Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha (blah blah blah)

OK I was really bored so I had this funny idea that Kuwabara would get a necklace just like Inuyasha's (the one were Kagome can say "SIT BOY" *hee hee*) But Hiei seems to be the one able to make Kuwabara fall to his face. Will Hiei abuse his new found power? (duh..) **************************************************************************** ******
~~~SIT!! oh and socks too~~~

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KUWABARA!!" Cheered everyone execpt Hiei.

"I don't see why I have to be here."said Hiei.

"You should atleast try to enjoy Kuwabara's party" said Kurama.

"What for?"said Hiei.

"Alright! Time for presents!" said Botan.

"Ok! Open mine first Kuwabara!" said Keiko.

*Un wraps gift* *Giant sweatdrop* "Thanks Keiko... socks..." said Kuwabara

"Here's mine"said Kurama.

"Socks......"said Kuwabara *Giant Sweatdrop*

"Open mine!" said Botan

(guess what?) "SOCKS!!" said Kuwabara *Giant Sweatdrop* (ya saw that comin)

"Here lil' bro."said Shizuru

"Heh heh... SOCKS!"said Kuwabara.*Largest Sweat drop* (Ok this is gettin old)

"Did you get me a gift shimp boy!?"said Kuwabara

"Baka.... of course not..." said Hiei

"Well there's still Yusuke" said Botan

"Alright! Hand it over Urameshi! AND IT BETTER NOT BE SOCKS!! said Kuwabara

"Don't worry. Its not. It's more of a humor gift." said Yusuke

"Like What? Is it gunna jump at me and bite me?" said Kuwabara

"No. Just open it." said Yusuke

"It's a necklace!!??"said Kuwabara

*Puts on necklace*

"Ok Hiei, say sit." said Yusuke

"Hn. What for?"said Hiei

"Just do it. You might actually laugh for once."said Yusuke.

"Fine. But if I end up looking like the fool it will be your head."said Hiei

"SIT"said Hiei

*Kuwabara hits the ground head first*

"WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT!?"shouted Kuwabara

"Hn. Well I can't honesly say that wasn't ammusing."said Hiei

"Try that again and I'll pound your face into the ground!"said Kuwabara

"I'd like to see you try. SIT!"said Hiei

*Kuwabara hits the ground*

"Why you little....."said Kuwabara.

*Kuwabara starts running for Hiei but...*

"SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!"

"Well I haven't had this much fun in a long time....." said Hiei

"Maybe you should stop...."said Botan

"Nothin' doin'"said Hiei

"SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!" "SIT!" (well this never gets old) "SIT!" "SIT!"

*Kuwabara twitches*

"Ow....."said Kuwabara

THE END **************************************************************************** *****

Ok well that was time consuming...... (but sooo short) Sorry to those Kuwabara fans out there (but there arn't many) Hoped u enjoyed that (I no I did) PLEASE R&R (*bats eyes*) (Read the otha stories I'v written too. Click it, ya no u want to......)