Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Harry Potter stuff!!!!!

Hey everybody!!! Well this is the last chapter for this story...so sad...anyways...there is something in my note at the very end that should cheer you up! So...all this is, is a little bit of fluff to finish up the story and give you all a little hint of what's to come!! hehe!! grins so read and enjoy!!!!!


"Good morning!" Mo shouted jumping on Sirius and James who were sharing a bed in James room. "Get up sleepyheads! It's time for breakfast! James whatever your mum is cooking it smells delicious."

"Sleep Mo," Sirius muttered. "Forget food."

Mo put her hands on her hips as she kneeled on the end of the bed, "You need to eat and besides Mrs. Potter sent me up here to get you two. Me, Lily, Caroline, and Rem have been up for an hour already. Get your arses out of bed!"

James groaned and pulled the duvet over his head. Sirius peaked over the side of the blanket at her, "Just a little longer please baby?"

"Don't please baby me," she replied but laughed when he tugged her down beside him. "James is right next to you so don't get any big ideas."

Sirius grinned and kissed her nose, "Alright, later though. C'mon Prongs let's go have breakfast."

"Mmm," was the only answer they got as Sirius got out of bed and tugged a pair of pants on over his boxers.

"I'll send Lily up here in a bit," Mo said with a grin. "And she won't be happy about it."

James rolled over and glared blearily at her, "You're cruel you know that?"

"I know but you're coming aren't you?" Mo smiled sweetly at him and then dragged a still half asleep Sirius from the room.

He caught her just outside of the room and pinned her against the wall, "Nice way to wake up a guy and not even give him a good morning kiss to wake him up and since when are you up this early anyway?"

Mo grinned, "Food and sleep are my priorities in the morning. So I guess food what was lured me from sleep and the thought of it must have made your good morning kiss slip my mind."

"Oh well, I guess I could forgive you if you make up for it," Sirius grinned and kissed her deeply. Within seconds he wanted his hands all over her and was half tempted to haul her off to bed right then and there.

Sensing what Sirius was up to Mo pushed him away gently, "I can only function on sleep for so long. If I don't get some food I won't have any energy at all. Food now, bed later."

Sirius pouted but let her pull him downstairs anyway.

"Good morning!" Mrs. Potter smiled at the two teenagers that had just walked into the kitchen. "Want some breakfast?"

"That'd be great," Sirius said slumping down in a chair.

"Where's James?" Lily asked thinking she already knew.

"He's coming," Mo said sitting down in a chair. "Whatever you're making smells great Mrs. Potter."

"Thanks Mo," she smiled. "I made pancakes."

Sirius sat up in his chair, "Alright Mrs. P!"

"And I made a lot of them," Mrs. Potter laughed. "With three boys and you three girls I figured I'd need a lot of food."

"Don't let Mo fool you," James told his mum through a yawn. He walked into the kitchen pulling on a t-shirt. "Mo eats just as much as us guys."

Mo grinned, "Guilty."

Mrs. Potter set three plates of pancakes down on the table, which were empty within a few seconds. She laughed to herself and turned back to the stove to make more.

"So," Sirius said over a mouthful of pancakes, "Why is everyone up so early? What do you guys have planned?"

"Tickets for the Quidditch World Cup go on sale today!" Mo did a little dance in her chair. "We want to get good seats."

"Do you all have money to pay for them?" Mrs. Potter asked.

"Of course," James replied. "We wouldn't be going otherwise. We've all been saving like mad since Christmas."

Sirius sat back with a sigh and patted his stomach, "That was excellent Mrs. P."

"Thank you Sirius," she smiled.

"I agree," Mo said. "But I need to go get ready if we're going to leave soon."

Caroline rolled her eyes, "Go now or we'll leave without you." When Remus raised a questioning eyebrow she told him, "She takes hours to get ready."

"Only when Sirius refuses to leave me alone," Mo explained.

"Okay so it's only an hour or two when Sirius isn't around," Caroline laughed. "Sorry."

Mo grinned, "S'okay. Thanks for breakfast Mrs. Potter."

"No problem," she answered and watched Mo disappear up the stairs. She had to hide her smile when Sirius quickly followed her up.

Sirius peeked into Mo's room and watched her undress. It still amazed him that she was his. Some days he wondered if it was all real and then he would spend the night with her and didn't have to wonder anymore.

It bothered him though that he didn't have a home or a family to bring her to, but then neither one of them had that. But there were still times he wished that they could be like James and Lily, with parents who were proud to see them together.

"Sirius?" Mo came to the door when she saw him leaning, lost in thought, against the door jam. "What are you doing? You don't have to wait for me to get dressed to come in. Sheesh, you've seen me in less."

A wide grin split his face as he noticed she was wearing close to nothing, "Yeah I suppose you're right. I was just thinking about something was all."

Mo smiled and walked back over to the bed where her jeans were laying, "About what?"

"Us," he replied fingering the ring in his pocket. "Do you ever wish we had families, and homes to go to? I mean I love the Potters, James mum is like my own mum but still..."

Mo pulled on her jeans and walked over to him, "Sirius I don't mind staying here. We both know what kind of lives we've led up to this point. We both are missing our families for different reasons but we don't need them. We have James and Lily, Remus, Caroline, Jessi, and Peter, all of them. They're our family now and I wouldn't have it any other way."

She slipped her shirt over her head and tilted her head quizzically toward Sirius, "And I think you agree."

Sirius smiled, "Yea, I do. I guess I'm just scared that after losing my first family that I'll lose this family, that I'll lose you."

Mo couldn't help the pretty grin that slid across her face, "Sirius after all we've been through I could never think of leaving you."

"That's good," he replied. "Because I want to give you something." He pulled the ring out of his pocket and held it out to her.

Mo could only stare for a few moments. The ring was gorgeous. It was silver and woven into a Celtic design with moonstones shining in the middle. It was perfect.

"It's a promise ring Mo," Sirius said taking the hand she reached tentatively out to take it with. He slipped it on her left hand and studied her intently. "I can't give you anything right now, or make any real promises but I want you to know that I intend to spend the rest of my life with you."

Mo was speechless. In one of the moments she deemed to be one of the most important she would ever have, she was speechless, "Sirius I don't know what to say."

"I know we're a little young for this but-"

She held up a hand to stop him, "We're not Sirius. I don't believe two people could go through what we went through and still be in love if they weren't meant to be together, no matter what their age. If you're asking me to promise the rest of my life to you, you already have it and always will."

Sirius let out a joyful whoop and scooped her up into his arms. She wrapped her arms around him laughing and held on like she would never let go. He set her down in front of him, "I didn't know how dark my life was without you."

"Oh man, why do they always get all mushy?" James said rather loudly from the hallway. "We wanted to see some action. You know like snogging and stuff."

"You weren't supposed to see any of that," Sirius called and all of their friends came bouncing into the room.

"How could we resist?" Lily giggled and hugged James.

"Never can keep your nose out of things," Sirius said and Lily stuck her tongue out at him.

"This is so romantic," Caroline sighed. "It's like a fairytale."

"Caroline!" a collective sigh went up as they all rolled their eyes at her.

"What?" Caroline asked her cheeks turning pink. "So what if I think it is. It's sweet. And what makes it even better is that Voldemort is going to have a much harder time dealing with us when we all love each other like this."

"Leave it to Caro to bring out the magical part of it all," Remus laughed and pulled her under his arm.

Caroline smiled up at him, "It's what you love about me."

James made gagging noises, "Can we stop talking about this now? It's making me nauseous."

"Oh stop it," Lily said and hit him lightly. "But we really do have to go or we won't get a spot in line for the Quidditch tickets." Lily shook her head and had everyone laughing when she muttered, "Did I just say that? Merlin, what's gotten into me?"

Everyone nodded and they all headed out. Mo caught Sirius before he went out the door and kissed him soundly on the lips.

"What was that for?" he grinned.

"For you," she answered. "For everything."
Well so ends another story, it's so sad when I have to end a story! So I've decided to not only write a sequel to this story but also make it into a trilogy!! I'll explain more when I get the sequel up for this story but just so you know this isn't really the end!

But I would like to give shoutouts to everyone who reviewed for this story as I was posting it (in no particular order)...here goes...

A BIG THANKS TO: LorSparrow, Nicky Black, madderthanyou, TheSiriusSparrow (ALEX!!!), Star of the Muses, Alyssa, benny, teknocat, unforgiven, professor-fidget, Gemini, Naoko-san, fiery-eyed-elf, DayDreamer743, Nicola, and Sirius' sweetie!!! Thank you all for reviewing and making me feel so loved!! Hopefully you'll stay with the next stories!! Luv ya'll so much!!! Ta till next time!
