
Naruto: The Waves of Destiny

By: Legatorem

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction, all character and right belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.


Prologue: The End that is the beginning!

"Naruto-kun" the voice said, "You thought that you could honestly defeat me as I am now?"

Rain began to fall on the battle scarred terrain. The gray cloud rumbled as they released their burden on the land, and made everything seem devoid of colors. The figure moved closer toward the crumpled body on the ground. A blue eye opened to see his opponent strolling toward him. The boy sprawled on the ground, struggled to stand, but his body took too much hits. But still the boy struggled to stand on his feet, and with sheer will of determination, he did.

"I'll fight you so long I have breath in my lungs." Naruto replied, half-smiling.

A laugh was emitted from his opponent as he walked calmly toward Naruto, the sound of 'tsking' uttering from his mouth, when he said, "I don't believe that you're incline to make threat." the voice said, "Especially when your body isn't in any condition to fight." Taking a good measure of Naruto's condition, anybody could tell that the boy was in no condition to continue to battle. The boy stood unsteadily, seeming that a gush of wind could topple the boy back to the ground.

"Don't underestimate me, Orochimaru." Naruto warned. "I'll fight til the bitter end."

"Amusing.." Orochimaru commented as he continue to walk closer to Naruto.

"Naruto.. How can you still fight.. when those that you swore to protect are dead?" Orochimaru said, "they all died cause you were too weak.. yet you can stand there to saying.. that you'll fight for them?!"

"It's really highly amusing, Naruto-kun." Orochimaru said, "Fighting for the dead ones... instead of your loves one..hahaha!"

"BASTARD!!!" Cried Naruto, who launched himself at Orochimaru.

Sneering, Orochimaru easily deflected his attack, and slammed Naruto into the ground with his right arm. A groan escaped from Naruto's mouth, as pain spread throughout his body. "I won't quit.. I won't quit!" he murmured. Orochimaru proceeded to kick on Naruto's side, causing some of his rib to break.

Naruto coughed, and tried to choke off the pain.

"Naruto.. Naruto.. why don't you die like the rest of them?" Orochimaru queried.

"Cause.. if I did that.. I would've betray everything that my friend believe in." he said. "And because Sasuke wanted his brother body to be burned to a crisp." he added.

"Ah.." Orochimaru glanced at his hands that wasn't his own, "This body is powerful, and thanks to Sasuke-kun, I was able to obtain this new body." His snake-eyes disappeared, and the red-eyes of the Sharingan. He could feel the power and presence of his new body, the new blood that course in his vein. This was ultimate power and he loved it, soon his dream of learning and developing amazing jutsu were moments away from his grasp. But before he could do what he wanted, he need to eliminate this problem before it would become a nuisance.

His hand blurred as he began his deadly jutsu. Orochimaru was standing directly in front of Naruto, "Unfortunately, our time with each other had run out." he said. A long tongue appears licking his lips, "Naruto die a good death for me now..." he laughed, his tongue morphing to a snake. He pulled out a long sword from the snake, and smiled with anticipation. Raising the sword over his head, he launched his attack at Naruto.
Suddenly blood sprayed from the chest.

The tip of the blade shown in front of Orochimaru chest, blood blossoming from the wound. A long sword penetrated Orochimaru defense, and holding the sword was Naruto.

"A Clone!?"

"Your overconfidence was always your weakness! Orochimaru!" Naruto said.

Orochimaru turn his head slight to see fully the clone, and was amazed to find, that only the upper body of the clone appeared, while the rest attached to Naruto's leg. "A new jutsu!?" Orochimaru demanded. He tried to escape, but he couldn't get free of the attack, he was pinned like a bug. He struggle to get out of the trap that he let himself in, who would have thought that the brat would have become clever over the years.

"Yeah.. I call it the 'Uzumaki Naruto no dansu hano katsuryoku wo koushin no Jutsu!'" Naruto replied, "Now.. Orochimaru.. as the people in Grass Country says it, 'Time to meet thy Maker!'" And because of your overconfidence with your new body, I was able to attack you, Orochimaru, now with this jutsu, you won't be able to transfer your essence into any new body, this one will be your last.

"kasou shakai no shiru no 7 tsuno dankai!" Naruto shouted.

"NO!!.. This won't be the end.. you'll die like that old man..like sasuke.. and everyone else..!" Orochimaru replied. He start his transfer to another body. His jutsu over the year had become perfected, and he was able to transfer himself over long distance. "Naruto.. your defeat of me was just a fluke.. but the next we meet.. I'll have master this body to it's potential.. you won't be as lucky."

"Who said anything about letting escape.. I'll defeat you with a smiliar technique that the old man did before he died.. you'll die as well.." Naruto said as he began to laugh quietly. "we'll die together.. "

"Wha.. YOU! I won't allow this!"

"You don't have a choice..."

Then everything blacked out.


End of Prologue

Author Notes: Ah.. nothing much to write.. just saying this is my first Naruto fanfic, and I'll post chapter 1 later.. or something.


Uzumaki Naruto no dansu hano katsuryoku wo koushin - Uzumaki Naruto dance of renew vitality

kasou shakai no shiru no 7 tsuno dankai! - The Seven Stages of Underworld Seal