Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to the Scfi channel, MGM, and whoever else owns them. I get no money for this!

Rating: G

Notes: Well here's the final chapter. Thanks for reading everybody! I hope you all enjoyed it and I hope I was able to give everyone a touch of what they wanted to see. As always review and let me know what you think! It may help with future stories!

Mysteries Unraveled

By Ans4Christ

"So, that's it." Jonas finally stated, finishing the story.

Amy was silent for a moment," I don't get it. Why do you think you're crazy?"

Jonas gave her a look," Please, please tell me you're kidding."

Amy smirked and broke into a huge smile," Sorry. Couldn't help myself." She grew quiet," What can I say? It's a remarkable story. It's enough to make your head spin."

"Tell me about. If I didn't have a concussion it might be spinning even faster. Amy, what do you make of all this? I mean, you're a spiritual person, but you're also a logical person. Does any of this make sense?"

Amy thought for a moment. "Well, for one thing Jonas, I don't think that you're crazy. I do believe you saw and experienced what you did."

"Yes, but was it even real? I mean sometimes when you have a severe head injury you can hallucinate can't you? I mean is that what this was?"

Amy shook her head," I don't think so. I mean you found your flashlight down there; which means you were there. As far as the different formations of the rocks, that I can't answer; it must have all been connected with the Guardian."

"Of which I found no evidence of his even being there."

"Entertain a stranger you may be entertaining an angel."


Amy shrugged. "A mysterious stranger with powers that disappears and leaves no evidence plus supports the Bible; what else would it be?"

"A bizarre alien?" Jonas stated.

"Well could you touch him?" Amy asked. Jonas gave an odd look," Maybe he was one of the Ascended. I mean they do this sort of thing don't they?"

Jonas mused on that for a second. "Yeah, that's a possibility, but he interfered. They aren't supposed to interfere. Besides, why would an alien support the Bible."

"The Ancients seem too." Amy pointed out.

"And again I will ask, why?"

"Maybe it's like that theory I suggested earlier. Maybe one of them checked the data on the Bible and found things to be scientifically and historically accurate. I mean the Ancients seem to like doing that sort of thing. Studying and researching other races and cultures. Maybe this is one of those instances."

"Yeah, but why would they support it; why not just say it has certain things that can supply and or help a society."

"The Ancients used to experiment a lot. Maybe they saw what the Bible had the capability to do. Maybe they brought it to other worlds or something and people were transformed, like the Guardian said. Like what happened to that planet supposedly. I don't know Jonas, sometimes questions have to remain unanswered; and sometimes you just have to look at the evidence and see if the answer is already there. The Guardian said all the answers that you needed had already been provided for you. Maybe they have, maybe you're just afraid of what those answers could mean for you."

Jonas was quiet," So you don't think I'm crazy?"

Amy smiled," I don't think you're crazy. I think what you saw and experienced was real. Maybe it was all a dream, but that still doesn't mean it wasn't real. Who knows, maybe it was an angel."

"Yeah right. Whatever it was it's going to keep my head spinning for days."

"You know Jonas; maybe the real answers to the questions have to come from you. Maybe you have to decide what you believe. Who knows, maybe that's some underlining power of the device? You figure it out and it makes you ponder the evidence until you personally come to a conclusion. I don't know. But I do know you're not crazy, and I do know that I believe you, no matter what anyone else says. Sometimes things happen in life that is meant to change us, or at least lead us in the way that we should go. Sometimes miracles happen, it's as simple as that."

"I may believe in some things Amy, but I don't think miracles are one of them." Jonas said resolutely.

"Miracles come in all shapes and sizes, Jonas. Sometimes people just meeting each other can be a miracle."

"Like you and me meeting each other?"

Amy laughed," Maybe, I mean after all you are from another planet. So I guess for the two of us to meet up could be called that, or maybe just fate." Amy paused for a moment. She shook her head lightly and cleared her throat," I better get going before Janet comes back. She's been gone a lot longer than ten minutes. Besides you look terrible."

"Gee thanks."

"I meant you need some rest. And I got to get to work early tomorrow." Amy got up and looked at Jonas. She took a step over to him almost hesitantly. "I'm glad you're okay Jonas. You could have been seriously injured. I'm- uh- I'm just glad you're okay." She was quiet again, Jonas just eyed her. "Get some rest." She said quietly. Without saying anything else she bent down and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead. "Good night, Jonas." She said quickly and left.

"Hey Amy," Jonas called after her.

"Yeah," she turned at the door.

" Sure you don't think I'm crazy?" Jonas said with a smile.

Amy shook her head and smiled," Good night, Jonas." And she left.

Jonas laid his head on the pillow for a moment, pondering everything that taken place in the past 24 hours, and what they meant for him. He closed his eyes still pondering it all, and before falling asleep he whispered," Good night, Amy."


Well I hope I covered everything. I may write another Jonas/Amy story, but only if people want it. And I swear it won't take me six months to write it this time! I'll juggle that in between the book I'm working on. (I plan on being a professional author. So I'll need patience from everyone!) Either way, let me know, and thanks for reading!