Hiya peoples! I've gotten tired with so many non Rath/Cesia fics that I decided to make my own! Hope you like it! ~ fairy tail faerie (and yes, I did intend to make that not spell right)

Disclaimer: I do not own any Dragon Knights characters.

He sighed. Yet another year to go through. Maybe this year all the girls wouldn't try to go out with him. He looked over at Thatz, one of his best friends. Thatz had brown hair and green eyes with a long scar going down from his forehead to the bottom of his left cheek. He also had a cross shaped scar under his left eye. It looked like Thatz was thinking the same thing he was.

With that in mind, he looked over at Rune, his only other best friend. As he looked at Rune, he couldn't help but chuckle as he realized Rune would have the exact opposite of trouble he had. Of course, with Rune's long blond hair going to his shoulders and his feminine face, many boys were led astray. Heh. Poor Rune.

Then he looked at himself and was lost in self-pity again. He was wearing the assigned uniform for boys at his school, a dark blue button down shirt with matching pants. He had black hair, with a white streak in it at his right. He had pale red eyes that looked brown if you didn't look closely. Why did all of the girls go after him? Of course, he wasn't the only one. His two buddies got just as much excess attention as he did.

With another sigh, he slouched in his chair and waited for the bell to ring. Might as well get it over with, he thought. The new students always came in the morning, after all. Maybe there would be a new boy or two.

The bell rang. With it came the teacher, leading three new students into the class. Oh, no, He thought. Girls...

Sorry if it was kinda short. The next chapters will be longer. Ja!
~fairy tail faerie