Disclaimer: I own nothing but Marlee, Petrina, and Prue (this is not the original Prue, its Paige's daughter.)
"Okay, everyone, I have an important announcement to make!" Piper shouted over the roaring chatter at dinner. Everyone quieted, "Okay. You all remember my friend Grace, who lives in Wisconsin, right? Well, her daughter Marlee is coming to stay with us while her mother prepares to move here. She'll be here in two weeks, and when she comes please, please don't trash the house like you normally do. Okay?" she finished.
Wyatt, Chris, and Prue all stared at her. Paige and Phoebe smiled. Five-year-old Petrina ended the silence by demanding some cookies. Her mother, Phoebe, left the table to fetch desert.
"When were you planning on telling us that this girl was coming?" asked Wyatt, staring at his mother in disbelief.
"I just did," replied Piper tartly. Wyatt scowled.
"How old is she?" asked Prue, Paige's only daughter.
"She's yours and Chris's age," replied Piper, beginning to clear the dinner plates off the table.
"Yes!" said Prue with a swift hand movement, before she got up to help her aunt.
"What does she look like?" asked Wyatt, following Piper into the kitchen.
"Keep it in your pants," Chris muttered to him. Wyatt punched his arm. Piper saw him.
"Wyatt Mathew..." she began, but her rant was interrupted by a loud crash in the living room. "This day just keeps getting better and better." she said wiping her hands on her jeans.
"Piper!" yelled Phoebe from the entrance hall, "a little help would be nice!"
As it turned out, a darklighter was busy throwing punches at Phoebe, while Paige stood in the corner unable to do anything because of the darklighter's poisonous arrows. Piper waved her hands, and the darklighter blew up instantly.
"What was that all about?" asked Chris walking into the room.
"Oh, nothing honey, just a darklighter coming to kill you and your brother." she said in an offhanded tone. Chris shrugged, and ran upstairs.
"Mom," said Wyatt coming towards his mother, "I don't think Chris is my brother. He looks nothing like me. It's merely a coincidence that he has powers." Then he turned on his heel and walked up the stairs.
When he was gone, Piper turned on her sisters, pointing an accusing finger at both of them. "Don't" she said harshly, "have any more children."
Paige and Phoebe laughed.
Two Weeks Later
Chris and Prue were walking home from school. Prue was complaining about how much homework had been assigned for the weekend, and Chris was nodding in agreement.
"Chris," Prue whined, "I'm too tired to walk home. Could you orb us?" she smiled sweetly.
Chris inhaled deeply. "Okay," he said ducking behind a tree, Prue behind him. He grabbed her hand, and in a swirl of blue and white lights, they landed in the entrance hall of the Halliwell Manor. "Though I don't know why you couldn't orb yourself." He added when they arrived. She smiled the smile again.
About a minute later, a portal appeared at the top of the first set of stairs, and Paige walked out of it. "Okay, you guys, Piper's gonna be back in a few minutes with Marlee or whatever her name is. So, um, go do something... clean." Paige said briskly.
"Just one question," said Prue, "Won't this girl wonder why portals appear suddenly, that demons are constantly attacking us again, or that things will occasionally fly across the room?" she asked.
"Oh, she's a witch." answered Paige shortly, then walked to her room to get changed.
About five minutes later everyone was called downstairs to meet Marlee.
As it appeared, Marlee was a blonde haired, pale skinned, make-up-less thirteen year old girl with glasses.
Wyatt was the first to say anything. "Hi, Marlee, I'm Wyatt." he said, and it seemed he was trying to impress her.
"I know. My mom told me all about you. But, you're much cuter than she described you. In fact, I think you are the CUTEST person I've ever seen." said Marlee with a smile. Wyatt blushed, and Chris rolled his eyes. Another Wyatt-worshiper.
"And you must be Prue," said Marlee turning to her, "I'm supposed to share a room with you, if that's alright," she said, "If not, I could just sleep on the couch or something..." she trailed off.
"Oh, I don't mind. As long as you aren't a cheerleader, that is." said Prue seriously.
"I'd rather be hung up by my thumbs and have to smell an ogre for three days than pick up a pair of pom-poms." she said earnestly. Prue smiled.
Marlee turned to Chris. He expected her to say, "Oh you're Wyatt's younger brother. Well, you don't look a thing like him. Oh well, carry these bags up to my room, would you?"
But instead she said, "You must be Chris! I've heard some much about you, too!" she stepped back to survey him, putting a finger to her lips, "I guess I lied when I said that Wyatt was the cutest person I've ever seen," she stated, "because you beat him by a mile, or two. What grade are you in?" she asked him.
Chris was too stunned to speak, his vocal chords seemed to have disappeared. Did she just call him cute? Was she kidding? Was she blind? Had she asked him a question? Damn, what was it? Oh, what grade are you in? "Seventh." was the only word to fall out of Chris's confused head.
"Oh, great the same as me!" she said happily. Then she grabbed her bags, all by herself, and asked Prue to show her where her room was.
Piper and Paige were bursting at the seams with laughter. Marlee had a crush on Chris! And Chris's reaction! Piper had to grab the small table to keep from falling, though Paige had already done so.
As for Wyatt, he stomped up to his room, muttering things about how blind that girl was.
"Well, that was unexpected!" said Paige. "Who knew that Marlee would be the first girl in history to chase after Chris instead of Wyatt."
"What's wrong with Chris?" asked Piper, her laughter subsiding.
"Nothing's wrong with him, expect he's way too shy around girls." Replied Paige.
"I noticed that."
"Hello, still in room!" said Chris from the bottom of the stairs. Piper and Paige blushed. Chris through up his hands, as if to say "I give up." and walked up to his room.
It was late, but something had woken Chris up. There were noises coming from the kitchen. Chris slowly rose from the bed, being careful not to wake Wyatt up. He tip toed down the hall, past Prue and Marlee's room and Petrina's.
Chris then orbed down to the bottom of the stairs, to avoid making the them creak. He peaked into the kitchen, being careful to stay out of sight. Leo was at the table talking with Piper, Paige was leaning on the counter, yawning, and Phoebe stood with a cup of coffee in her hand.
"So, Grace was attacked?" asked Paige. Leo nodded solemnly. "And we thought that the never-ending steam of demons had finally ebbed."
"How will we tell Marlee?" asked Phoebe, quietly.
"She'll take it hard, she lost her father this year too." put in Piper.
Chris stifled a gasp. Marlee's mother had been killed... by a demon.
"Where will she stay?" asked Leo, "We don't know of any relatives."
"She'll have to stay here until we can figure it out." Said Piper. She glanced down at her watch. "It's three in the morning, we've gotta get to bed," She rose from the table. "Are you staying, Leo?" she asked.
"No, but I think I'll go check on Wyatt and Chris first." said Leo.
Shit, thought Chris. He quickly orbed up to his room and climbed in bed before his father got upstairs. Wyatt was awake.
"Where were you?" he asked sleepily.
Chris ignored the question. "Shh.. L- I mean Dad's coming up." said Chris. Wyatt nodded. The two boys laid back down and pretended to be asleep.
Leo orbed in, and walked over to Wyatt's bed. He gently shook him awake. Wyatt, being a good actor, slowly opened his eyes. "Hey Dad," he said yawning, "What are you doing here?"
"Just came by to tell your mother something." replied Leo. "So, how is everything?" he asked his older son.
"Well.. not much has happened lately. There's that girl Marlee staying here for a little while, that's about it. But don't worry, everything's fine." answered Wyatt.
"What about Chris?" asked Leo.
"Oh, I think he likes Marlee." said Wyatt, brushing the question away. "When are you coming to visit again?" he asked.
"Soon," replied Leo, "Now get some sleep." He ruffled Wyatt's blond hair. "Love you Wyatt."
"Love you too, Dad." said Wyatt, before he settled back into his blankets.
Before he left the room, Leo set a letter on Chris's nightstand. He ruffled Chris's hair too, but didn't bother to wake him, or mention how much he loved him, like he'd done with Wyatt. Then Leo orbed out.
Chris turned over in bed. "Love you too, Dad." he whispered.
That's the first chapter. Hope you liked it.
"Okay, everyone, I have an important announcement to make!" Piper shouted over the roaring chatter at dinner. Everyone quieted, "Okay. You all remember my friend Grace, who lives in Wisconsin, right? Well, her daughter Marlee is coming to stay with us while her mother prepares to move here. She'll be here in two weeks, and when she comes please, please don't trash the house like you normally do. Okay?" she finished.
Wyatt, Chris, and Prue all stared at her. Paige and Phoebe smiled. Five-year-old Petrina ended the silence by demanding some cookies. Her mother, Phoebe, left the table to fetch desert.
"When were you planning on telling us that this girl was coming?" asked Wyatt, staring at his mother in disbelief.
"I just did," replied Piper tartly. Wyatt scowled.
"How old is she?" asked Prue, Paige's only daughter.
"She's yours and Chris's age," replied Piper, beginning to clear the dinner plates off the table.
"Yes!" said Prue with a swift hand movement, before she got up to help her aunt.
"What does she look like?" asked Wyatt, following Piper into the kitchen.
"Keep it in your pants," Chris muttered to him. Wyatt punched his arm. Piper saw him.
"Wyatt Mathew..." she began, but her rant was interrupted by a loud crash in the living room. "This day just keeps getting better and better." she said wiping her hands on her jeans.
"Piper!" yelled Phoebe from the entrance hall, "a little help would be nice!"
As it turned out, a darklighter was busy throwing punches at Phoebe, while Paige stood in the corner unable to do anything because of the darklighter's poisonous arrows. Piper waved her hands, and the darklighter blew up instantly.
"What was that all about?" asked Chris walking into the room.
"Oh, nothing honey, just a darklighter coming to kill you and your brother." she said in an offhanded tone. Chris shrugged, and ran upstairs.
"Mom," said Wyatt coming towards his mother, "I don't think Chris is my brother. He looks nothing like me. It's merely a coincidence that he has powers." Then he turned on his heel and walked up the stairs.
When he was gone, Piper turned on her sisters, pointing an accusing finger at both of them. "Don't" she said harshly, "have any more children."
Paige and Phoebe laughed.
Two Weeks Later
Chris and Prue were walking home from school. Prue was complaining about how much homework had been assigned for the weekend, and Chris was nodding in agreement.
"Chris," Prue whined, "I'm too tired to walk home. Could you orb us?" she smiled sweetly.
Chris inhaled deeply. "Okay," he said ducking behind a tree, Prue behind him. He grabbed her hand, and in a swirl of blue and white lights, they landed in the entrance hall of the Halliwell Manor. "Though I don't know why you couldn't orb yourself." He added when they arrived. She smiled the smile again.
About a minute later, a portal appeared at the top of the first set of stairs, and Paige walked out of it. "Okay, you guys, Piper's gonna be back in a few minutes with Marlee or whatever her name is. So, um, go do something... clean." Paige said briskly.
"Just one question," said Prue, "Won't this girl wonder why portals appear suddenly, that demons are constantly attacking us again, or that things will occasionally fly across the room?" she asked.
"Oh, she's a witch." answered Paige shortly, then walked to her room to get changed.
About five minutes later everyone was called downstairs to meet Marlee.
As it appeared, Marlee was a blonde haired, pale skinned, make-up-less thirteen year old girl with glasses.
Wyatt was the first to say anything. "Hi, Marlee, I'm Wyatt." he said, and it seemed he was trying to impress her.
"I know. My mom told me all about you. But, you're much cuter than she described you. In fact, I think you are the CUTEST person I've ever seen." said Marlee with a smile. Wyatt blushed, and Chris rolled his eyes. Another Wyatt-worshiper.
"And you must be Prue," said Marlee turning to her, "I'm supposed to share a room with you, if that's alright," she said, "If not, I could just sleep on the couch or something..." she trailed off.
"Oh, I don't mind. As long as you aren't a cheerleader, that is." said Prue seriously.
"I'd rather be hung up by my thumbs and have to smell an ogre for three days than pick up a pair of pom-poms." she said earnestly. Prue smiled.
Marlee turned to Chris. He expected her to say, "Oh you're Wyatt's younger brother. Well, you don't look a thing like him. Oh well, carry these bags up to my room, would you?"
But instead she said, "You must be Chris! I've heard some much about you, too!" she stepped back to survey him, putting a finger to her lips, "I guess I lied when I said that Wyatt was the cutest person I've ever seen," she stated, "because you beat him by a mile, or two. What grade are you in?" she asked him.
Chris was too stunned to speak, his vocal chords seemed to have disappeared. Did she just call him cute? Was she kidding? Was she blind? Had she asked him a question? Damn, what was it? Oh, what grade are you in? "Seventh." was the only word to fall out of Chris's confused head.
"Oh, great the same as me!" she said happily. Then she grabbed her bags, all by herself, and asked Prue to show her where her room was.
Piper and Paige were bursting at the seams with laughter. Marlee had a crush on Chris! And Chris's reaction! Piper had to grab the small table to keep from falling, though Paige had already done so.
As for Wyatt, he stomped up to his room, muttering things about how blind that girl was.
"Well, that was unexpected!" said Paige. "Who knew that Marlee would be the first girl in history to chase after Chris instead of Wyatt."
"What's wrong with Chris?" asked Piper, her laughter subsiding.
"Nothing's wrong with him, expect he's way too shy around girls." Replied Paige.
"I noticed that."
"Hello, still in room!" said Chris from the bottom of the stairs. Piper and Paige blushed. Chris through up his hands, as if to say "I give up." and walked up to his room.
It was late, but something had woken Chris up. There were noises coming from the kitchen. Chris slowly rose from the bed, being careful not to wake Wyatt up. He tip toed down the hall, past Prue and Marlee's room and Petrina's.
Chris then orbed down to the bottom of the stairs, to avoid making the them creak. He peaked into the kitchen, being careful to stay out of sight. Leo was at the table talking with Piper, Paige was leaning on the counter, yawning, and Phoebe stood with a cup of coffee in her hand.
"So, Grace was attacked?" asked Paige. Leo nodded solemnly. "And we thought that the never-ending steam of demons had finally ebbed."
"How will we tell Marlee?" asked Phoebe, quietly.
"She'll take it hard, she lost her father this year too." put in Piper.
Chris stifled a gasp. Marlee's mother had been killed... by a demon.
"Where will she stay?" asked Leo, "We don't know of any relatives."
"She'll have to stay here until we can figure it out." Said Piper. She glanced down at her watch. "It's three in the morning, we've gotta get to bed," She rose from the table. "Are you staying, Leo?" she asked.
"No, but I think I'll go check on Wyatt and Chris first." said Leo.
Shit, thought Chris. He quickly orbed up to his room and climbed in bed before his father got upstairs. Wyatt was awake.
"Where were you?" he asked sleepily.
Chris ignored the question. "Shh.. L- I mean Dad's coming up." said Chris. Wyatt nodded. The two boys laid back down and pretended to be asleep.
Leo orbed in, and walked over to Wyatt's bed. He gently shook him awake. Wyatt, being a good actor, slowly opened his eyes. "Hey Dad," he said yawning, "What are you doing here?"
"Just came by to tell your mother something." replied Leo. "So, how is everything?" he asked his older son.
"Well.. not much has happened lately. There's that girl Marlee staying here for a little while, that's about it. But don't worry, everything's fine." answered Wyatt.
"What about Chris?" asked Leo.
"Oh, I think he likes Marlee." said Wyatt, brushing the question away. "When are you coming to visit again?" he asked.
"Soon," replied Leo, "Now get some sleep." He ruffled Wyatt's blond hair. "Love you Wyatt."
"Love you too, Dad." said Wyatt, before he settled back into his blankets.
Before he left the room, Leo set a letter on Chris's nightstand. He ruffled Chris's hair too, but didn't bother to wake him, or mention how much he loved him, like he'd done with Wyatt. Then Leo orbed out.
Chris turned over in bed. "Love you too, Dad." he whispered.
That's the first chapter. Hope you liked it.