I'm badly injured.

Not sure how much time I've got left…feeling weak just writing this out.

Forgive me if my writing is all over the place…

I got attacked by a…giant frog like creature…this area is full of them. I can only hint to you that you use a powerful weapon, there is a shotgun here, I'm sure I saw one. One got me, slashed my chest.

That's not what's important, this is to any STARS or any of my team still alive, as I use the last of my strength to tell you that we have a mole. Yes, a God damn mole. Someone in the team planned this, all of it. Used us as bait…to try out their experiments…

I pray to God it wasn't you, Chris, if you happen to find this…

Jill, keep a close eye on Barry…I know he's your friend but I saw him roaming about and seemed…spaced out…

We have a traitor amonst us…

A traitor…

I hear a door opening around the corner…maybe this is my cue to end this letter…

I'm in so much pain right now that maybe this is also my cue to leave this hell…but first maybe I can get my last kill…maybe this is the traitor I've mentioned…who knows…

Footsteps echo around me…someone is close.

Remember, trust no one…

It's…Umbrella's doing…

Trust…no one…