YAY! Woohoo! Katie finally got her new story up!! Well here goes nothing! I hope you all like it! I'm always open to criticism but please, please, please no flamers...okay? Anywho please enjoy and oh yea! I forgot! If any of you are reading my POTC fin and read the stuff about this story I put up on there I changed most of it so don't be surprised if this is different then you expected okay? Well then read on...

Oh yes and I would like to note that I've been informed that you cannot drive in England till you are seventeen and I'm sorry but it fit into the story and I'm not going to change it and to the person who said that most can't afford a soft top car, well Maureen's parents are rich, remember that k?

Disclaimer: no I do not own any of the HP characters or places or anything in the books...because if I did Sirius wouldn't have died! *eyes start to glow smoke blows out ears* okay okay I'm done! But yea if any of this resembles a story of any one elses I swear it is purely by chance! kk?

Chapter One


Being sixteen had to be the greatest feeling in the world, Maureen Stanton thought. Her long brown hair blew behind her as she drove down the street in her new car, her also new license in her purse. Led Zeppelin was blasting from the radio and she crooned along with Robert Plant as she turned the corner onto Hills Estate Drive.

She smiled and waved at the group of guys in the driveway a few houses down from Lily. They grinned and hollered a few catcalls. And she only shrugged when the particularly rich, snooty looking woman next door to Lily made a face at her music.

The enormous white house was stunning as always as Mo pulled her red convertible into the driveway. Lily Evans was the daughter of two rich muggle parents the same as she was and it never ceased to delight her that Lily hated the stuck up life as much as she did. Turning the car off she climbed out and grinned when she heard the crash from inside.

"Caroline! Jessi! She's here!" Mo heard the shout from outside as Lily announced her arrival. She locked the doors to her car and walked up to the front door. Before she could knock the door was flung open and she found herself toppled over on the grass, three extremely happy teenage girls on top of her.

Grinning she shouted, "Get off! Get off!" All three rolled off her to sprawl out on the grass. Mo looked at the three girls in front of her. "Hi guys!"

Jessi laughed, "Hullo Mo! It took you long enough to get here."

"Yeah," Caroline agreed. "And nice car by the way."

"One of the few good things about having snobby Muggle parents. Their baby always has to have the best," Mo replied with a sarcastic smirk. "God couldn't have granted me the good fortune of having another sibling."

Lily rolled her eyes, "Trust me, and I speak from experience, you don't want siblings." The other three girls laughed because they all new what a bitch Petunia was. "Where's your stuff?"

"In the car," Mo replied. "We can get it later though."

Caroline rolled her eyes, "We're already out here what's the point of coming back out to get it."

Jessi shoved her playfully, "You're just to lazy to come back out later."

Caroline grinned, "Damn right!"

Laughing Mo said, "Fine we'll get it." She popped the trunk of her car and got her purse from the back seat.

Jessi looked at Mo skeptically when she saw how little luggage she had. "Um, are you sure you're a girl? We never pack this light."

Mo raised an eyebrow and her eyes traveled over her school trunk and the two other suitcases, "Yeah well that's cause at the end of my last term I enchanted them so there is a lot more then you see."

Jessi grinned, "Oh well that's okay then." Caroline helped Mo with her trunk and the other two grabbed a suitcase.

"Where are we going?" Mo asked.

"My room," Lily replied and led them up the stairs.

When they set her stuff down Mo saw the three other school trunks and piles of suitcases. "So where do you propose we sleep?"

"LILY!" the shout made all four of them jump. "JESSI! CAROLINE!"

"There she goes again," Caroline said shaking her head. "Honestly Lils I don't know how you put up with it."

Actually, Mo thought, she was probably thinking why they all put up with it. The four of them had been best friends ever since their first year in wizarding school. While Lily, Caroline, and Jessi had all gone to Hogwarts Mo had been sent to a private witch's school in New York when her parents had transferred their office there from London.

Aside from that they always spent the summer together. Except for this summer. Mo's parents been transferred back to London, much to Mo's delight, and she had spent the entire summer in an airplane. She literally thought she would be sick if she had to look at another one.

Then there had been the problem of talking them into letting her go to Hogwarts instead of some prissy all girls' academy. That was where Lily's mother had come in. It brought a smile to her face just thinking about Mrs. Evans who was basically as much a mother to her as her own.

The Evans being a key family in British society Mo's mother Lucinda Stanton had listened avidly to Mrs. Evans when she had recommended that Mo go to Hogwarts. She was brought sharply from her thoughts when Petunia burst into the room.

"How did you do this?"

Lily looked at her innocently, "Do what my dearest sister?"

"This?" Petunia snarled all but pulling her hair out of her scalp. Her hair was bright pink and sticking up in every direction possible.

Mo was afraid that if she bit her tongue any harder it would bleed and Caroline and Jessi had long since lost their self control and were rolling on the ground in laughter. Lily grinned, "I honestly don't know what you mean Petunia."

The sputtering that came out of Petunia's mouth did it for Mo and she burst into peals of laughter. Petunia's eyes narrowed and she glared at each girl in turn, "You will all pay for this. I promise you!"

When Petunia stomped out Lily threw herself on the bead heaving in laughter. "Did you see her face? She was livid."

"I'll say," Jessi replied.

Caroline grinned at Mo, "Sorry we couldn't wait around all summer to start pulling pranks on her. Of course it's not as much fun without you but she is just to easy to torment!"

Mo grinned, "Well Maureen Stanton is here now and I intend to see that the rest of her summer is unspeakably dreadful."

"Oh good show darling!" Caroline replied doing her best imitation of a snobby rich woman and offered her a soft golf clap.

"Indeed," Lily said playing along. "We shall show that good for nothing a piece of our minds."

"Girls!" Mrs. Evans shouted up the stairs. "Chinese is here!"

"After we dine of course," Jessi said and jumped up from the floor. The four of them managed to all make it through the door without getting stuck as they flew downstairs.


The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black...

"Well it's no wonder you turned out the way you did, Dumbledore letting all that Mudblood trash into the school. A Black in Gryffindor...honestly," Mrs. Black muttered. "Well good riddance to you boy."

Sirius rolled his eyes and turned to face his mother, "They're not trash! And I'm leaving because of you not because of my friends."

Mrs. Black pressed her lips into a thin line, "Your brother Regulus would never do anything like this. Then again he isn't a blood traitor to his family."

Sirius glared at her, "I'm not a traitor. Just because I'm not a dark wizard like the rest of you or think myself above muggle borns doesn't mean I'm a traitor."

"Every other pureblood would agree with me," Mrs. Black snapped. "But I'm not arguing with you. It's not as if I'm trying to stop you from leaving."

Sirius sneered, "Of course not. And if every pureblood would agree with you what do you call Andromeda, or the Potters?"

Mrs. Black's lip curled, "Well there's always an exception isn't there?"

Sirius rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Well mother I'm leaving. And please don't hesitate to celebrate when I'm gone." With that he left the room and walking past the mounted heads of the Black's past house elves he walked down the last flight of stairs to the front door.

"Wondered how long it would take you to leave," Regulus was leaning nonchalantly against the banister a smug smile on his sallow face.

Sirius smirked, "Yes well I hope no one is to emotionally shattered."

"Oh don't worry," Regulus replied. "No one will be."

"You be sure to keep that mark hidden when your out," Sirius replied a smug smile now appearing on his face as his brother looked disbelievingly at his right arm where a dark mark was burned on his arm. "That might draw a few questions if anyone saw it, although I believe Mum would be pleased." Sirius turned on his heel and walked out the front door.

Sirius slammed the door the silver serpentine knocker rattling. He set his things at the base of a nearby tree muttered a few words and they disappeared. He closed his eyes and concentrated until he transformed into his Animigus form. If anyone had been watching all they would have seen was a black dog bounding away from an empty lot.

As Sirius ran he didn't pause once to look back at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. Not once did he have a second thought about leaving. Ancient it might have been but the house of Black was anything but noble...

***Okay, okay how was it? and please be honest (but no flamers pleez) Anyway please lookout for my next update kay? Alright then!

TheSiriusSparrow – hey girl! Yeah okay I finally got it up and...lost my train of thought! lol! Yeah that happens a lot so um...oh yea! Your stories are awesome! Keep updating they just keep getting better if that's possible. I think part of the reason I wrote this story is because I was so mad about Sirius dieing and I wanted him to have a happy ending.

Jessi Lupin – hiya! I know it's been awhile since I updated but...I got grounded off the computer so yeah! But about the anime thing, yeah I like some anime shows. I used to like Sailor Moon when it was on but there's a few others, um, Cyborg 009, Cowboy Bebop, and there's a few others I can't think of right now because I'm drawing blank *grins* if you have any suggestions I'm open to them. Okay don't forget to review on the way out! thanks for reading!

Anaknusan – If you read this I'm really really happy! Yay! And I'm glad you liked my POTC update hopefully I'll get the next one up soon! Please review!