Hello there everybody, it's time now me to create another Elazul/Heroine romance story. ^_^

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Legend Of Mana and anything that is on this story. The owner of it is Squaresoft, so I'm not a thief or something!

You know why I like making Elazul/Heroine fanfics, it's because their couple is my most favorite and I hate Pearl a bit (She's kind of annoying!).

Character Notes:

Will- as the hero

Urzula- as the heroine

A Heroine's Love To A Jumi

Chapter 1

Weeks after Urzula saved The Jumi race, she was thinking about Elazul, the Jumi she loved very much. 'He is very kind to me but there is someone that Elazul really loves, Pearl. I thought that Elazul was treating her like a sister only but when I saw them hugging each other (In the event "Cosmo"). Life is really unfair, I hope he'll understand my feelings to him…' She thought. "Dinner time!" Will, her brother said. "Just a minute, brother!" She replied. She went downstairs and she saw that Bud was eating food in an unusual way. "Bud, stop that." Urzula said. "Chomp! Yummy! Lisa, you're a good cook!!!" Bud said. "Okay, I'll eat now…" She said. "Oh Lisa! What a recipe you've made!!!" Urzula said.

While at The Bejeweled City, Pearl is still hugging Elazul. "Stop it." Elazul commanded. "Elazul… *blushes* sorry…" Pearl said. "Goodnight, Elazul. I love you!" Pearl said. Elazul got very annoyed. "SPLASH!!!" Elazul applied Pearl with tea. Pearl blushed again. She went to a gemstone room and she took a bath. "Hmph. She's lost again yesterday. I hope she'll not be lost anymore…" He whispered to himself.

That night, Urzula got a bad nightmare:

"Urzula…" Elazul called her name. "Elazul! Watch out! There's a monster that'll attack you!!!" She requested. "Elazul," cried another voice. It was Pearl; she was trying to go near him. "Elazul, let the monster eat Urzula!" Pearl commanded. Elazul moved away and Urzula was alone with the monster. "AHHHHH!!!" She screamed.

But she was just back on her room, fallen on the bed. "That was a bad nightmare!" She said. She saw that the time was 8:30. Oh no! "I got to dress immediately! I have to visit the jumis at The Bejeweled City!!!" She said as she changed into her clothes. "Bye Urzula!!!" Bud and Lisa said. "Bye!" she replied in a hurry.

At The Bejeweled City…

"Hi Urzula!" Esmeralda greeted her as she entered the jumi city. "Where is Elazul?" She asked Esmeralda. "He was on the second floor, walking around. You don't know it's Jinn day today, Pearl is Blackpearl today!" Esmeralda replied as she went away. "Alright, I'll go to the second floor." She said to herself. She went to the second floor. Then she saw Elazul fainted. "What happened?" She asked. "Pearl kicked me because she was embarrassed last night. Don't worry I'm fine." He replied. Then he went up. "Will you take me for a little time?" Elazul asked her. "Sure, not only little but I can take you to a long time!" She said. "Thanks. Let's go." He said. "Elazul! Pearl is lost again!!!" Esmeralda's sister said. "Dammit! Not again…" He said.

"I sensed her in The Tower Of Leires again! Stupid Girl!!!" He said. "Elazul calm down, I know we can find her." She said. Elazul blushed as they entered the tower. They fought many monsters like Bloodsuckers, Danslaives, Mad Mallards and Basiliks. "*Breathing Hard* this is really a tower full of monsters!" Urzula complained. "Pearl!!! Where are you?!" Elazul demanded. "Calm down, Elazul, we're now in the eighth floor." Urzula told him. Elazul was still losing his patience, so he continued to shout. "Silence Elazul please calm down!!!" Urzula said as she hugged Elazul to calm down. Then he relaxed and remained to be calm. "Thank you." He said calmly. Urzula touched the Jewel on the transportation device. "We're now on the tenth floor!" Urzula said. "Pearl!" Elazul shouted. Then they hurriedly went to the stairs and they are now on The Door Of Fate. "Pearl! Are you in there?" Elazul asked. "Yes, I… Yay!" Pearl replied. "W-What? You… just went here to catch an egg?" Elazul asked. "Yes and I caught a Poltergeist egg! Wow it hatched!" Pearl replied "…It's a Chess Knight, congratulations, Pearl, you've got a pet already." Urzula said. Elazul got very mad. "*Groans* You!" He punched Pearl's face. "Ouch!" Pearl said. "Hey! How dare you do that to a girl?" Urzula complained. "Um… Sorry Urzula, Sorry Pearl!" Elazul said.

Then Urzula went home and write in her diary:

Dear Diary,

Today, I woke up late because of the nightmare. I went to The Bejeweled City and have Elazul a walk but Pearl is lost… again. Elazul sensed her in The Tower Of Leires. We are really tired but when we went inside The Door Of Fate, Pearl was actually went there to catch a poltergeist egg. It hatched and became a Chess Knight! Wow! Pearl is sure lucky, she had a pet and she had Elazul's love. Oh… I'm so jealous of her!!!


Then she fall asleep and she dreamed about what happened a while ago.


Well, how was it? Please review but no flames! Sorry that the story's kind of short and I'll try to update soon! See ya!

Please R&R!

Summary of the next chapter:

The next day, Urzula went to Lake Kilma to have some bath. While at The Bejeweled City, Elazul went out to talk to Urzula. He went to her home but Will said that she's at Lake Kilma. So he went to Lake Kilma to talk about something. Then he saw Urzula. He asked Urzula a favor: To be his temporary guardian. Urzula was happy but someone is mad… Find out at the next Chapter!