DISCLAIMER: I don't own Animorphs, or andalites; however I do own the main character of this story, and so far, all of the other characters as well.

This is dedicated to all my fans of my other stuff. Guys, this is gonna be waaaay different, okay?!

Like I said before, by the way, this has nothing to do with Animorphs. It might later, I don't know; I'm still not sure. Like I said before, this is going to be my fantasy thing.


I sit in my little dome, gazing out at the stars.

I wrap my thin arms to my chest.


I begin to cry in my hearts again.


What am I going to do?

I gaze out the glass dome, keeping me in from the stars and Hanulith. I fancy he is just behind one of them, laughing at me for being so silly and crying.

I only cry when I am alone in here.

The rest of the time, Warrior Annuk keeps me so busy, I have no time to think of Hanulith.

I see my reflection in the glass.

Me. A young andalite male. A child still. I am not old enough to be an aristh. This is not a military ship, anyway.

I laugh at the very ludicrous idea of me even being allowed on a military ship. Ha!

I look at my pale fur oddly splotched with dark patches. My pale green eyes. My one eyestalk. My other eyestalk is a stub, barely rising from my head. I have a big nose on my face. Everyone says so. Even Kind Hanulith did. But only to tease me in a loving way though. He used to call me 'Funny Face.' Never in a mean tone. Always gentle, Hanulith was.

My one, ridiculous eye on my one, ridiculous eyestalk falls to examine my weak, crippled tail. The blade is all crooked. It is a constant embarrassment to me, as it is long, like a male's tailblade should be, but it is crooked, and it almost zigzaggs at the tip. I look down at my legs. Or the jokes I call my legs. Three are fine, but with very small hooves heightwise. It is painful for me to stand for very long without moving or shifting my feet a little.The fourth has no hoof at all. I look thankfully at my arms. They are the one normal feature I have. Nice, normal, functioning arms and hands.

Thank the stars.

I gaze out the window again. I feel jealous of humans. They have tears.

I always feel the pain inside.

Yes, I'm a vecol. But that's not why I have been crying lately all the time.

I turn my back on the stars. Back to the nice, comforting, light purple carpeting in the little dome I live in. I had heard Warrior Annuk call me. I had to go.

I look over at an image of Hanulith. A little hologram of him.

The only person who had ever loved me in this world.

My adoptive father. And so old, he could have been my grandfather.

Really, he hadn't been that old. It's just that his hearts had been through so much and he...

I hold myself again. Wave after wave of pain.

I slowly reach over, and turn the little hologram off.

I open my door, and walk slowly, lightly, carefully out on my hooves.

Time to go back to work. Again.


I stroll down the bright halls of the ship.

Bright, golden yellow and light sunset pink walls. Blue here and there. I walk around the feeding area, not wishing to disturb the passengers.

Or for them to see me and take interest in me.

Negative interest. Very negative interest.

I slowly edge around, in the shadows, trembling.

A few young ones notice me. Some point. Some laugh. Many just stare.

My life.

I do not look back at them. I keep my one eyestalk looking to the ground.

I reach the door of the garbage disposal room full of relief to be out of public, staring eyes.

Sigh. Where I work.

I am aboard the Leaping Star. A pleasure ship. We are heading towards Leera currently.

I had been on this route many times now. Couples often go off together, leaving the children with relatives. Sometimes the children come with them. Grandparents often come, bringing their grandchildren.

High up people who are in high up positions. I get to be on here because I work here.

They are having fun; relaxing, enjoying themselves, and generally worry free and carefree.

I have no one to worry about anymore but myself.

I open the door to the garbage disposal area and step inside. Warrior Annuk is there. He glares at me.

(You're late for third shift. Again.) He snaps.

I look down. (Sorry Warrior Annuk.)

(Yes. Sorry.) He sighs. (Feninu, I am trying to be kind. I am trying to help you, but you do not come to work on time. Don't forget; you're not here on a pleasure cruise. You're crew.)

I bob my eyestalk. (Yes Warrior Annuk.)

He looks sadly at me. (I am...sorry about your...father, Fennu.)

I continue looking down. (It is...alright, Warrior Annuk.)

He looks like he is about to protest. But he does not.

(Very well. Now get to work, Feninu.)

I get to work; taking garbage, and crushing it into cubes, then jettisoning the cubes out into space using a little airlock. Or I flame the garbage. Or I can put it in a small atom dissassembler that will turn it to random particles of nothing.

I remember I had fun the first time I did this. Now, I do not.

Now it is boring and monotonous.

But it keeps me busy, at least. And from thinking and crying about Hanulith.

Several hours, and three feeding rests later, the work is done, and I can go to bed for the night. Or what the ship's Captain refers to 'nighttime' on our ship. Most of the passengers stay up all the time; partying and socializing and having fun. But the small transports down to the waters of Leera will be stopped at ship's curfew. Certain areas of the ship will be closed for the ship's nighttime; when most of the crew, including myself, goes to sleep.

I walked slowly through the dark corridors to my quarters. I pass by a huge, open entrance, to a huge, open room, where passengers are morphing and morph dancing, and showing off to eachother, and laughing. Light pink, light yellow, blue, red, light purple, dark purple, orange, and green lights dance along the floors and all over the walls.

Enchanted, I could not help myself as I walk into the room. The sound of very light, quiet, gentle, Andalite music reaches my ears, and I feel calm all of a sudden. The tension of many hours' monotonous work leaves me, and I am relaxed.

It is wonderfully cool in here. I step in a little more, and close my eyes, enjoying the smooth atmosphere.

I run into someone.

My eyes open immediately in shock.

(Oh! I...I'm sorry! I...I didn't see you! I'm sorry!)

It is a female.

Beautiful is the first word that reaches my mind. I blush furiously and look down.

(I am sorry! Please!)

She smiles. She is a year younger than me. A little plump. Light purple fur. Vibrant, enchanting light green eyes. She giggles a little.

(Oh, it's alright.)

I am confused. She must not see me fully. Perhaps I was in shadows?

Then she looks curiously at my eyestalk, and my fur. And I know. She sees me.

I feel pain, knowing she will laugh at me soon.

But she does not. She merely smiles and cocks her head curiously at me.

(Hee hee!) She giggles. (Your fur is so strange!) Her voice is pleasant. I know I should probably be hurt or offended, but I feel that I could never take hurt or offense to anything she says or does.

(Oh!) She says suddenly. (I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that! You're probably hurt aren't you?!) She seems genuinely remorseful.

I look earnestly into her face. (No! No! Not at all!)

A tall male, a few years older than her and me, comes over. (Dji! What are you doing? Come on!) He gives me an odd look. A sort of 'What are you doing in here?' look.

(I've got to go!) She says to me, apologetically. He takes her hand, and pulls her away, laughing to one of his friends. (Goodbye!) She calls softly. (See you later!)

I watch as she is pulled into a whole crowd of andalite youths. Many of her friends crowd around her; males and females. I stare, admiringly. Goodness! She must be terribly popular!

'See you later!' She had said.

I stand, wondering if she means that, or if she just said that to be kind. Perhaps the latter.

My heart pounds as I think 'Perhaps both!'

It is only an optimistic thought, after all...

A mere hopeful thought never hurt anyone.

I hope...

I lie in my dome all night, on my back, legs in the air, for it hurts to lie on my legs too long, I lie thinking about her and what she said.


Okay, hope you guys liked that! Like I said before, I have noooo clue where this is going. Might end up happy, might end up said.


Kind of fun not knowing. I guess this will just be my creative story.

Ah, now, about the whole constant present tense thing; it's a new style of writing I'm just trying for fun. To make it feel like it's 'in the now'. You know, that kind of thing.

Anyways, thanks for reading! No PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU go and review! Please, please, please!

~ Le Birdie num num ~