Hello! This is my first fanfic ever, so please; don't be too hard on me with your criticism, okay? Thanks. This is the first part of my story, and I will continue it later, no matter what kind of reviews I receive. And please forgive my poor English, I am not a native speaker.
And for all the Tidus- fans out there: this is not a Tidus& Yuna story, because we have seen too much of those, haven´t we? Been there, done that…
Okay, on with the show, then!
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The day I died
Sin is finally dead.
Those were her words at Luca, where Yuna and her companions held a great gathering for everyone to announce that they were indeed victorious from that great beast.
But the price for her victory was high; she lost her dear friend, whom she loved more than anyone else. He disappeared right in front of her eyes, and no matter what, her whistling did not brought him back.
And now, when everyone is looking at her at the stadium of Luca, she decides to look for him, to find him no matter what! Tidus hasn't gone to the Farplane; Yuna knows this in deep in her heart.
She looks at the crowd: many people has lost their loved ones and their place to stay, but now, they are happy and eager to start a new life without the fear of Sin's constant threat.
Everyone is happy. Except for Yuna.
She should be happy, but something seems amiss.
Yes, she has brought the Calm, and yes, she has been appointed for the title of High Summoner. And everyone shall speak her name as the "one who saved Spira from destruction" from years to come in an awe in their voice, but something is troubling her. Her heart just feels so hollow, so empty somehow.
Yuna don't seem to realize for what does that disturbing feeling in her heart means, but she will find the answer soon enough…
At the same time, as Yuna is cheering the anxious crowd, a lone figure is standing in the shadows at the Luca stadium.
He has picked the perfect location to listen her speech in peace without interruptions. The ominous looking man has disguised in a dark cloak, concealing every inch of his identity and appearance. Although his appearance does seem to be quite suspicious, no one seems to pay attention to him, and it is exactly what he had in his mind as well.
"The dreams and the friends that have faded… Never forget them." Yuna encourages the people, and the stadium literally bursts into loud applause and the people are going wild: they never had any hope to defeat Sin, and now, Yuna had just done it.
Sin had terrorised Spira for a thousand years, and now it was finally over.
The feeling was…indescribable.
"…Never forget them." The hooded figure whispers in a low voice, not particularly speaking to anyone.
He seems to be in his thoughts observing Yuna and her friends, but the show was almost over, and they were ready to leave, so was everyone else.
The wave of leaving people pushed the hooded man forward, towards the exit, and the man went with the flow.
Yuna walked to the dock along with her friends, Lulu, Rikku, Wakka and Kimahri.
"It all ended yesterday…. What are we supposed to do now?" Lulu asks in bewilderment, and everyone has the same feeling of confusion, either they showed it or not.
"We actually don't have an pilgrimage to complete anymore, eh?" Rikku notes and Wakka walks next to Rikku.
"Yeah, ya right. Mebbe we should just go back to Kilika?" Wakka asks and everyone turns to look at him. "Yes…why not?" Lulu replies and turns to Yuna. "Yuna? What do you think about the idea? The idea does sound like a good one, and I am missing the cool sea breeze." Lulu sighs and looks at Yuna.
"You? YOU miss the sea breeze and the hot sun?" Wakka interrogates Lulu with a deep sound of doubt in his voice and Lulu looks at him in her don't-try-anything-funny-or-I-zap-you-a-new-hair-look-with-my-thundaga-spell look and replies: " Despite my grumpy outlooks, I happened to like the sun and cool sea breeze, thank you very much." Rikku giggles at her sarcastic line, and Yuna smiles to them happily, and then she turns to look at an enormous ship. "Hey, lets ride with that one to Kilika!" Yuna yells happily and turns to look at her friends who are more that glad to go back home.
"Yeah, let's go already! Guys, come on!" Rikku shouts, and they follow her to the ship.
Yuna walks to the bridge as the last one of the party, and she has a funny feeling that someone is looking at her.
She turns around, but she cannot see anyone: the deck is deserted and everyone is aboard the ship already.
But still…
Soon after their embark, the massive ship starts it´s journey to Kilika where Yuna and her friends would be finally at rest and to live a normal life.
Yuna walks behind the balustrade and she looks at the deep blue sea and a sudden rush of sadness flows trough her body, like it was only waiting for the right moment to burst out.
A tear escapes from the corner of her green eye, but she holds back the tears. "Tidus…where are you?" She thinks about him once again and she cannot forget the dream either.
She is walking in the Farplane, amidst the beautiful meadow of flowers.
Yuna is looking for Tidus, and suddenly a figure appears among the mist.
It is walking towards her slowly, and Yuna believes it to be Tidus, obviously.
She runs to him with open arms, to greet him. But when Yuna comes to him, everything changes.
The man stares at her with eyes colder than ice, and she cannot recognise his face. A complete stranger.
Her smile freezes, and her body feels like someone is holding her with strong, invisible arms, she cannot move.
He glares deep into her eyes and Yuna feels her blood frozen, so cold and…evil his stare was. Something…A very powerful emotion was in those eyes, and the man´s stare is so intense, as if his eyes could see right to her very soul! The figure whispers something to her, but she cannot hear what he is saying.
The man is so much taller than Yuna, and at the moment he touches to her shoulder, everything falls to darkness.
And somewhere is a little child, a boy, crying.
When she had that dream last night, she was sure, that it wasn't a typical nightmare, like it was supposed to come to her. It was like a bad sequel for a TV-show, and at the end of the credits, it always said, "To be continued…."