Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.

A/n: Well, now, this is the last chapter. The sadness of it all. Not really, but let's continue on.

Last Time:

Toguro broke Yusuke's Spirit Gun into pieces, though he began to feel himself tire out so fast. He looked at Yusuke. "Thank you, Yusuke Urameshi." He then collapsed over, his whole body turning completely white.

This Time:

Sakyo stared at the fallen body of Toguro. He could not believe his eyes. He lost the bet, now he had to pay for it with his life. He sighed, as he pushed a few strands of hair back.

They were now announcing who the winners of the Dark Tournament. "The winner of this year's Dark Tournament, Team Urameshi!"

Sakyo took out a switch from his pocket. He pressed it.

The whole stadium began to shake. "What are you doing?" shouted Kagome.

"My dear, it is time for you all to leave. I had bet on my life, and I lost."


Karasu grabbed onto Kagome. "We need to go now. This whole place is going to go down."


"He's right, Kagome," Kurama said. They and everyone else ran out of the stadium.

- - -

"Dear brother, what are you going to do now?" asked Sesshoumaru. The two inu brothers were in a secluded area, far away from everyone else.

Inuyasha shrugged. "Why should I tell you anyways?"

Sesshoumaru looked thoroughly amused. "Fine. I'm going to go back to my time. Besides, Kagome and I need to go kill Naraku."

"That would explain why you still wear the same thing," Sesshoumaru muttered to himself.

"What did you say!"

"You heard me quite clearly, brother."

- - -

The whole room was quiet. Kagome sighed, as she sat down brushing her hair. She didn't really know who she liked best. Karasu or Kurama? They both were a big part of her life. They both protected her so much. She couldn't just pick over them, even if they asked her to. Though, there was that promise…

"Kagome?" She looked back. Speak of the devil-devils.

"What is it?"

"We would like to know…" began Kurama.

"…who do you love more?" finished Karasu.

There was a long pause. She couldn't answer. It was awkward. It was… wrong to pick. It was also cruel. "I can't choose. I… I just can't. I love you both so much, but I just don't know who."

"So, you're rejecting us," stated Karasu.

It was silent. Kagome was staring at her lap. "…" She turned her head slowly with a sad smile. "I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?" they both asked.

"Why are you making me pick? It's hard for me. It's like whoever I pick there's a great downfall to it," she began to cry, "it's crazy. I had these ideals, one when I met Karasu and when I lost my memories and met Kurama."

Kagome smiled to herself a bit. "I dreamed of being Karasu's mate, because he was there for me. He made me feel whole. Then, with Kurama, I dreamed of being married. The fact that he made me happy and always protected me. Though, to me, just saying this makes me feel like I love you both for selfish reasons.

"But, when you both get hurt, I want to be there. I want to be there by your sides no matter what."

She got up. "Karasu, Kurama, I'm sorry but I can't choose." She ran as fast as she could, leaving them dumbfounded.

Kurama looked at Karasu. "I guess I was being selfish as well, especially with my actions."

"I, as well," Karasu responded.

- - -

"Well, this gives off a new ending!" exclaimed Yusuke.

Kurama smiled at Yusuke's enthusiasm. "It certainly does." They were all back to their homes. The busy streets, no demons, no Sakyo, no new assignment, and best of all no gambling lives.

"Yo, Kurama, what's wrong?" Kuwabara asked.

"It's nothing Kuwabara-kun," replied Kurama, as he began staring at the clouds.

- - -

Karasu stood in front of Koenma, hands in his pockets. "So, what am I here for?"

"As much as you should receive punishment, I want you to go to a different time," announced Koenma, his hands fidgeting with each other-seeming to be not so fond of that idea.

Karasu looked amused. "Why so?" Yes, the question that Koenma dreaded. He would rather not say, but then, there was that prediction.

"You'll meet up with someone in that particular time," he began, gulping silently to himself. He might have not made the right decision but the word "PREDICTION" screamed into his mind. "You'll certainly know that person."

Koenma hesitantly reached into the drawer of his desk and closed it. He placed an item on a desk. "Take it."

Karasu took it. "So, what am I supposed to do with this thing?" He studied the item. It was a mini staff with an orb at the end. It was pretty cliché.

"Just throw it," Koenma replied with a bored/annoyed tone. "As much as I'm helping you right now, you'll understand why later. And, to no offense, you scare me."

"Good." Karasu tossed the object into the air. It stood perfectly straight above the ground. It began to glow green.

The whole room was covered by the bright light it emanated.

- - -

"What is that up ahead, guys?" exclaimed Shippou, as he hid behind Kagome's hair. Yes, they were back in the Feudal Era.

"I don't like the feeling of this!" Inuyasha quickly took out the Tetsusaiga out of his sheath.

There was a green orb forming, as its static electricity attacked random objects. Though, it began to take form. Turning from a giant orb to…

"Karasu?" Kagome exclaimed. He blinked and smiled under his mask. It's good that no one could see his smile.

He was then pounded against the ground; a small amount of weight on top of him hugged his body. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," he replied back.

- - -

Koenma looked at the "lovey-dovey" scene and grimaced as he shut off the screen with his remote. "Now that I saved the upcoming future, it is time to get a snack."

"B-but, Koenma-sama!" exclaimed Jorge. "You have so much work considering it all was building up after your absence."


"But, Enma-sama, your father, will be truly mad at you!"

Koenma shrugged. "A snack is a snack. When I get hungry, I would want a snack. So, ogre, I don't care because I want a snack to quench my hunger." (A/n: Hah… it kinda rhymed. Well it does cuz I used the same word repeatedly. Lol I feel retarded.)

"Then explain to me how you saved the upcoming future?"

Koenma smirked, knowing he did something great. "Ogre, I have saved the Ningenkai from being destroyed. How? Simple. Someone had sent a prediction about the world destroyed if Kagome either picks Karasu or Kurama. The one that wasn't picked ends up destroying the whole world because of depression.

The way I fixed it. I had sent Karasu to the past so they could hook up together there, and when it gets to the present, she could hook up with Kurama."

"But, I don't think either would have done that, sir," Jorge replied skeptically. "They both are pretty sensible, and by all means get what they want to get. However, they would have known that whatever they can't get, they simply can't attain."

"Ogre, I did not say or ask for you to think! Go back to work now!" Koenma shouted.

"Yes, Koenma-sama!"


It's crap. We all know that it is, so like this is the ending so now the other stories are something for me to worry. Besides, it all seems a bit cliché so whatever. A lot of endings tend to suck, like the ones I make.