A/N: Due to the fact that several people have added this to their alert list, I felt the need to go ahead and clarify, "This is the end of the story!" The chances of me adding to this story is absolutely zilch. The only chance that this story has is to be rewritten, and even that is very, very low, considering that I've basically left the Gundam Wing fandom. Sorry, guys! I really appreciate you reading the story, though, and hope that you'll stick with me to other fandoms.

DEDICATED: And, lastly, to Heero, because every single other person in this story has been given a dedication so... I figured Heero should get one too!
WARNING: Again... it's been covered. Been there done that... etc... etc...
DISCLAIMER: See Chapter 01


Cloying Voices - Chapter 06

"It is better to take what does not belong to you than to let it lie around neglected." -Unknown


Wufei glared and slowly edged toward Heero, continuing when I didn't tell him to stop. He moved extremely carefully, as though making any sudden movements around me was a bad idea… actually, at this point, it was.

"Yuy," he said and a smile twitched my lips as Shin pantomimed stabbing them with a knife and raised an eyebrow at me, as though saying, 'Ah, come on!' "He's lost his mind. He keeps talking to people who aren't here."

I laugh at that and I watch as Solo gets red in the face. "Not here!? Fucker! I'm here and I'll fucking kill you for that fucking comment!" Hel, however, gets up and holds onto Solo, soothing him so that he doesn't get up and do something he might regret… if he can do anything… Of course, he is me, so I suppose he might be able to call forth enough magic to make his fist physical and… well… that wouldn't be good.

"Tut tut," I said, very slowly, so slowly they didn't notice, edging closer to them. "Now you made Solo mad." I glanced toward the bed where Hel was still holding Solo. "Good thing that Hel's here or he might have beat you up."

Heero looks at me for a minute and then asks, "Have you lost your fucking mind?"

I laugh, the sound not even bordering on sane, and reply, "Lost that a long damn time ago. You fuckers just hadn't noticed yet!" Solo finally lost his anger at this and started cracking up. He has the same sense of humor as me… Did I mention I like him?

They turned, suddenly, as I pushed a vase off the table in the hallway. Using that to my advantage, I used my magic and my own strength to push them out the door and into the hallway. The fuckers cried out in shock and Heero, reflexively, shot as I hurriedly closed the door. I couldn't help the cry of pain that escaped as I quickly shut the door, locking it. Hel quickly rushed over and put her hand on my neck; it was a fucking strange feeling, like feeling water suddenly wash over my wound. I sighed as I managed to get back to my bed, my head already feeling light and my chest feeling tight. Damn fucker! He must have hit something fucking important… my head was already feeling light as I lay down and I saw Solo's face above me, gone white with worry.

"FUCK!" Solo said and I could vaguely hear Shin laughing in the background. "Fuck! That fucking bastard hit him in an artery in his neck! He can't fucking breath!"

Ah… I thought distantly, as though my head were full of fog, so that's why it's so hard to breathe… I wanted to laugh and, tried, but I found I couldn't call up enough breath to finish it. Distantly I heard Hel crying and Solo yelling for help… though who he was calling for, I don't think even he knew. Fuck… I didn't realize it would hurt so much to die. I could feel Shin's smile, even if I couldn't see it. Damn fucker… guess he'll have me in the end… The last thought that went through my head, was that I wished I could have seen Trowa just once more… to hear him quiet the voices and to know, as he did so, that I loved him for it.

The sudden sharp sting of pain blazed through me like fire in my veins and my eyes opened wide, without seeing anything even as my head fell back in a wordless scream. For a long time I could little other than clutch desperately at the sheets and try to catch my breath; every breath felt as though fire was entering and exiting my lungs. Fuck! I kept thinking that over and over again. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Breathing became easier, slowly, far too slowly, and I lay down, resting on the bed, my eyes closed again, feeling as though all the strength had escape me. Motherfucker, motherfucker! I was going to kill that fucking bastard… I trailed off as I realized that I should be fucking dead, hell, that I had died… I slowly pried my eyes open before closing them as hot pain flared from the sudden light.

"Wait a minute, let me close the blinds," a voice said, and I heard the rustle of clothing and blinds as the person apparently did as they said they would. My brain, still unable to work beyond chanting 'fuck' from the pain, couldn't seem to place the voice. I knew, without a doubt however, that it wasn't Shin, Hel, or Solo and that made me realize that I couldn't hear any of the little fuckers.

Carefully, I opened my eyes, black spots sprinkling my vision. "Who's there?" I asked, still unable to see, everything still black.

"Trowa," he replied and I felt a cool hand on my neck. "You're lucky that I heard Solo or you would have died."

"Heard Solo?" I asked, feeling confused, as I finally managed to figure out which black blob Trowa was. "But you can't hear Solo… he's just a fucking voice inside me head."

There was soft laughter and, suddenly, the darkness melted away, leaving me with one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen: Trowa laughing. I stared, fucking enraptured at the sight; I wouldn't have been able to tear my eyes away even if the anal-twins had come through the door with guns blazing. "Yes, he's a voice inside you… but didn't you ever stop to think with your new powers that you might have telepathy?"

"How do you…" I trailed off as Trowa leaned forward and I saw that he looked… different… Older, with a fucking dark green streak through his hair, his eyes a light green color that wasn't natural.

"Did you think that you were the only one that the Zero system affected like that?" Trowa whispered, leaning forward to gently trail fingers over the silver-white streak that was in my hair.

"But… how… what…?" I couldn't seem to make a single coherent thought, the memory of Trowa laughing still fresh in my memory.

"I hid it, which is what you should have done," he said.

"Oh… I didn't even think…"

"No, you didn't," he agreed with me and then cocked his head, as though staring at me from a different perspective would make it easier to figure me out. Not fucking likely. "But it's okay, I took care of it."

"What do you mean, you fucking took care of it?" I suddenly felt hysteria rise as I imagined it getting back to Dr. J that Trowa and I had killed off his little experiment. Great, I had just come back from the dead but I was going to fucking die anyways.

"I didn't kill them," Trowa replied, laughter dancing in his eyes at the thought. "I just… improved… their memories." I stared at him in utter surprise. "So… you should probably put your old skin back on and make an appearance downstairs at some point."

"Did you heal me?" I finally asked, my brain finally able to make fucking sentences without undue thought.

"Just a little. If Heero had hit almost anywhere else your body would have automatically started healing itself but… it happened too fast and you died too quickly. The combination of blood loss and the inability for you to breath made it impossible for your magic to start working before you lost consciousness and, that, coupled with the loss of energy made it so that your body couldn't heal itself. I simply… healed you to the point where you could heal yourself." Trowa stood up then. "I should go." Yeah… I suppose he had met his fucking word quota for the next two weeks with those last two couple little speeches.

Instead of walking toward the door, though, he turned back to me. "Duo…" he whispered and then, in a movement that my still slightly muddled brain couldn't keep up with, he leaned down to kiss me. Oh fuck yeah… I immediately participated in the kiss but soon, far too soon, he backed off, breathing heavily as he stared at me, cocking his head again. "See you later." And then the motherfucker was gone, leaving me there with a blazing pain in my head, in my neck, and in my pants. Fucker, I thought with a grin, we'll just see who gets the fucking last laugh. Then, carefully, I stood up, ready to confront the anal-twins and pussy boy who, according to Trowa, wouldn't remember a thing. How fucking sweet is that?


For those of you that are interested, I still offer a mailing list. Joining the mailing list comes with many benefits. I will update you immediately when I have posted a story. Along with that, there are some added benefits, such as the fact that this story was actually available to those on the mailing list months before I actually posted it. I feel in all fairness I should warn you though, that I have no plans, at the moment, to write anymore GW fanfiction (most of my ideas are for Harry Potter, and I do have one for Sailor Moon). If this mailing list still interests you, please send me an email (not a review or a PM) telling me that you want to join.


A/N: About the story itself... this isn't really the DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder; better known as Multiple Personality Disorder) fic that I wanted to do. A fic that really deals with DID as I would like to write about it takes a lost of work, simply because of the fact that you're in reality creating several new character that together have to equal a character that is well known and loved. It's difficult enough to create one well-rounded original character, let alone several. Since this fic started out as simply an experimentation of a different voice for Duo, I added in some other ideas that I had wanted to play with, such as the DID, as well as the Zero System pulling something extra out of one of the Gundam Pilots. So, I admit, that this is a little mish-mashed, and probably too rushed, considering the depth that could have been given it. However, at this point in time it's been at least a year or two since I actually wrote the fic, and I can't find it in myself to rewrite it, so it will stay as it is. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the ride, even though it's been a bumpy, rushed one.

Petra Megami Assari