Author's Note: I'm back! And I'm … well, I'm very apologetic. I had no intention whasoever of staying away from this story, or fanfic in general, for as long as I have done. I've had a rough trot in real life over the last few months, but hopefully now I will have more time on my hands, and, more importantly, more computer time. Thanks to everyone who reviewed while this story was on unofficial hiatus; you guys made me want to come back to this story when I was thinking that I'd never write again. So thankyou.

Enjoy …

"I can't believe he actually did it," Alan grumbled again. "I can't believe he actually grounded us for six months!"

Gordon shrugged. "That, I have no trouble believing. What I have difficulty believing is that he actually made Scott and Virgil sell their cars."

Virgil glared at him, and Gordon's grin widened despite himself.

"Shut it, Gordon," John groaned. "Baiting Virgil isn't going to help us get through this massive lot of paper we have to file."

"You sound like Scott," Alan complained.

John replied, "Well, Scott isn't always wrong, you know. He tends to be right about things 99 of the time."

Had any of the brothers decided to drop a pin at that precise moment, the noise it made when hitting the floor would have been plainly audible to all persons in the room. Gordon, Alan, even Virgil all stared disbelievingly at John. John paused, pulling a face.

"Sorry guys, " he said after a second. "Don't how that slipped out."

Gordon shook his head. "You know, for a second there, I thought that all this filing had sent you completely sane."

John half-laughed, before Gordon's words sank in. "Wait … gone sane?"

"Yeah, well, you were already insane."

"Speaking of Scott," Alan said, interrupting, "where is he?"

Virgil pointed in the general direction of the kitchen. "Helping Grandma." He shook his head. "And you think we are unlucky to have all this filing to do! Give me filing over an angry Grandma any day!"

The boys shuddered as one. Suddenly, the old dusty papers lying in papers around them didn't seem so bad.

They continued filing the papers away for another few minutes in silence before a cry of "Pardon me, Scott Tracy? What did you say?" could be distinctly, if faintly, heard from the kitchen.

"Sounds like Grandma," Gordon observed.

John immediately leapt to an uncomfortable conclusion. "You think that … Scott might have let slip …"

The four brothers looked at each other as the heavy footsteps of their father approached. Gordon sank his head into his hands. "I knew we should have told him about the soccer game," he groaned.

The End

Author's Note: Well, there you go! I hope you have all had as much reading this as ihave had writing it … I hope to be back in the Thunderbirds fandom soon J This story was never intended to be anything too long - and this seemed like a good way to end it. At least, it seemed like a good idea at the time!

Thanks too everyone who has reviewed this story - you guys are fantastic! What started as a random, crazy idea turned into a random, crazy fanfic … isn't life good like that?
