Every Rose Has It's Thorn
Chapter #16

Step by step, Inuyasha slowly went up the stairs and up to Kagome's room - carefully balancing the tray of oden Ms. Higarashi had made for her daughter. Nearly two weeks had passed from the time Inuyasha had found Kagome crying in the rain with a broken heart. Three weeks, and she still insisted on staying in her room and keeping to herself. Her family had done the very best they could to bring a smile back to her face, but they only half succeeded.

Kagome would indeed smile at their attempts, but it hardly ever reached her eyes. She knew they were trying to make her forget . . . but knowing why they acted the way they did only served to remind her further. So, as she told the hanyou, the only plausible solution was to shut herself from the world. Just for a little while. Just until the memory of him hurt less.

Inuyasha heaved a sigh, he had the sickening feeling in his heart that it would take longer than 'a little while' for her to rid herself of his memory. After all, it took him more than several years to get past Kikyou . . . Hell, he still wasn't over it. The only reason he didn't seclude himself like he had was because of Kagome . . . she had been his light in the darkness. She showed him that there was still a world beyond Kikyou . . . and though he knew he could never give her the kind of support she gave him, he'd be damned if he didn't try.

He finally reached the last step of the seemingly long stairwell, giving himself a mental pat on the back for not spilling a single drop of Kagome's favorite food. Walking the last few feet to her door, he balanced the tray on his left hand before knocking on the wood lightly. "Kagome, I have your oden so open up."

He could hear her steps before she slowly opened the door and allowed him in. Stepping into the pink oriented room, he was a little amused to find that she was already dressed in her blue ducky pajamas. "Weren't you wearing those last night?"

She shrugged lightly, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. "Ya . . . but I was feeling to lazy to get out another pair of pajamas from the laundry room . . ." She explained lightly with the same deadpan voice she'd been using for the past month.

Inuyasha nodded, setting the food on the floor and patting a clawed hand on her bed, motioning her to get in. She obliged with out complaint, and even allowing Inuyasha to prop her up with pillows before she accepted the tray of food and started eating. He himself having sat himself on the bed, content to simply watch her eat. "Make sure you finish it tonight Kagome. You haven't been eating enough lately . . ."

Kagome only gave him a small smile. "Thank you Inuyasha . . . for taking care of me like this. It's been a lot easier with you here with me." She laid a soft, gentle hand on his. "So thank you."

The inu hanyou only shook his head, curling his fingers around her's. "Kagome, I told you I would always protect you no matter what . . . I failed you this time." He removed his gaze from their clasped hands and to her face. Seeing how her mouth was preparing to tell him otherwise, he put a finger against her lips to silence her, looking at her with utmost seriousness in his gaze and voice. "I won't leave your side Kagome. I won't leave until your ready, and when you are . . . I'll go back and I WILL make things right again." He let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding before he began again. "You've been by my side for over three years now . . . you've taken care of me even when I didn't want to be taken care of . . . you healed me Kagome. And it's about time I grew up and returned the favor."

Kagome could feel the tears threatening to spill over but at the moment she didn't care. She removed the tray from her lap and out of the way before flinging herself toward the hanyou. Wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her head in the crook of his neck, she let the tears fall. "Inuyasha . . . thank you."

He gave a snort, but proceeded to wrap his arms around the frail girl. "Don't thank me - I know I won't be able to give you what you've given me." He hugged her a little closer. "But I will try . . . Your my best friend Kagome . . . "

Kagome sniffed up her tears, pulling away from the man before her to wipe away her tears with a single fist. She avoided his gaze for the few seconds it took to clear her eyes before locking eyes with him. Her blue orbs searching his gold eyes - eyes like Youko's.

She gave him a watery smile as she caressed his cheek. "Your my best friend too Inuyasha . . . if it wasn't for you I don't think I would have been able to make it through this . . . " Her eyes searched his once more. "You really haven't gone through the well have you?"

He shook his head. "No, no I haven't."

She nodded, removing her hand from his cheek and placing it on his wrist lightly. She broke the eye contact for a moment as she took a deep breath, before their eyes clashed once again. "Inuyasha . . . I want you to go."

Immediately the hanyou frowned. "Kagome, I don't -"

She hushed him, her eyes holding the utmost seriousness. "Please . . . I may not be ready to go back . . . " She chewed her lip, trying to control the tears preparing to spring from her eyes once more. "But I want you to for me . . . I want the others to know that I'm ok . . . especially Shippo. Lord knows how much he worries." She looked down at their hands. "Please . . ."

Inuyasha didn't reply for moment, analyzing her request carefully. He wanted to say no; he wanted to stay by her side. But the way her eyes pleaded with him was a force that not even he could win against.

With a sigh he got off the bed and walked to the window. Opening it, he felt the cold winter breeze brush past him. Swinging his leg over the ledge he grumbled his final words over his shoulder. "I'll be back soon . . ."

With that, he was gone. And Kagome was left sitting on her bed alone, the wind playing with her tresses and causing her to wrap her arms around herself. Her eyes, however, didn't leave the window.

"Thank you Inuyasha . . . "


He only had twenty-five hours to get to Naraku's palace. He knew that . . . he knew that he would have to run the remaining distance in order to be on time. And yet - here he was dilly dallying. Staring at the spot where he made love to her . . .

Youko sighed, leaning back against one of the trees as he applied pressure to his aching temple. Everything was set and ready, he just needed to give the jewel shards to Naraku and the stage would be set for the grand finale.

As soon as he touched that damn shard they would be linked - spiritually, emotionally, and physically. It was the ingenious of the curse he stole from Sesshoumaru. No matter how strong, no matter how godly the victim was, he would die the second the castor did. Furthermore, the spell was relatively simple . . . all Youko had to do was boil water around the old iron relic that he had stolen, drink the brew, and soak the shard in his blood. All that was left to do now was implant it . . . and then Naraku would die. And this time, he would not be able to resurrect himself . . . just like Youko wouldn't.

A few months ago, he would have scoffed at the idea of killing himself for a mere girl. Then again, he would have scoffed at the idea of falling in love as well . . .

He sighed once more. Never again would he see her . . . he constantly fought the dull ache he got in his chest every time the thought echoed through his soul. But what bothered him more than anything was that she would never know how much he truly did love her . . . which is why he stood there, in that clearing. Wondering if he should leave her some sort of note that explained himself. Part of him reassured him that she would want to know his true feelings . . . but the other part told him that it would be easier for her to move on if she continued to think of him as the man that ruined her life.

He cringed. Reprimanding himself half heartedly, he told himself for the tenth time that day that he was saving her. . . he just wondered if there was a better route he could have taken.

Youko growled, suddenly angry at himself. He had to get going . . . he couldn't afford to waste any more time wondering. He had to act now - the sooner he did, the sooner Kagome would be safe once and for all. With that thought, he turned toward Naraku's castle, fully intending to start his journey when a voice stopped him . . . a very familiar, and very angry voice.


Youko saw him coming at him, but he remained frozen, allowing the dog demon's fist to connect to his face and sending him flying. The fox merely flinched when he came back and continued to pelt him with punches, he didn't even bother to fight back . . . he knew more than any one that what Inuyasha did to him now would make them both feel redeemed. Youko for hurting her, and Inuyasha for letting it happen. And Youko was perfectly satisfied with that, he was going to die with in the next week any how.

However, Inuyasha was not nearly as satisfied. It infuriated him that the fox didn't even attempt to block his punches. It made him even madder when he simply looked back at him with blank features - as if what was happening now didn't matter in the least. Inuyasha growled, grabbing the demon by the tunic and shoving him against the closest tree, snarling in his face threateningly. "You bastard! Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you now!?"

Youko only stared back at him blankly, causing the hanyou to shove the demon into the tree even harder. He heard the sound of the old wood splitting under the pressure, but he didn't care. "GOD DAMN IT! TELL ME YOU FUCKING SLIME!"

But Youko didn't hear him, his mind was moving so fast. His train of thought nearly running off the track at the speed it was going. The hanyou in front of him may be the last chance he has of saying goodbye . . .

Inuyasha was ready to shove his hand through the Youko's torso to end his life slowly and painfully when the demon began to speak.

"Inuyasha . . ."

The half demon snorted. "What? You going to beg me for your life now you piece of shit? You have some fucking nerve. You ruined her life, and now I'm going to ruin yours! Got it?!" Inuyasha snarled, once again preparing to plunge into Youko's gut. But suddenly, the fox demon looked up at him with a gaze that he hanyou had never seen him wear . . . his gaze mirrored Kagome's in a way that made Inuyasha pause in shock. But what shocked him more were the youkai's next words . . .

"Keep her safe for me . . . don't let her come back here . . . not until it's safe."

Maybe it was what he had requested of him, or maybe it was the way he begged more than requested, but either way, Inuyasha's grip on him loosened until the fox was standing on his own feet. Inuyasha backed away from him, eyeing him strangely. "Why would you care any way. Your working with Naraku . . . or are you?"

Youko took a deep breath, cringing at the hanyou's words. "I care because she's my mate . . . and as my mate it's my duty to protect her . . . no matter what the cost."

"And breaking her heart is protecting her?!" He snarled, his hand gesturing wildly at the well.

Youko continued to hold the hanyou's angry gaze with his saddened one. "It was her heart or her life . . . I chose her life." He sighed, looking past Inuyasha and to where he knew the well was. Where she was. "She'll forget me . . . and she'll meet some one that will make her happier than I ever could . . ." Youko glanced at him. "Whoever it may be, I give them my blessing . . . I just want her to be happy."

Inuyasha shook his head, digesting all the information as his all his anger vanished. For the first time since meeting the fox, they understood each other perfectly. Youko had done the same thing he had done - he had hurt her to save her. And yet, despite his understanding, the image of Kagome's dead smile haunted his mind. "If you love her, be with her. We'll defeat Naraku once and for all! And then you can go back to her and tell her the truth . . . I don't know if Kagome will get over you . . . in fact, I don't think she can." Inuyasha snorted and glared at the fox. "You can't just leave her like you did."

Youko winced. "Don't tempt me hanyou. There is nothing I would love more than to come crawling back into my lover's arms . . . my mate's arms. But the stage has already been set and my mind already made up. This is for the best."

Inuyasha growled, throwing his arms in the air in exasperation. "Then go on with whatever plan your scheming! Go fucking get it over with, come back, and go back to her!" The hanyou was ready to punch some sense into the fox again, and he probably would have if he didn't see the flash of guilt pass over his face as he looked away. Suddenly, it clicked. "Your not coming back . . . "

Youko nodded, still not meeting the hanyou's gaze. "This is the best plan of action . . . Kagome won't have to ever worry about Naraku ever again . . . " He looked the hanyou in the eye. "That, I promise you."

Inuyasha simply stared at him with a frown. " You can't beat him alone . . . don't sacrifice yourself for nothing."

Youko chuckled dryly. "I won't be alone . . ." He held up the last remaining jewel shard. "I have a curse on my side . . . as soon as my heart stops beating, his will as well. Now, I've wasted too much time already." He turned to leave but was stopped by Inuyasha once again.

"What should I tell Kagome?"

Youko took a deep breath before looking over his shoulder at the hanyou one last time. "Don't tell her anything until Naraku is gone . . . she's safer in her time than she could ever be here."

Inuyasha nodded solemnly in agreement. "What about after?"

Youko stayed silent for a while, turning everything over in his head. He needed to decide how much he wanted her to know. "Tell her . . . tell her that the only lie was when I told her I didn't love her." He nodded to himself, satisfied with his message . . . his last message.

The hanyou gave a final, grave nod. "I'll tell her."

Youko took another deep breath before facing the direction of his destination. His shoulder's squared proudly and his chin held high, he bolted. The wind carrying his last wish to the hanyou's ears.

"Take care of her for me . . ."


He had arrived at his destination an hour later than he was suppose to. But after traveling non stop for twenty-seven hours at his quickest pace, Youko was too tired to care. In fact, the only thing he could think of at the moment was how beautiful the sunset would have been if the miasma that surrounding the palace for miles hadn't snuffed it out.

Kagura met him at the grand entrance boredly. "Youko Kurama, what a pleasant surprise." Her voice drifted past him mockingly. "You are late. Naraku will not be happy for it." She warned, opening the giant doors with a flick of her fan.

Youko only snorted. "Well I'm afraid a certain hanyou interrupted my journey for a temporary amount of time."

The wind sorceress brushed off his comment with a wave of her hand as she escorted him through the dark palace. "I already know, I was watching from above." She stated nonchalantly, but gave him a sideways glance to gauge his reaction.

Internally, he was scared; externally, he didn't even blink an eye. As far as he knew there could be more spies lying about. "Then I suppose Naraku already knows the reason behind my tardiness as well?" He inquired.

Kagura shrugged. "No, I figured since you would be here shortly any how I might as well allow you to explain." Once again she glanced at him, this time with a small smirk planted neatly on her painted lips.

Youko smirked back, immediately relaxing. Silently thanking any and all gods out there that she was on the same side. "I have the sneaking suspicion that you just wanted to allow me to face his wrath in your stead." He stated for all the ears he knew were in the room.

Once again she shrugged. "Perhaps . . ." Immediately after she uttered the word, she stopped at a painted shoji screen Youko had seen only one time before. "Naraku is waiting for you inside." She stated, waving a graceful hand at the screen's general direction before walking away from the fox demon. "Have fun."

Youko watched her go, a smirk still on his lips before he shook his head and looked at the door. "I'm sure I will." He muttered. Sliding the screen to the side, he stepped in. Not at all surprised when Naraku's first words to him was 'Your late.'

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. Eying the red eyed and dark haired man curiously. It was the first time Youko had seen him without the baboon pelt. "Unfortunately for me, I had to deal with a certain aggravated hanyou on the way."

Naraku raised an eyebrow. "And you killed him I would hope?"

Youko waved him off indignantly. "Of coarse not. If I killed him there would be blood. And if there was blood than there would need to be a bath. And if there was a bath I would be even later than I already am."

The fox immediately received a sinister glare. "You should have simply gotten rid of him . . . that leaves more work for me."

"As I have said before, it is not part of the deal. I do not like doing extra work any more than you do Naraku. Besides, with the jewel whole the hanyou will be easily defeated any way." Youko reprimanded smoothly.

Naraku scowl remained, but he conceded. "I suppose you are correct. Now, on to important business." He held out his hand. "My jewel shard?"

Youko smirked, reaching into the pouch on his hip to retrieve the shard. "Always one to rush." Pulling it out he held it close to his face, examining the shine before looking up at Naraku's warning glare signaling the fox to simply hurry up. He rolled his eyes. "My, not one with a flare for the dramatics I see."

"Fox . . ."

"I know, I know." Youko walked up to him with the shard held snugly between his forefinger and thumb. Looking from Naraku's hand, to his face, and back again, Youko smirked. Putting the point of the shard against his pale, sickly skin, the kitsune shoved the shard into the hand and watched it bleed in morbid satisfaction. Not at all surprised when Naraku didn't so much as blink as he closed his hand around his precious shard.

Youko stepped back a few steps before giving a mock bow. "And now, our deal is over and complete. And I can find something much more interesting to do with my time. And I-" He was cut off by a long yawn. "But first . . . I do believe I shall make myself at home here for a few days. Just to get some rest."

Naraku waved him off. "Do as you wish. You are of no use to me as of now."

Youko, of coarse, obeyed gladly.

Walking out the room, he wasn't surprised when Kagura was waiting for him.

"I am to show you to your room." She stated, leading him down a long corridor to the right of Naraku's room.

Youko stayed silent, not so much in the mood for talk. He was emotionally and physically exhausted. And he knew that the worst was still to come for him.

Kagura abruptly stopped and slid the shoji screen to her right, open. "This is your room, there is a pull bell that you can pull if you need a servant for whatever reason." She stated monotonously, watching with little interest as the fox walked in and scoured the room with his eyes. Seeing that he was satisfied, she began to close the screen. But once it three-fourths of the way closed she gave the demon one last piece of crucial information. "Kouga's two shards are the last needed to complete the jewel . . . Kanna and myself will be personally taking them from him on the the completion of this moon." With that, the screen clicked shut and Youko was left to think alone.

Digesting the information he frowned. The next full moon was scheduled to be in seven more days . . . which meant he would have to stay for another week before initiating the next step in the plan.

He groaned, laying down on the futon before he began to massage his aching temple. Seven more days of thinking of her. Seven more days of living. Seven more days until the jewel would be completed.

Seven more days until he would make his last great steal.


She sat on her bed cross-legged, leaning against the back of the bed frame for support. Her face was unhealthingly pale and her eyes were red and puffy from the tears she had been crying only hours before, the result of her despair.

Another tear escaped and trailed down her cheek before dripping off her chin and onto the white plastic applicator she held in her small hands. She continued to stare at the word within the little box for the second hour straight, still wanting to believe that it would eventually change. Three other identical applicators laid on her floor - all reading the same thing.


After missing her period the day before, Kagome had immediately become nervous. She tried to console herself with the frame of mind that she was probably just off-track because of all the stress she'd gone through . . . but when she woke up with still no signs of blood she couldn't take the suspense and immediately went to the store to buy the pregnancy test. She had hoped beyond hope that the first one was simply flawed. But after the fourth applicator turned out positive, she knew that there was no mistake. She was pregnant at the age of seventeen.

She had cried for hours upon finding out. Her life had been snatched away from her by the very man that she loved so deeply. And now, instead of forgetting him and moving on with her life, she would be taking care of their baby . . . and she would have a constant reminder of him.

Suddenly, she felt her chest tighten with a surge of anger toward him. Jumping off the bed she grabbed the rest of applicators and threw them down into her trash can, angry tears leaking out the side of her eyes. A glint of blue caught her eye.

Looking down at her left hand she examined the sapphire ring for the millionth time since she left the feudal era. God how she wanted to rip it off her finger and throw it at the wall . . . but every time she made to take it off she found she couldn't, and this time was no exception.

Her knees buckled from underneath her and she fell on the floor crying. Covering her face with her hands she cursed him again and again halfheartedly.

That was how Inuyasha found her - lying broken and defeated on the floor of her bedroom. Naturally, he panicked. Leaping to her side, he held her at arms length to check for any bodily injuries before he allowed her to wrap her arms around his neck and continued crying into his chest limply. He stroked her back comfortingly, making soft shushing noises. "I knew I shouldn't have listened to you when you told me to stay a week." He grumbled, though part of him was worried . . . being mated was a powerful bonding. One that allowed partners to instinctually feel when the other was in trouble . . . and Miroku's Kazzana was slowly fading when he had left his time. He worried that it was his death she was feeling . . . "Kagome? What's wrong?" He asked softly, though his insides twisted nervously.

She held him tighter, bawling louder into his shoulder. "He ruined me Inuyasha! I'm never going to ever move on!" She choked out, causing Inuyasha to rush to reassure her.

"I'm sure you will Kag-"

She shook her head violently. "NO! You don't understand! Inuyasha, I'm pregnant!"

For the next few moments all quiet aside from Kagome's continuing sobs. Inuyasha just continued to hold her, staring at the floor over her shoulder shock. Eventually his vocal cords allowed him to speak. "Fuck."

Sobs continued to rack Kagome's body as he held her. His mind going into overdrive. She was having Youko's baby . . .

Flashes of his childhood without his father flashed before his eyes, and it was all he needed to make up his mind.

He grabbed her by the shoulders urgently, forcing her to look at him. "Kagome! Listen to me! You need to go back to through the well!" His voice was full of panic and he didn't' bother hiding it. Youko needed to know, and Inuyasha didn't know how much time he had left.

Kagome lip trembled, the tears continuing to flow down her pale cheeks. "W-why?" Suddenly she too panicked, her eyes widening as she fought Inuyasha trying to lead her out the door. "I-I'm not ready to go back! What if he's there! Inuyasha I can't!"

The dog demon whirled on her, grabbing her face between his hands. His eyes wide with urgent fear. "Kagome listen! Youko's dying as we speak, I wasn't suppose to tell you. He wanted you to stay here and be safe. But we need to go NOW. It may not be to late to safe him."

Kagome only looked at him dumbly. "W-what?"

Inuyasha shook her lightly, his voice betraying his urgency. "HE LOVES YOU! He let you go to keep you safe!" He shook her once more, his voice pleading. "Kagome! We need to go!"

A moment longer was all Kagome needed for it to all click together. Youko was dying. She didn't need to know the details, at the moment she didn't' care. All she knew was that the man she loved more than the world itself was being taken from her. Immediately she hopped on Inuyasha's back and sped off with him to the well. Both of them hoping that it wasn't too late . . .


Youko panted as he continued to run away from the horde of demons sent out to kill him despite the pain. Being the lesser demons that they were, he outran them easily. But he could feel his body beginning to give. The huge gash in his side continued to spill his blood onto the ground reassuring him that it would be blood loss that he would die of today.

His white tunic was soaked red, and his silver hair had a red streak from the cut he received on his forehead. His world was beginning to get dizzy but he continued on, clutching the whole Shikon No Tama in his hands for reassurance. At that moment there was only one place he wanted to be . . . one place he wanted to die.

He wanted to lay down in the soft grass in the exact same spot he made love. He wanted to breath in what was left of her scent. He wanted to imagine being held in her arms once again . . . for Youko Kurama there could be no better way to pass into the after life. He saw the grove of trees through his hazy vision and allowed himself a small smile.

He made it.

Limping over to the center, he allowed himself to collapse face first into the ground, content when he found the lingering trace of her scent. His eyes fluttered close as he sighed in sweet relief. In his mind's eye he could see her - eyes bright and laughter filling the world. He saw himself standing next to her, his arm wrapped protectively around her waist while his other stroked her swollen stomach. He smiled, knowing that there could be no other fantasy he would rather have in his dying moment.

He could hear her voice faintly calling his name, steadily growing louder and louder. His eyebrows furrowed. She sounded frantic, scared . . . real.

His eyes shot open, and sure enough she was running towards him, tears streaming down her face relentlessly. She skid to a stop when reaching him, throwing herself to her knees in order to turn him over.

He stared at her, not sure if he should be relieved or worried that she was there with him. "Kagome?" His voice was strained, and shots of pain went down his spine as he began to cough. "Why a-are you here? It- it isn't safe."

Kagome instantly propped him up on her lap, her tears landing on his face. "Of coarse it's safe, Inuyasha's on look out for us." She gave a choked laugh before it turned into a pitiful sob. She looked over his broken body with blurry vision. "Youko how could you . . . HOW COULD YOU!?" She balled, resting her forehead on his, not even bothering to note that she was getting blood all over her.

Youko cupped her cheek gently, stroking her tears away with his thumb. "I couldn't let you get hurt . . . "

She shook her head furiously, but held his hand to her cheek. "You idiot. Seeing you in pain hurts me more than any set of claws could."

The kitsune gave her a sad smile. "I'm sorry Kagome . . . for leaving you." His handed dropped away from her cheek, no longer having the energy needed to hold it up.

Her bottom lip trembled uncontrollably and more tears squeezed themselves out of her eyes. "No . . . you haven't left me . . . you won't leave me . . ." She reached down and caressed his face in her hand her voice choking. "Your going to be fine . . ."

Youko coughed, blood trickling out the side of his mouth. He looked at her sadly, he couldn't' stand seeing her in so much pain. "Kagome . . . "

"No! You can't leave me!" She wailed at him, her sobs making her entire body tremble. She grabbed his hand frantically, guiding it to rest on her stomach. "You can't leave us." She stared down at him, pleadingly.

He stared back at her in confusion before his fog filled mind understood, and suddenly his eyes went wide in disbelief. "No . . ."

She nodded, kneading her bottom lip between her teeth. "You can't leave us . . . " She choked on another sob. "You, you have to be all right . . ."

Youko wanted to tell her so many things. He wanted to tell her that he would be all right - that they would be together and raise a family all their own . . . but another brutal coughing attack kept him from doing so. And this time it amounted to more than a trickle of blood . . .

He used some of the little energy he had left to roll off of her, coughing over a pint of blood onto the ground as Kagome screamed in the background grabbing him and doing the best to steady him with her small little body. He realized dully that his time was quickly dwindling. Urgently, he grabbed her hand and slapped the jewel in her open palm. The gem still glittering despite the sheen of blood on it. He closed her fingers around it despite her protests on how he should be saving his strength. He was gasping for air now, just trying to get enough oxygen to tell her what he needed to. "Kagome . . . I'll - I'll find you." He winced as another stab of pain shot through him, but he looked her in those intense blue orbs that had cried over him for the past month with every once of sincerity. "I'll find a, a way . . . "

His air was running out, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to take another one. So he said the three words that mattered more than anything at that moment. "I . . . love . . . you."

And then his eyes fluttered close, unable for him to see with them any more. But as he drifted away he heard her scream his name in agony . . . begging him once more not to leave. But he had no choice. And one last vow echoed through out his body before he was gone completely.

'I will find a way to you Kagome . . . even if it takes five hundred years.'



-crawls under a bed- Please don't kill me . . .

I'll be starting the sequel at some point . . . I believe possibly at the beginning of the school year. It should be a lot shorter than this one . . . so hopefully it won't take two years to complete . . . *is very ashamed of how long it took to complete this fic* Any who, please leave a review for the last chapter if none of the others!!

And I'm SOSOSOSO sorry about accidently duplicating the last chapter! I finished at two in the morning . . . I guess I must have accidently uploaded the wrong file . . . So sorry!

I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho . . . if I did people would assassinate me multiple times with multiple weapons.