A/N: Guh. I have an odd feeling that this may be a rather fluffy chapter. O.o Weird...I'm not usually a fluffy person; I go more for the angst. But still...it is 11 at night, and I'm in a strange mood. Also, I can't really make Jack's accent work, I've tried, so I'm just leaving it out. Please don't harass me about it. I'll try to use some Jack-y words, though, if I can. Anyway, enough from me, here's the chapter...

And now it was morning. And what a beautiful morning it was, Jack thought as he reflected on everything that had passed the night before. He shifted in the bed and Will made a slight waking-up sort of noise, which sent Jack's eyes immediately flicking to the boy. Will was looking up at Jack, with large, sleep-filled eyes. Impulsively, Jack kissed Will, and as he did, he felt Will smile against his lips.

'I'm so glad that wasn't a dream.' Will murmured as Jack broke the kiss and stretched slightly.

'So am I, luv. So am I.' With those words, Jack carefully slipped from the bed and began to pull on his breeches.

'Why are you getting up?' Will grumbled as Jack's heat slowly dissipated from the bed.

'I have to do an overview of The Pearl, and I know she needs some work done on her. I need the daylight to do it in.'

'Ah, I see. I should get up too then.' Will said with determination.

Jack protested, but Will was adamant, he was going with Jack, and he was going to be useful too. He was a blacksmith after all; he could help with the metalwork and such.

'Fine.' Jack said after a while, 'But you should be sleeping. I'll bet you have a killer of a headache.'

Will shook his head, and cringed a little as the movement spurred a dagger of heat behind his eyes.

'Ha. See.' Jack gloated when he saw the cringe, 'But come if you want to, whelp, just don't say I didn't warn you when you have to come back to the inn after your headache gets worse...'

Will stuck his tongue out at Jack and pulled off his nightshirt to change into some clean clothes.

The Black Pearl was a magnificent ship. A very magnificent ship, and it was no wonder that Jack loved it so much, Will thought, as the pair walked up the gangplank. The gangplank? Was that it? Will hadn't been near a ship since the day that he had rescued Jack from the gallows. He didn't remember many of the terms and orders that were used on them. It had been two years...

'Okay, well...hmm...' Jack muttered to himself as he walked over the ship's deck, 'Yes, a replacement here, I think...and maybe some extra reinforcement here.'

Will was mystified. So much of what Jack was saying didn't make sense to him. Why a replacement on that particular railing? Why did that timber need reinforcing, when it looked exactly like everything else?

Will groaned and sat heavily down on some convenient stairs nearby. His head was aching, and he needed something to drink.

'You okay, luv?' Jack called from the other side of the ship.

Will jumped, he hadn't thought that Jack was watching him, 'Yes, Jack. I'm fine...but that damned headache's come back.'

Jack laughed, 'I knew it would. I told you so!'

Will smiled grudgingly.

'Do you want to go back to the inn, lad?' Jack asked gently.

'Yes, actually, that's probably a good idea.'

'Okay, I'll walk you there and then come back.'

'No, don't bother Jack. I'm a grown man, I can walk myself.'

'Fine. If you don't want my help...then I guess...' Jack sniffed in mock hurt.

Will got up from the stairs and walked over to Jack. 'Silly.' He said with conviction, 'I love you.'

And, as he said it, he realised that somewhere, inside himself, he always had. Ever since he had fought Jack in his smithy.

'I love you too, Will.' Jack said softly, giving Will a soft kiss.

Will broke the kiss and walked back down the gangplank. He raised his hand in farewell and walked off in the direction of the inn.

It was the last time Jack saw him, for quite some time.

A/N: Yes, I know it was a short chapter, but NaNoWriMo starts in about 4 days. Although, I do have parts of the next chapter done...so it may be up faster than I thought...

By the way, you can see what NaNoWriMo is here: http:www .nanowrimo. org

But, you know...without the spaces...