered seeing were Luke, Daisy, and Uncle Jessie in the rear view mirror. Each one hoping he'd turn back around. It never happened though and Bo kept on driving. A lone tear found it's way down Jonathan's cheek. He'd never get to see Uncle Jessie ever again.

He hated himself. He hated that day and all that he'd done. He'd caused everyone nothing but pain and suffering. But in a way it was also rewarding. He was happily married to Martha, his beautiful wife, and they both their son, Clark. The decision that day was too bittersweet for him to think about anymore. Jonathan shoved the memory away and cranked up the radio on the General.

Once back at the farm Jonathan headed out to the barn to get something's done. He also wanted to be alone from everyone else. Time passed quickly for him as he didn't recognize it was time for lunch when Luke came out to get him.

When lunch was over with Jonathan headed back out to the back forty to get some work done. Luke and Cooter offered to help to which he accepted. The three men left leaving Daisy and Martha in the house to clean up.

"You seem like you're really happy out here, Bo." Luke commented as the three worked on one of the tractor's that had broke down.

Bo grabbed a wrench. "Yeah, you could say that I am."

Cooter was busy taking one the front wheels off but glanced over to his friend. "Hey Bo, mind if I ask ya something."

"Nah Cooter, go on ahead." Bo replied.

Cooter stopped what he was doing and headed over to where Bo was working underneath the tractor. "Do you ever regret leavin' Hazzard?"

Bo stopped what he was doing and pulled himself out from underneath the tractor. "Yeah Cooter, I do. I did something incredibly stupid. I left the farm and my family and friends for what I wanted to do. I put myself ahead of everyone else." He was about to say something else when the jack supporting the front of the tractor gave way.

"Bo!" Cooter yelled. He reached down and pulled his friend out of the way seconds before the behemoth would've pinned him. Unfortunately there was a problem with his action.

Cooter's leg was pinned underneath the tractor and he was screaming in pain.

Martha and Daisy had finished up in the kitchen and were outside talking some more when Jonathan pulled up. He got out. "Martha, Daisy, something's happened to Cooter! We need to call the paramedics and probably the fire department!

"Jonathan what happened?" Martha asked as she and Daisy followed the frantic man inside the house. "The tractor we were working on fell. Cooter pulled me out of the way but got his leg stuck underneath instead."

Daisy looked at him with shock. "Oh my god! Is he ok?"

Jonathan shrugged. "I'm not sure. He was screaming his head off when I left."

Martha grabbed her husband. "Jonathan, there's another way."

Jonathan looked at her before the reality of what she was proposing sat in. "Martha! We can't do that! What about Clark's secret?"

It was about this time that Daisy cut in. "What does Clark have to do with this?" The two Kent's looked at her then back at one another.

"Fine." Jonathan grumbled. "Call the school. Tell'em to get Clark out here as fast as possible." Martha nodded and made the call.

Clark was unsure as to why he was pulled out of class all the sudden. The only thing the principal had told him was that it was an urgent call from his mother. Once he reached the office the secretary inside handed him the phone. "Hi mom."

"Clark! Thank god I got you finally. You need to come home now! Cooter's stuck underneath a tractor out on the back forty!!"

'Oh no.' Clark thought. "I'm on my way, mom." And with that Clark hung up the phone and headed out of the office. Once he was clear of it he supersped off to the farm.

Clark arrived back at the farm in record time. He stopped at the farm house and from there he, Jonathan, Martha, and Daisy headed off in the truck. Daisy wondered how Clark managed to get back to the farm so fast but didn't ask any questions.

They arrived at the scene just a few seconds later. It was still the same as before only this time Cooter was looking worse. Everyone hurried out of the truck. Jonathan cast a look to his son as Clark walked over to tractor. Without saying anything, Clark lifted the front of the tractor off the ground as if it weighed nothing. Luke and Daisy just stared in shock. Neither could've believed in their wildest dreams what they were seeing. Jonathan made his move and grabbed Cooter and pulled him out. Clark set the tractor back down and helped his father load Cooter in the back of the pickup. Luke and Daisy came out of their shock and got into the truck as they headed off for Smallville Medical Center.

End of Chapter five.