Hi!!!! I hope this chapter will be much clearer (with the punctuation) and again I'm really sorry it took me this long to update, so enjoy and review!!
Oh and about a couple of your reviews to this chapter (the one that sucked) I know Mamoru seems like a real arrogant son of a bitch, but he'll change…..so don't worry about it.
With that Usagi pushed Mamoru and headed to his room to cool off. 'That asshole!! I can't believe he hanged up on Takako like that! Doesn't matter, she know where I am and why I'm here so she can come kick that pricks ass and get me the fuck out of this hell!!'
Usagi blank expression turned into a sadistic smirk as she thought about how Mamoru would die in a slow agonizing way… she stepped in Mamorus room and headed to the balcony doors. She leaned herself on the glass and stared at her reflection.
'When the fuck is Takako going to get here, if she doesn't get her ass here soon I'll bust a cap between that bakas' eyes, and then it'll be real difficult to get out of this jail then.' Usagi kept staring out the glass for hours, gazing as the sun slowly set causing the sky to turn that orangie red that it usually does…'It reminds me of back home……fuck I'm starting to sound like a fuck'in poet. When is she getting here?'
"Okay shut the fuck up!!" Takako Chigusa's voice rang through out the building. Immediately everyone in the room shut up and stood straight with their head down. No one dared to look into the Queen of the crimes eyes, no one.
"Good, now listen up, because this is not your usual hit, we are getting one of our own out of captivity, we are going to slam open the doors and kill anyone in our way and we're gonna fucking skin whoever took Usagi, is that in anyway unclear?" Takako shouted to her posy.
Everyone kept quiet, Takako turned to look at the general of her army Johnny Liu, nodding her head she swiftly left the large room and waited for Johnny. 'God, how did Usagi into this fucking mess?' When Johnny arrived just shortly after Takako he bowed as a sign of respect and started running over his plans of freeing Usagi.
"If we enter from here when the guards switch shifts it'll be easy not to cast attention to ourselves when we kill them. From here," he pointed to the staircase that was just a few feet away from Mamorus room. "We get directly to Ousamas room, which is the most likely spot Usagi san is going to be, according to the information you have received Chigusa Sama."
"Yoroshii, lets get a move on, I don't want to late to her royal highnesses wedding." Takako said sarcastically with a smirk. They both headed outside, Takako to her limo and Johnny to his black Kawasaki motorcycle. He placed his bamboo styled samurai sword at the side of the bike, started the engine and drove ahead with half of the squad next to him and behind him, fallowing was Takako in her limo next to her and behind her was the rest of the squad all dressed in black suits with black tie's on black motorcycles with black helmets and black samurai swords at their side. (They really got that black theme going on, huh?)
As they drove to Mamorus palace/mansion Takako thought about the event that are about to occur. 'I hope that bastard take out his military toys out tonight, that's the last thing we need while rescuing Usagis ass, at least we know that they have no shot whatsoever at defeatin-' those thoughts halted as the car stopped. Opening the door Takako stepped out to face her large and loyal army. 'A little to much black going on here…' she thought as stared down at her beautiful black kimono.
They we're all waiting for her to give signal to attack. Takako merely stared at the huge Japanese building something caught her she turned her head to look at one of the balconies, focusing her eyes she discovered it was shining steel being swept across the room…
"Kuso o tabeyou!" Usagi yelled as she jumped and swung her sword at Mamoru, luckily for him, she missed. 'What did I do now? I just walked in the room told her to get ready for bed, and then she just attacked me!' Mamoru thought angrily. Usagi swung again but this time Mamoru dodged and pounced on her and captured both her hands and placed above her head with one of his hands.
"Listen I don't know what the fuck I did, but you will not attack me ever again!" Mamoru said in a low dangerous voice. Usagi merely looked at him with a blank expression and stated in a low icy tone "Listen fuck face, if you really need the 411 on what the fuck you did to deserve me trying to perform a coup de grace on you, let's go over the day shall we?
First of all you capture me, then you inform me that I'm going to be your personal sex toy with a diamond ring and have no say in the fucking matter what so ever, walk in on me in the hot springs and try to fuck me, hang up on my boss and then you walk inside the room and inform to get ready for bed since were gonna fuck, now you tell me you asshole how all that doesn't give me a good fuck'in reason not to slice and dice you?! And while your contemplating on that shit can you get the fuck off me?!" Usagi yelled the last part and pushed Mamoru off of her and got up. She turned to look at the balcony.
Staring out the balcony windows all she saw was black, she couldn't use her night vision otherwise Mamoru would find her out. While she was staring she saw something flash, like metal or steel and when she focused her eyes she saw it was a sword. A long, sharp samurai sword that belonged to none other than Takako. While Usagi wasn't looking Mamoru pushed her against the wall hard and had his hand at her neck almost choking her.
"Listen sweetheart, First of all, you don't tell me what to do, I'm the king, I'm the strongest youkai in the world and I'm your future husband, you are my mate, you are my future wife and queen and you will obey me, is that understood?" He stated with narrowed eyes. He released her neck and headed over to his closet. "What the fuck are you talking about? When two youkais become mates they usually mate first dumb ass." Usagi stated as if he didn't know shit. "I know, so don't worry will soon be taken care of." Mamoru smirked and took off his shirt, Usagi only gazed out the glass windows and moved her sword so it would flash, giving Takako the sigh to get her out of there.
Takako the signal and nodded to her army, "Were going in." all of them took their sword out of there sheath and headed to their planned locations to take out the guards. Soon after with all of the guards dead they headed inside the palace, Takako in the lead with her sword sheathed and ready they all stood outside Mamorus door ready to blast in…..
Mamoru felt something was going on when his "beloved" didn't snap back with one of her witty come backs to his comment, but when nothing came he looked back at her and saw her move her sword around making it shimmer towards the dark balcony. When he felt a large presence around his palace he understood that Usagis lovable boss was here to save her. 'Fuck she probably brought her true blue army, there are about 100 or so of them, all humans. Maybe I should let them think their little plan is working…' grinning evilly Mamoru slipped on a red shirt.
Quickly grabbing Usagis armed hand and pulling out the sword from it and grabbing her other hand in flash he was pulling her out of his room and to his weaponry before Usagi could even register what's happing.
"Hey!! What the fuck are you doing?" Usagi yelled angrily.
Mamoru merely gave her a wink and pushed her into one of the rooms and pressed one the light switches and the door that was once there turned into a painting filled wall. He let go of her only to receive a fist crash into his jaw.
"That's the second fucking time you did that today." Mamoru said angrily while rubbing his jaw.
"Ever thought there might be a reason?" Usagi stacked off to the used to be door and started pounding on it trying ram it down. Mamoru just grinned and sat back on one of the leather chairs of the weaponry room watching Usagi futile attempts to open the wall/door.
"Now I've learned not to jump to conclusions about your human strength but this door is the one thing you will not open, not all the strength in the world will help you open that door."
Usagi just leaned her head on the door panted from her attempts to open the door or wall. 'Kuso! He's right I don't what this door is made of, but one hell of a door.'
"Oh I almost forgot your little friends and buddy buddy boss won't be able to find you either, and yes I do know they're here," He added noticing her stiffen at his words. "And they're not gonna be able to sniff you out since none of them are demons." Usagi turned to face Mamoru the moment she saw he had her "Baby" she lunged at him, Mamoru moved quickly out of the way and left his hand outstretched to catch her. He immediately pulled her back in contact with his and whispered in her ear. "I'll give you back your sword but you have to promise to behave, which means no swinging that sword around to try and slice me, okay?" Usagi couldn't control it and shivered as his breath tickled her ear and neck. "It also means not to touch any of the weapons here, I don't want my mate to hurt herself since they practically melt anyone's hands other than mine, understand?"
Usagi was into much of a trance to fight back and merely nodded her head. He released her and gently took her to one of the cages and locked her there. When she came back to reality he had already locked the door and stepped a good 7 feet away.
"Hey!! You tricked me!!!! Get the fuck over here or I'll blow the cage to fucking smithereens!" Usagi yelled at him while gripping the bars. "Sorry bishoujo, I gotta go take care of your friends, which you'll probably never gonna see again after I'm through with them." Mamoru said in matter of fact voice, an idea coming to mind. "Unless……you swear, sign, and cross you heart to marry me."
"Ha! What makes you think I have any kind of friendship with them to make me care? Anyways what's in it for me If I decided to agree to that psycho, never gonna happen plan of yours?" for real? Usagi did have that weakening relationship for them, and what do anything to keep them and Takako safe, even though Takako would probably kill him, but not after he destroyed one out of her two families in Japan, and she couldn't let that happen.
"I'll tell ya, your team members are gonna live happily ever after, along with your boss, and you will live right back at that girl's dorm of yours, what ya think?" Mamoru was on very very very thin ice but he had to chance it, I mean how far a long do you run into a girl like Usagi? Seriously?
"Hmmmm sounds too fucki'n easy….your just gonna let Takako, the "guys" and me run along if I sign swear and all that crap that I'll marry you?......what's the catch?"
"You have to see me everyday if not I'll visit you, and when I mean see me I mean talk, hang out ….until I decide when we can get married, which will take a while since I need to find my parents, get a caterer and all that weeding stuff you need to get." Mamoru said as if it was a thing he did everyday. Usagi just stared blankly at him. 'See him everyday? And hang out with him? Uhhh that really sucks...'
Usagi let out a frustrated sigh and mumbled "Fine…" Mamoru understood perfectly what she meant, but the proud alpha male that he was, he decided to tease her. "What? I didn't hear you, if I can't understand what you're saying then there's no deal and because your little friends are human I'll slice e'm up real quick and easy so you'd better be clear on what you s-" "I fucking said fine!! Jeez can you be any more of an asshole?!" Usagi burst out, interrupting Mamoru.
"Choberigu, now I'll get them out of here but you have to stay right here, got it?" Usagi looked straight onto his eyes, she kept staring without blinking for what seemed hours. Mamoru was for the first time in his life intimated. Her eyes, those soulless light bluish purplish eyes that for the first time in a long time had some form of emotion. Madness. She only let her eyes give away once, when she was killing Yamamoto, in his last agonizing seconds to live he saw that madness, he saw pleasure, revenge, he saw eyes that felt no remorse, mercy, compassion or forgiveness. When Mamoru saw her eyes, he swore it was as if he was seeing the reflection of the devil in her eyes.
"I got it." She said in deadly tone. She some turned towards the door and open with a touch of his hands, not bothering to care how he opened that fucked up door she simply sat on the carpeted floor against the wall and stared off into space. 'Save the "guys", (she calls them the guys but there are a few girls too) save myself from an early marriage, not getting raped and most importantly protecting Takako which is my fucking job. All that for hanging out with him and marring him eventually, a small price for my reward and if he gets completely on my nerves I'll take care of him in my own special way.' Continuing to stare off into space she sat there for what seemed many many hours was only 30 minutes.
When Mamoru returned you could see he had been fighting just a few moments ago, his hair more tousled than usual, his shirt ripped and a few splats of blood could be seen on it, he was sweating and panting hard whilst looking at Usagi with an intense stare. Usagi looked closer to see if it was his blood or the guys and saw that it was his. 'At least he doesn't lie, how ironic.' she thought.
"Well?" she spoke obviously annoyed at the whole situation.
"It took a little convincing, but in the end they believed me and left, unscratched by the way, but it took a little more convincing to the aikan in the black kimono."
"Kyousei, bishounen," Usagi said sarcastically "can I go now?"
"Hai hai, just as soon as you sign this little contract," he held up a paper with some writing on it, "and put a blood finger print, even though you're a murdering bitch, once you sing with ink and blood you have to keep to it."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah… whatever just let me sign the damn thing." She grabbed the paper and pen from his hand and scribbled her signature, cut her finger with the tip of the pen and placed her finger print next to her name. "There, you fucki'n happy?"
"Immensely." With that Mamoru unlocked the cage and stepped aside for her to step out of the cage. "You do realize you'll have to send back every belonging you removed from my dorm, right?" Usagi said heading for the door.
"Unfortunately yes….you'll receive it in about 1 hour- wait you're leaving now? Just when we're getting to know each other?" he putting a fake pout. Usagi smiled sarcastically and gave him the finger. "Gotta bounce, be sure to bring my stuff back or our deal is off." With that she steps out the wall/door (it was already open). When Mamoru runs out after her, she's no where to be seen.
Baka – Idiot, stupid
Ousama – King
Yoroshii – Alright, Okay
Kuso o tabeyou – Eat shit
Youkai – Demon
Kuso – Shit
Bishoujo – Pretty girl
Choberigu – good (teenage slang)
Aikan – Beautiful woman
Kyousei – Great
Bishounen – Pretty boy
Hai hai – Yeah, yeah
How was that people? Better? Longer? Tell me I need reviews!!!