Disclaimer: normal disclaimer…
Finally It's Over
"So, that means… Kikumaru-san will stay like that forever?" said Ohtori who spotted the Hyotei tensai (genius) coming with a very happy red hair baby on his hand. A unison groan could be heard from Seigaku side as a reply.
"Your team are not quite pleased thinking about this possibility hn?" Atobe smirked at Seigaku bucho (captain) in amused "Take him to ore-sama."
"Sure, Atobe." A paused before he faced the baby "Now, you take good care of yourself, our captain could be such a predator."
"What!?" almost everyone let out a small chuckle even Tezuka was smirking. The blue hair tensai walked slowly toward his bucho and placed the baby onto his lap. "… He's such a kawaii (cute) baby, you know, Tezuka." His usual arrogant tone was gone when Kikumaru's little fingers warped around his index finger tightly. Suddenly Tezuka's hand phone began to ring.
"Tezuka, the antidote."
"Is it finish?"
"Don't say you can't make it, Inui." Hearing that, the Seigaku team gasped in horror.
"Joudan yo. (kidding)"
"… You do that again, you'll receive 1000 laps tomorrow."
"Uh, I found the antidote. Could you take Eiji to Fuji's house? We'll meet there."
"Definitely." Closing his phone, Tezuka looked at his team and nodded, a relief sigh could be heard even some was jumping up and down. Finally he looked toward his left but found nothing, blinking once the hazel brown hair captain looked at the other before let out a groan. "Don't say anything." He said stopping his Fukubucho from saying anything like Eiji being kidnapped, while rubbing his suddenly dizzy head.
"Where's Atobe?" he continued almost glared at their rival team.
"Um, I think he walked that way."
"Usu." Upon hearing the answer, the Seigaku's team dashed toward the direction, followed by the Hyotei's. Stopping immediately and watched in amused when they found Atobe the arrogant captain of Hyotei, the great monkey king as Echizen dubbed, sitting on the bench, rocking the baby on his embrace to sleep while singing a soft lullaby. On the other hand, the baby seemed content and 'nya-ing' once a while when finally drifted him self to sleep. Who ever guess that the bucho of Hyotei tennis club had a soft spot toward the baby? On the contrary who ever guess that Seigaku's and Hyotei's boy tennis club regular could be that gentle? Everyone finally moved toward them, not making any voice that could wake Eiji up.
"Atobe?" Tezuka called, breaking the silent.
"He such a cute little baby, you know, Tezuka?" somehow his usual arrogant smirk was gone.
"We have to go now, Inui found the antidote."
"So soon?"
"… quite late I guess." Momoshiro able to mumble after recalling so many events occurred yesterday.
"Think you should give the kid to his papa, Atobe." Hearing the papa part, some of them were chuckling lightly while Tezuka, the papa twitched his eyes brown.
"Sigh, can I go with you?" not taking his eyes from the baby, he spoke quietly. The hazel hair captain looked at Fuji, asking his permission; after all it was Fuji's house. Finally the group went toward Fuji's house.
Several minutes later… Fuji's house
Inui was standing outside waiting patiently with his sunglasses?! The group finally arrived and some with confused looked on their faces, looking at him.
"Inui-sempai, what's with the sunglasses?"
"I broke my glasses on experiment lab…" a gasp some even murmured about how dangerous it was. "All right let me try this to Eiji."
"Wait! You mean you haven't tried it?!" Atobe almost gasped in horror while other stared at him in disbelief, Tezuka was glaring at him.
"Um, well not at human, anyone wants to be guinea pig?" he said, his glasses was glistening slightly, almost all of them shook their head minus Tezuka who was suppress his urge to join them shaking his head, he was giving him a dead glare.
"Never mind, this one is not a liquid, I make them like a candy, it sweet and melt immediately on your mouth."
"Oh, you awake? Here, have some candy?" the Data man offered 'the candy' toward the baby's mouth but before he could reach it, Atobe moved the red head baby away, which made him to blink in confused.
"Try first to someone else! Kabaji!"
"Take the pill." Unison sweatdrop…
"…" Fuji reached for the candy. "Inui, let me take it, beside Eiji that small, he couldn't take as much as me, right?"
"But Fuji! That would be suicide! Let me then, I'm his double partner."
"Um, let me have it, I owed him something anyway." Ohtori said "Um, when Senbatsu (japan national) camp…" (When Ohtori realized it fun to play against Shishido-Oishi if he played seriously.)
"No one take that medicine!" Tezuka finally said almost shouting.
"But Bucho, if the effect of this thing was so bad, Eiji sempai might die!" now Echizen also worried about his sempai.
"That's good!" Mukahi laughed in content which being rewarded with a punch on his hand from his own double partner! "That's hurt!"
"All right, let Kabaji take that pill!" Shishido finally took the pill with his hand but before he could offer it to Kabaji, another hand took the candy away. "Hey Ohtori! Don't!" Ohtori almost put it on the mouth but Fuji steal the candy away, on the other hand Oishi also grabbed Fuji's hand and chaos issued, even Oshitari began to join 'take the candy and eat it' fight. Mukahi, on the other hand, was trying to stop the blue hair tensai from taking the candy.
"Kabaji! Take the candy to ore-sama."
"Usu." So Kabaji also jump into the middle of the fight.
"Mada mada dane." He shook his head lightly but pulled the reluctant Momoshiro into the fight. Kaidoh also with his competition spirit as usual, didn't want to lose from his rival jump into the fighting cloud. From the outside, Akutagawa was cheering lightly with Inui who was scribing madly and Tezuka who was suddenly in need of an aspirin. Kawamura finally yelled burning as he jumped into the cloud, whoever gave him the racket must be quite insane and Atobe who was still carrying the baby, looking at the fight with a bored look. The candy though seemed to bounce from hand to hand and suddenly they stop. A paused
"Where the hell is that candy?!"
"Who have that candy?"
"I thought Taka-san had it."
"Burning… are?" his racket being taken from him by Fuji
"Taka-san do you have the candy?"
"Um, no?"
"Do you?"
"No…" Suddenly they all heard the most horrified sound. A gulp! Everybody looked toward the sound and found in horror that the candy accidentally jump into Eiji's mouth.
"Argh!! Eiji!!!" almost everyone yelled his name but the baby just tilted his head and blinked cutely before he finally 'dropped dead'.
"Inui! You've kill him."
"He's still breathing!"
"Fuji! Oishi! Stop trying to straggle Inui, Eiji is still alive!" Tezuka almost cried in despair, the combo of two of his closest friends could be really dangerous.
"Everyone calm down!" after Fuji was put aside by Tezuka and Oishi took a deep breath, Atobe with his icy glare looked at the data-man. "What should we do now?"
"Um, it shouldn't be taking to long before the effect take place; I think we better move him to the bedroom."
One hour later…
"Hm?" Kikumaru Eiji finally opened his eyes and found him self naked on the bed, somehow he recognized the bedroom. "Nya… I have a weirdest dream in my life, or… is it?" he paused before he moved toward the dresser with a blanket around his waist. "I'm sure I have my cloth here somewhere… aha! I knew I have some on Fuji's cabinet." He finally put on his own cloth and moved toward the door, he could almost hear the conversation out there. He quietly opened the door and peered outside.
"What if he never changes back into 15 years old?" Momoshiro voiced his concern.
"Don't think about that, Momo…" Oishi look worried
"Sa… I miss my Eiji…" a sigh
"Fuji-sempai, you missed your prank partner, right?" Echizen raised his eyes brown, everyone in regulars knew if the 3-6 duos always made some tricks or blackmail but on the same time, everyone sometimes amused with their antic.
"He eh, you know, Echizen."
"… but without one of you, the club would be boring…" he said while tugging his cap down, hiding his blush.
"Aw never know you really love us, Echizen."
"Che, Fuji-sempai, stop teasing!"
"True, no one would be my rival in acrobatic…"
"I thought you hate him, Gakuto?"
"Yuushi! You know I'm not!"
"Yes, yes." Everyone almost smirked at the Hyotei red hair comment
"Don't worry, he could stay at my house if he didn't change, I don't mind."
"Atobe! Don't you dare thinking that kind of things!"
"Then I could play with him again?" Akutagawa said in enthusiast.
"I think, na Kabaji?"
"Aw I never know that everyone love me?" the door of the room finally opened and Kikumaru was grinning from ear to ear walked toward the group. Fuji and Oishi were the first one to react as they run toward their friend.
"Eiji, you all right?"
"Eiji, are you hurt?"
"Eiji-sempai, you ok?"
"Eiji, is there any other effect from my medicine?"
"Yo, Kikumaru."
"Che! My rival's back…"
"Kikumaru-san, are you all right?"
"Howa!! He's back! Ne ne Atobe!"
"Usu." Being bombardier with so much question at the same time was quite confusing sometime but he was glad that he was back to normal 15 years old teenager without any damage occurred (who knew what Inui put in that candy?) and although he wouldn't tell them that he remember all of the events that occurred, he knew that all of his friends were a good friend. Maybe he could blackmail them sometime fu fu fu like Tezuka papa?
Authoress note: Finally! Finally! Finally!! It's over! Kinda sad though, but I'm glad it's finished! Thank you for all the reviewers and readers, you all keep me going. Thank you for reading this fic of mine. Thank you: 3 Ah one thing, I forgot one of Hyotei member Hiyoshi! Uh!! I really really forget to put him in. Sorry Hiyoshi!
Hiyoshi: … how dare you! run away crying…
ltifal: …I make him cry… feeling slightly guilty … err maybe I should make one fic for him? … maybe I should make the omake? Hum Pondering we'll see