Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inu-yasha and Group. Rimiko Takahashi is the rightful owner of the tachi.

Description: Kagome and Sango go to Muyashi University and have to share a dorm with a pervert and a jackass. A/U. A few OC characters, none are main characters. Kag/Inu and San/Mir. Caution: May make you laugh too hard

College: Hell on Earth Chap.1-We have arrived… By: Inu'sluv

Opening Story Comments: Hope ya like the story! It's been rewritten and fixed. It's New and Improved!


A girl yelled from her sports vehicle, honking her horn in the process. Another girl turned and stared at her, her mother clutching her shirt while sobbing into it. The girl sweatdropped as a wet stain began forming on her baby blue collared shirt. The girl's younger brother tapped his mother on the shoulder and whispered, "Mama, she has to go now." The mother looked at him and then glanced at her daughter and then nodded. She slowly let go of her daughter's shirt and stood up. The girl sighed and turned away from her family. The girl in the car sighed in relief as her friend began walking towards her. The girl stopped and turned around really fast. "MAMA!" The girl cried, leaping into her mother's arms. "Oh Kagome…" Her mother whispered as she clutched the crying 18 year old. The girl in the car rolled her eyes and honked the horn again. Kagome looked up from the spot where she was crying and turned to the girl. "I'm coming Sango!" Kagome yelled. Sango glared and her and crossed her arms. Kagome turned to her mom and exclaimed, "I have to go now mama, I love you." Her mom nodded in return and let go of her daughter. She turned on her heel and walked towards the red sports car that her friend Sango was waiting for her in. She placed her suitcase into the backseat and got in the car. Sango glanced at Kagome who was wiping tears away and smiled. "Let's go Chick!" She shouted hitting the gas. Kagome's family stood and watched her drive away with Sango to College. Her mom made a crying noise and whispered, "My baby's off to college."

Her grandfather sniffled and said, "She's going to be fine as long as she's not all over those boys."

"Oh my god, I can't wait for college!" Sango shouted as they drove down the road to the interstate. Kagome nodded, throwing her raven black hair around. "Yeah," Kagome said smiling, "We get all the guys we want." "We're free!" Sango added smiling back at her, then turning back to the front. Kagome breathed out loudly and turned up the radio. 'We belong together' chorused out of the speakers. The girls began singing the lyrics sweetly.

"Cuz baby, when you left I lost apart of me"

"It's still so hard to believe"

"Come back baby please cuz"

"We Belong Together..."

Two boys sat it a red Jeep Wrangler singing to Hawthorne Heights's song 'Ohio is for lovers'. The two were on their way to college, Muyashi University to be exact. The driver sighed and looked at his passenger.

"Inu-yasha, we need to get laid at least once in college." Inu-yasha looked at the driver and smirked. "What do you mean once, Miroku?" Miroku laughed as he turned back to the front. "Good point, I mean women almost want it as much as us men do." Inu-yasha added.

"Hey Kagome, do you wanna get laid when you get to college?" Sango asked her. "Not as bad as the boys do." "They want it way more than us women do." She added. Suddenly another song came on…. 'Oh' by Ciara.

"Oh my god, I love this song!" Sango shouted, tapping the steering wheel in the process.

'Oh, round here we ride em' slow'

'We keep you grinding you should know'

'Getting crunk up in the club'

'We get low, oh…oh'

Sango let go of the steering wheel while dancing. "SANGO!" Kagome screamed as she grabbed hold of the steering wheel. The car swerved to the side.

"Shit!" Miroku yelled as he turned the car. Inu-yasha rolled down the window and shouted at Kagome and Sango.

"Hey wench!" "Learn how to friken drive!" Kagome looked out her window pissed off. "Shut up Cheesedick!" She screamed at him. "KAGOME!" Sango yelled surprise. Kagome was not really one of those ill-tongued people. "What!" "He pissed me off!" She explained to Sango. Sango smirked. Kagome was turning into her.

"Miroku, did you hear what that wench called me?" Inu-yasha half yelled half said. "Yeah but you called her wench first." "Well it's not my fault if she needs driving lessons." Inu-yasha said crossing his arms.

"WE'RE HERE!" Sango shouted as she drove into the parking lot of the dormitories. "I can't wait to get up to our room and flop down on that nice comfy bed." Kagome whispered, imagining it. As they walked up the flight of stairs to their dorm room they noticed two guys standing at the foot of their door. Sango squinted her eyes to get a good look at the two and gasped as she noticed the black haired boy. He was the guy who yelled at Kagome through the window. Kagome had already begun walking towards them. She tapped him on the shoulder. "No Kagome…" Sango whispered. She turned to Sango and then turned back as the raven-haired boy turned around too. "YOU!" They both yelled as they recognized one another. Kagome turned to Sango, smirking. "Hey Sango, look it's Cheesedick!" Kagome laughed. "Hey Miroku, it's the wench who almost hit our car like a friken dumbass!" Inu-yasha retorted back with. Sango shook her head and looked at the boys. "What are you doing standing at our dorm room?" Miroku looked at her weird and exclaimed, "What do you mean your dorm room, it's ours." "No it isn't…" Sango responded. "This is our room, see." Kagome said handing Miroku the keys they had. "There must be some mistake, go find another room." Inu-yasha said snotty. "No!" "We need this dorm room just as much as you do!" She shouted getting pissed off. "Well, you know what, this is our room we got here first and how about you go find your own damn room!" Inu-yasha yelled at both of them. Kagome's face turned red and she took a step toward them. "YOU KNOW WHAT!" "I HATE YOU AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!" She screamed so loud that she knocked Sango off her feet. Miroku stepped back and Inu-yasha had a pissed off face. "Come on Sango, let's go get this straightened out." Kagome said softly and then walked off. Sango got up and followed her. "What do you mean there are no more rooms!" Kagome griped to the room manager. "I'm sorry, but we only had one room left, so we had to make it a co-ed room." She explained nervously. Before Kagome could react, Sango replied, "Thank you." She pulled Kagome's shirt and dragged her back to the room. "This is going to be the longest year ever…" Sango thought to herself as she sweat dropped and pulled Kagome down the hallway with people staring at them.

Well, hope you liked the remade chapter. I'll remake all of them.


