I know, I know, so long since the last update, it's been the busiest few months, I've been working away at this chapter while I try and find my outline for the story… so I had to improvise. Hopefully it is as good as I hope it is, please review and let me know… I can assure you that the birth is next then it shall be finished… but please let me know what you think or I wont bother to continue… I need my fans, it makes this story go

Serena woke with a smile. She was getting married today. It was the day where all her dreams came true because the man she had loved for so long was going to be her husband at the end of the day. She rolled onto her side, and rubbed a hand over her extended belly, sending love to her twins.

She rose from bed and grabbed a shower, relaxing. Once she was out, in her terrycloth robe, Mina was in her room.

"How you doing doll?" she asked her.

Serena smiled. "Fabulous."

Mina beamed, "I'm supposed to give you this." She handed her a small gift bag and an envelope.

Serena took them and sat on her bed, eagerly ripping open the envelope. Inside was a letter penned by Darien.

My dearest Serena,

This has been so hard for me to find the most perfect gift for the woman I am going to marry and who is going to be the mother of my children. You have been everything to me and I look forward to the days ahead of us. I know I am not perfect but I would like to think that you are helping in making me a better man because I want to be worthy of your divine being and be a man that you can be proud of and proud to say that you love me with the same entirety that I love you.

I know we have had the most incredible time of coming together but I would like to think that fate knows what she is doing and I hope to prove her correct in helping us together, no matter slow witted I may be.

I want you to know that I love you with a deep love that consumes my being and I am so honored that you will be marrying me today. So when you walk down the aisle today, I would like for you to wear this gift. It was my grandmother's. My grandfather gave it to her on her wedding day, and she wore it every day for 55 years while she was married to my grandfather. It is simple, but it represents an enduring love that was fortunate to be together for all their lives.

I shall see you later and know that I will be ready to marry you and be with you for the rest of our days.

Love, Darien

Serena, tears in her eyes, grabbed the small box and opened it and gasped. It was a beautiful little bracelet with a diamond crescent. It was simple but beautifully elegant.

"Oh my," Mina gushed. "Oh Serena, that is so beautiful."

Serena wiped the tears from her eyes. "Oh, can you help me put it on."

Mina clasped it on and Serena stared at it for a minute then smiled so brightly. "I'm never going to take it off."

Mina patted her hand. "alright, let's get you ready."

"I'm getting married today," she beamed. Then she shouted, "I'm getting married today!!"

There was laughter as Lita, Rae, and Ami came into the room.

Serena changed into her white negligee and kept the robe on. Soon the make-up artist and hairstylists were there and it was a flurry of activity to make all the women beautiful. Molly and Jenny came and they were added to the mass, Serena wanting her two assistants to be pampered too since they had helped her with so much.

The morning passed by, hair and make-up was done, and then it was time to help Serena into her dress. The dress was a stunning Vera Wang that had been designed with her pregnancy in mind and enhancing her beauty.

"Oh Serena, you look so beautiful," Mina gushed.

Serena smiled.

"Oh my pet, you're all grown up now," Luna said as she entered the room and stopping to look at the beautiful blushing bride.

Serena sniffled. "Alright, none of you are allowed to make me cry," she smiled.

They all took turns hugging her then her mother came in to let them know that the limos had arrived to take them to the church. The women arrived at the church followed by the limo that brought along her family.

Luckily there were no paparazzi waiting outside the church. Of course slipping to the press the wrong addresses made it all possible.

The church was crowded with all their loved ones and dear friends. Serena waited in the antechamber of the church. The ladies waited with her until it was time. Finally her father made it into the room.

"It's time sweetheart," he said, giving her a warm, loving smile.

She smiled brightly at her father.

The music began and the ladies started down the aisle. Serena felt a little nervous as she waited her turn. Perhaps it was the fact that the big moment was finally here or she was about to waltz in front of tons of people—more like waddle down the aisle.

Her father took her arm and she began to feel better.

"Oh Daddy, I'm a little scared."

He gave her a fond smile then kissed her on the forehead. "Don't worry love, you have a man who loves you more than anything and he will be your husband before you know it. Don't worry about all the eyes that will be looking at you. You wont even notice them—it'll be just you and him."

She felt a little teary eyed. "Oh daddy."

He pulled her in a warm hug. "Oh sweetheart, how you have grown up."

She wiped her eyes with her handkerchief.

He lifted her chin. "Alright, let's go. I know there is a man very anxious to marry you."

She checked over her dress, grabbed her bouquet and took her father's arm. The music changed to the bridal march and she walked down the aisle with her father. She stared ahead at Darien, captivated by his handsome poise as he was smiling at her and showing his love for her in his eyes.

Her father was right. Everything slipped into the background as she set eyes on her true love and walked towards him. Once she was before him, her father lifted her veil, kissed her cheek and let Darien take her.

"Who giveths this woman?" the minister asked.

Her father gave a nod. "Both I and her mother do."

And then the ceremony truly began. Serena smiled brightly through the whole thing, holding onto Darien's hand and faintly hearing the words of the minister as he married them.

She had all she could to keep her tears at bay. She felt her heart swell from all the love she felt from the man that was sliding the wedding band on her finger. She gave him a bright smile.

"I love you," he mouthed to her.

She smiled lovingly at him. "I love you too," she mouthed back.

"Do you Serena Tsukino, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, through sickness and health, through richness and poorness, good times and bad, through the rest of your days as long as you shall both live?" the minister asked her.

She beamed. "Absolutely I do."

The audience chuckled and Darien kissed her knuckles.

"Do you Darien Shields take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, through sickness and health, through richness and poorness, good times and bad, for as long as you both shall live?" the minister asked him.

He nodded, staring her in the eyes. "All the days of my life and beyond."

The minister gave a beautiful blessing then with a bright smile, "By the power vested in me by the power of God, I pronounce you husband and wife."

There was a burst of applause.

"You may kiss the br…"

Darien swept her into his arms and kissed her passionately before the minister finished his sentence. They broke apart grinning and turned to look at everyone with sly smiles.

They marched down the aisle and were met with bubbles and confetti.

It was a couple hours later, despite being tired from the wedding pictures and being outside for a bit, she was excited when they were announced into the great ballroom of the temple on Rae's property.

It was a stunning display of old world beauty. There was white, gold, and ivy everywhere. It was almost like a classical ceremony of worship and honor. She felt so blessed in the temple and was feeling warmth from the whole day's excitement.

After they had eaten, Serena sat with Darien's arm around her as Andrew stood up to give his speech. She wasn't sure what to expect but she knew she would remember it always.

"I know that some of you are thinking you are just glad that this day came," Andrew chuckled.

There were a few appreciative laughs then Andrew smiled.

"These two have known each other along time, I've known Darien as long as Serena, since we were little kids in school and we realized that we had to protect our dear little Serena. She was one of those kids who always saw the world differently and others never quite appreciated it. Serena was almost sure of herself when she was younger but I think we all know that she had a little bit of fondness of the knucklehead she married today but she knew that she was too good for him then. I gave up after she left for college. I figured she would meet some Yank and I would have to threaten him when she came home to be good to her if he wanted to be part of her family."

Her dad laughed.

Andrew raised his glass.

"But Darien I know you have worked hard to be worthy of my baby sister—I've seen the days of hell you have been through to walk on glass and through fire to prove to the whole world and of course my sister that you would be the man to dote on her."

Serena smiled as she ran a hand over her stomach. She knew he would dote on her and their children.

"I always felt like you were a brother to me Darien, and today you finally moved from being my best friend, business partner, and now my brother in law. Welcome to the family. I wish you both the best and Serena, make sure you make him take a few more holidays in the year, so I can spend time away from work with my own wife."

There was some laughter.

"To Darien and Serena," Andrew said, raising his glass.

Everyone toasted them, then Mina stood to make her speech.

Serena smiled at her best friend. She was prepared for some tears.

"Ah Serena, girl, here we are at your wedding! It's been so beautiful and I am so glad that I was here to see your two's union. I think I had a feeling about you two after Darien carried you in that night and tucked you into bed. I knew before you knew that he adored you. He practically worships the ground you walk on and clearly he wants to start having a life with you, maybe if in a different order than most."

There were a few chuckles as they saw Darien squeeze Serena, kiss her on top of her head and rub a hand over her stomach.

"It's been a beautiful experience to watch you fall in love though I was a little worried that we might have to lock you two in a closet just to prove to you how much you did in fact love each other…"

"Didn't one of you lock us in the same cabin on the yacht?" she said, with a raised brow.

Mina blushed.

"As you all can see we were very serious in making sure that these two would be together forever because when you look at these two you see a man who loves a woman more than anything and was put through the test this year and a woman who adores him in return. You see two that will be together forever—you can see so easily that these two are soul mates. I always believed in it and I am happy myself but these two are that one kind of true love that everything almost pales next to in comparison. So Darien while I know you married my best friend today, I am not worried about her because I know you will take such good care of her."

Mina raised her glass, dabbing at her eyes. "Wish you all the best on your grand adventure," she said, with a bright smile.

Serena wiped the tears from her eyes. "Thank you," she mouthed.

"To Serena and Darien," she said and they all toasted them while the golden couple kissed.

A few other people toasted them well wishes and eventually it was time for their first dance together as a married couple. She smiled when Darien led her by her hand to the floor to the beginning notes of My Only Love.

She swayed to the music, letting Darien guide her around the floor, as she felt his heartbeat through the layers of clothing that separated them.

She sighed.

Darien lifted her chin and kissed her.

"I love you," he said, staring her in the eyes.

She smiled up at him.

The song ended and then it was more things that required pictures. Slowly she was getting more tired through the night and was anxious for it all to be over and she wanted to be alone with her husband.

She smiled. Her husband. She liked the sound of that. It rolled so nicely off the tongue.

She found Darien and they began saying their goodbyes then they were seen off by everyone to their limo where she curled right into him and fell asleep.

Darien smiled as he looked down at his beautiful bride. He had been so blown away by her stunning beauty when she was walking down the aisle towards him. He really was just stunned. He had married the only woman he could ever love in this life and in all his lives.

He held her close, knowing that she was exhausted beyond all means. She hadn't been able to have her regular nap that she normally would. When they arrived at the hotel he swept her into his arms and carried her up.

She looked up at him drowsily when they arrived in the room.

He kissed her deeply and passionately. "Let's get changed then sleep a bit. I have my whole life to make love to you… as soon as your rested and ready I will spoil you rotten."

She smiled tiredly. He helped her out of her dress into some white soft silk pajamas and tucked her into his arms in the huge bed. He brushed her hair from her face, kissed her forehead, and smiled.

"Good night my dear sweet wife," he whispered then turned off the light and held her as they slept.