Disclaimer: I don't own this anime
Chapter Five: Talk the Talk
After the Colonial Wars of After Colony 195, the total disarmaments of mobile suits were abolished entirely. Bases and other infrastructures of OZ were reformed, demolished or handed down for better use. The Lake Victoria Base, which was OZ training grounds for new OZ soldiers, was reestablished by the Preventers as a breeder of new agents out of carefully selected individuals with great skills.
With the act of Preventer Earth Lady Une to polish the talents of these people, Preventer 03 and 05 were given the responsibilities of supervising the potentials at their combat and covert operations. The search for potentials already ranged from Earth and certain Space Colonies.
The Preventers act like the world police against certain dangers and new threats, planned to destabilize the peace between the Earth and the Space Colonies. Though the war was over there were still some political anomalies that desire such acts by masterminding plans to get rid of the main tapestries of peace.
As a security measure, it was voted unanimously that the Preventers group shall provide the protection of such political individuals like the Vice Foreign Minister Relena Darlian and Head of the Winner Enterprises Quatre Raberba Winner. However, it was made clear by chiefs of the organization that the Preventers primary objectives were to know possible threats and learn dangers before hand out of their intelligence network, only to act if necessary.
Heero arrived at the Lake Victoria base and approached the gate clearance. He presented his identification and approved immediately to come inside. He was asked to wait in the conference room while they inform Trowa Barton about Heero Yuy's visit.
Through the whole trip, he didn't worry much about the Vice Foreign Minister's affairs at hand. He is certain that the two people he asked will surely keep her away from anything out of ordinary. Not a minute to soon, he stood from his seat as he sees Trowa walk through those doors.
"Good Day Heero. What's up?" he asked his comrade with the same poker face that Heero uses.
"Just came here to talk." He replied raising the Y.K.W. envelope above his shoulders.
"Of course. Let's sit down."==============================================================="How's Wufei doing?"
"Well he's doing just fine to say the least. He should be out back with the Potentials practicing their martial arts."
"I mean how's he doing with the Potentials' heading the course?"
"Oh that. There are some high strong and high maintenance people but each of us has our own way of disciplining them."
Two cups of coffee on a coaster were put on the table as they sat down from both opposing ends. Heero placed the envelope in front of him then Trowa took it and got the document from inside.
"So what's bring you here?"
"I need to know more about this latest message from the enemy. The words here are very vague than usual."
"Well, when I read the thing myself, I was pretty baffled, too."
"Then it's useless to ask for your help as well, huh?"
"No it's not like that Heero. But for now I can say that we haven't got a clue where it came from though."
"So this piece of information's real source is still unknown, huh?"
"Yes. It was remotely faxed to head quarters. When our agents traced the location of it, there was nothing there."
"Figures. Our enemies are indeed cautious and thinks right ahead. It would be strange if they just left some clue other than their letters."
"There is one other thing, Heero."
"What is it?"
"I know it's a little off the topic but I thought you're with Relena on her vacation?"
(Oh No!)
"Trowa, it's not really an off topic because it involves her generally. She is enjoying her day with her date as we speak." Heero shrugged.
"Her date?"
(Not you too)
"Yeah. You heard it right." His voice sounds the same. Sounds like he doesn't care.
"Who is it then?" Trowa continued on.
(Must I really answer?)
"You probably heard of him, the guy that I fenced with back at St. Gabriel."
"And you're here miles away from her?" he still raved leaving a few details aside.
(Just keep your cool)
"Yeah." Heero takes a sip of his cup of coffee that was brought earlier.
It's really hard to read Heero if he pretends not to care or doesn't care at all. But Trowa being the same stoic and poker faced person like him, pointing out the obvious is not really that hard. "I can't believe your putting so much trust on her."
(But I don't trust the guy, Okay?)
"I trust her judgment and instinct. But the way that you said it, you sound just like Duo and Quatre."
"Oh? You mean they knew?"
(Nothing escapes from those two.)
"Quatre came to the estate last night then Duo. Unfortunately I could prevent the issue from reaching their ears. I thought that it's no big deal so I let it happen."
"You mean the love of your life going out with somebody else is not a big deal?" he crooked a little smile.
(Why is everybody keep asking if it's a big deal?)
"Now you're exaggerating. She is not what you claim she is."
"Alright. My bad. But I know you wouldn't let it like that, now would you?"
Heero sighed faintly. He came for answers but he cant help but to think that he walked into another interview on a talk show again.
(Their having a field day, I bet.)
"I want those two to stop bugging me so I sent them to keep an eye on her so they can have more insight of the other side."
"You got jealous but you don't want her to find you snooping around so you sent the two to do the spying on her, got it."
(She's gotten used to me that she could smell me from behind following her within a mile radius.)
"I only want them to prevent anything strange to happen to her without being noticed. But it does sounds a lot different when you say it.
"Well it looks like you're having one of those fickle with Relena. Don't worry Heero. We all will get pass this like we always do."
(Fickle? We will? Like we always do?)
"What do you mean?"
Trowa crossed his legs and placed his hands on the table. Heero just remain as he is with his cup on hand and waits for 03 to talk.
"Me and the others, well... we find the "thing" between you and Relena very amusing."
(What 'thing'?)
"You guys find us funny?"
"No. What I meant was that watching and being a part of one of your escapades is interesting. We really like to observe you guys unconsciously care for each other and still do crazy things to make the other feel upset to make that evident."
(It's more funner to do those crazy things unconsciously, too. Very impromptu and real.)
"I'm not really that nice, Trowa."
"I'll say. Tell me Heero. How did she cross your mind years ago?"
(To sum it up, a meeting on the beach gone wrong.)
"To tell you the truth, she really didn't mattered. Order was to destroy OZ at any cost. I was more preoccupied about the ongoing war so I didn't gave much thought about her."
"Oh... I see."
(But now I think about it...)
(She always has this smile just for me...)
"There are times that I let my imagination escape and keep saying her name and seeing her face out of nowhere."
"She said the same things on her story."
(She'd better.)
"I know." He smiled and takes another sip.
"Okay, how about this then... ever wonder why she is still single?"
(Coz she loves messing with me.)
"We all know that she has various suitors, Trowa. She can choose whoever she wants when she feels that it's okay to come to that point of life."
"And how about you? Relena said that you were very popular with the ladies on your so-called school days. How come you hadn't hooked up yet?"
(Coz I love messing with her.)
"We had our priorities. I think you know the answer to that."
"Right. Still, it surely would feel nice for a guy to be chased by a girl as possible as she can just to be closer to him, don't you think so?"
He knew what Trowa meant by that remark. Thinking back, she really did made an effort to get to know him better... even if it did meant that she would put her life on risk.
(Yeah did, didn't she? Maybe I could show my appreciation to her deed later.)
"What she did was dangerous. I would have killed her."
"But you never did, didn't you."
(Yup. Cant live if did and Cant live if I didn't.)
"It's just a matter of consequence, Trowa. We all got through a lot of changes."
"All of those things you said are vital information, Heero. From Relena's story, we four triangulated the same thing. You want to know" Trowa took his cup and takes a sip.
(She's all I got.)
"We had our own assumptions, Trowa. I think I know the answer to that one."===============================================================(A/N: This one took so long. Sorry bout that. This one is pretty short because it's almost a pure dialogue. I've been doing that a lot lately. I've been seen accidentally by my chief editor of our campus newspaper writing the draft of this installment and I forked it over. I've told every detail about this here at FF.net. 48 hours later, I've been told that I should separate the first 13 chapters from the rest because it doesn't really have that much of momentum to continue the latter chapters, not to mention keeping my so-called "ongoing second season" in the same slot with the "first season". I followed the advice and now you can see that this is chapter 5 of the 2nd season of my story. I still need to do some adjustments to prevent violating FF.net legalities, though. So to those new people, if ever; are reading the second season, it wouldn't hurt to catch the first season. There are certain official H&R fluff there that are a must read for fans. To those guys who are the mainstays of my story, I really appreciate it. You know who you are. See you next chapter. Peace out!)