Can't you see/

There's a feeling that's come over me/

Close my eyes/

you're the only one who leaves me completley breathless

-Michelle Branch 'You Set Me Free'

Summer walked into the classroom, looking for him.


Summer thought she had a crush on him. She didn't want to believe it though. She had a boyfriend, but it was like an obsession, always scanning for him in the lunch room before she saw Brad, her boyfriend.

She was friends with Freddy over spring break when they really connected and actually MET. They didn't officially meet until then, in 7th grade. Their school had a spring break trip once a year to Europe, and after months of begging, she had finally convinced her parents to let her go.

Freddy went too, and they offically met there. They had talked before, but Freddy acted like he was annoyed with her, just to keep up his reputation of being friends with the 'rockers' in the group, although Summer was best friends with Katie, one of the major 'rockers' in the group. There was no reason for Freddy or Summer to pretend not to be friends, since no one knew them on the trip.

It was on the Eiffel Tower. Summer just had the urge to be near him, no matter what. He just amused her for some reason, and he was cunning and extremly..sweet for Freddy. But they kept away from each other after the trip, smiling and making small talk in the halls, but not totally having full conversations. It made her sad to know he might've forgot about her, and the fun times they had.

But she was with Brad.

Brad Brad Brad Brad Brad.

Is it wrong to have crushes on other people, when you HAVE a boyfriend? Summer wondered as she sat down, and Freddy wasn't in the room yet.

Everyone made a big deal out of him and her. She liked him, she really really did. They were just absloultey nothing alike!

People said she changed over spring break, and she was more bubbly, social and unafraid of what people thought. The rules still applied to her, but she had a nack for breaking one of them at least once a day. That was thanks to Freddy.

She sighed as she waited unpatiently for him to enter and for her to see his face, his hair, his eyes.


They were so beautiful and they had that milkly chocolately feeling that you could just sink into them. But she hadn't sank into them since that morning in London, while waiting in the hotel at 4:30 in the morning. They had both skipped breakfast that day, who was hungry at 4:30 AM? Not them two, for that matter. Just watching him asleep in that armchair made her feel happy, knowing he was feeling peaceful.

But once they were back in Lanney, nothing extraordinarly happened. They barely talked. He only looked at her like he did in Europe during lunch when she was staring at him when she was on the stage with the band and everyone else was switching music to perform.

She missed him looking at her, jokingly, and talking about stupid things.

Him being incredibly stupid in Paris in the underground graves when he stuck his fists inside of the skulls and gave all the skulls on a certain wall names....stuff like that, Summer missed.

Suddenly, Summer shot back to reality when Brad entered the room. He was really swet, he was, he was! But she was hyper, he was totally less energetic. Brad took the seat behind her.

"Hi Summer."

Summer smiled a little.

"Hey Brad. Wassup?"


"Cool, same here."

They sat in silence until the bell rang and Freddy and Zack ran into the room. They sat down at their seats. Zack sat next to Summer, and Freddy sat behind him. Summer leaned across the aisle to Zack.

"What just happened?" she whispered. Zack sniggered and grinned at Freddy.

"Nothing, we just edited the announcments for today." he whispered. Summer turned in her seat and gaped at Freddy.

"You didn't. Please tell me you didn't."

She got her reply from them sniggering. Summer rolled her eyes and looked to the front of the room when her World Geography teacher Ms. McKinley entered the room. Ms. McKinley clapped her hands together and looked happily around the room.

"Good morning 2nd hour!" she replied giddily.

"Be quiet now, the announcements will come on soon class!" Ms. McKinley said as she gestered to the TV screen and walked to her desk. All of a sudden, Amy Labournes' preppy face appeared on the screen. Amy was the most popular girl in the school, and she knew it. She also had a major crush on Freddy. Freddy knew this and told her he thought she was creepy when she tried to ask him out.

"Good morning Horace Green Secondary Prepatory, I'm Amy Labourne, and today's school lunch will be..."

As Amy rattaled on with the school lunch menu, Summer slouched in her seat, and hoped that Freddy and Zack didn't do anything extremly stupid.


Disclaimer: Everything that sounds familiar to you, belongs to Mike White. Names other than the 'School of Rock' movie charcters is unintentional.

A/N: Hey! This is my first Freddy/Summer juciness fic! I'm thinking of calling the Fre/Sum ship Juciness. This is my favorite School of Rock ship, and I hope you enjoy this story! Thanks to Phish Food, who encouraged me to WRITE this and started the Juciness ship.

This story is from Summer's point of view. This entire occurance is taking place off of MY real life experience I'm going through right now. Brad is the name of one of my best friends who is everyone's definition of 'creepy'. We met over spring break on a school-sponsered trip to Europe. (We offically met in Brussels...when he was mistaken for a Beligum boy by Japanese tourists and had his picture taken. ;))

Please read and review!