By moonstonemystyk
[email protected]
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the elements of it. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, I only wish that I had thought of it first. :D
The boy who lived two lives
This is a sequel to Harry Potter and the end of the Dursleys. Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Dudley head to Hogwarts for their seventh year. Strange things begin happening in the Wizarding World, and Ginny sees it all. Follow Harry and his friends through another year, and see what they find when they go in search of the Book of Destiny.
Chapter 1
I was so strange, Harry thought to himself. At the end of last term, he had gotten his parents back and gained a family that included his most hated Professor. Right now, his parents, Peter Pettigrew and his wife Mary, his godfather Sirius Black and his wife Rose, Remus Lupin and his bride of only a week, and Severus Snape and his wife Laura were sitting in the back yard. They were laughing and talking about all of the things that they had done over the summer. The summer had been an interesting one, they had traveled to the United States and gone to what the muggles there call the most magical place on earth, Disney World. It had been fun to ride all of the muggle rides and watch the shows that they put on. Muggles had inventions that made you think that you were seeing magic, like the tour through the human body. Ron and Ginny had been shocked by all of the things that muggles came up with.
Harry's parents had arranged for them to tour the Blue Ridge Academy, it was their most prestigious magical school. It had resembled Hogwarts only slightly, there was a large castle, but it had no lake and was surrounded by forest. They had used muggle transportation to the school, it was in the mountains of Virginia. Ron had made lots of jokes about the state having the same name as Ginny, but had sat there with his mouth hanging open when he saw it. It had been hot when they had left for the school, but by the time they had arrived, it was much cooler. The headmistress, a very young witch named Helen Hufflepuff, was a direct descendant of Helga Hufflepuff. She was only in her thirties, she had lost her parents in the first war with Voldemort, when they died, she had just begun her first year at the school. She had spent the past fifteen years studying and improving the school that her great-great-grandparents had built. We stayed there for three days, and she had extended an invitation to all of us to return any time we wanted.
He was standing at the kitchen window just watching the group in the yard when arms wrapped around his middle.
"What are you watching?" Ginny asked.
He smiled and turned around, "I'm watching my strange family talk about the summer."
She snuggled up against his chest and put her head on his shoulder, "It was quite an interesting summer. I can't believe that the headmaster of the school in the states knows Charlie's wife, and that she had attended that school with her. It was beautiful there, all those trees and the nice cool breeze during the summer. I thought that we were going to melt when we were at Disney world. It was so hot there." She stretched up and kissed his cheek, "Speaking of my brother and his wife, a little house elf told me that he was coming here for a visit today."
Harry looked down at his girlfriend, "Let me guess, Dobby?"
Ginny laughed, "I still can't believe that when we caught Malfoy in the other time, he searched out your parents and told them that he wanted to serve their son."
"I can't believe that he remembered both timelines in my parent's time. He explained everything to them, even how he had almost killed me with that charmed bludger. But I am glad that he's with me. I would have missed him if he wasn't." He kissed the top of her head, "Why don't we go and find Ron and Hermione, call your brothers and get a game of Quidditch started. We only have a few more days until we go back to school, may as well have as much fun as we can."
She pulled back and looked up into his emerald eyes, "I'll go fetch Ron and Hermione, you floo call my brothers and work on the rest of the Quidditch players in the yard."
He leaned down and kissed her lips, wondering how he had taken so long in his time to discover what a wonderful person she was. "I love you, Virginia Weasley."
Ginny's eyes popped open and she just stared, "What did you say?" she asked shakily.
Harry looked into her chocolate colored eyes and smiled, "I said that I love you, Virginia Molly Weasley. I can't imagine my life, either of them, without you in them."
Ginny squealed, "Harry James Potter, I love you too."
Ginny found Ron and Hermione going over their books for the coming year, and stealing a few kisses between pages. Ginny cleared her throat, "Harry wants to play Quidditch," she told them. "Ron, could you go and help him convince the adults in the back yard to play?"
Ron jumped up from his seat next to Hermione, dropping his Potions text on the floor. "I'll see you both out there," he told them as he ran out of the room.
Ginny sat down in his vacated seat, "Hermione," she started.
Hermione smiled at her, "So he told you, huh?"
Ginny looked at the older girl, "You knew?" she asked.
"Well," she cleared her throat, "Ron figured it out, and told him that if you were important to him that he should tell you."
Ginny leaned back and closed her eyes, "I didn't expect him to tell me that he loved me."
Hermione jumped up from the couch, "He told you that he loved you?" she screeched.
Ginny opened her eyes, "I thought that you knew?"
"I knew that you were very important to him, but I didn't know that he was going to tell you that he loves you," she shouted. She threw her arms around Ginny, "This is so wonderful."
Ginny looked up and saw Lily standing in the doorway, "It's about time he told you," she sniffed. "He figured it out ages ago, and I told him that you needed to know."
Ginny let go of Hermione and walked over to Lily. "He wasn't going to tell me?"
"He was getting advice from James and Sirius, that's not a good thing to do for matters of the heart. James was a prat for the first five years I knew him, and Sirius, well, he's much worse. He went over to the Burrow two weeks ago and talked to your dad and mum, but I'm not sure what the conversation was about. Your mum has been smiling at me a lot since then, but I wasn't there so I can't tell you what was said," Lily explained.
Ginny hugged Lily and ran toward the fireplace, "Can I floo my parents?" she asked.
"Yes Ginny, I've told you, our home is your home," she answered.