In a Perfect World: 1 – Payback (Shinji)

Disclaimer: I do not own Evangelion or any of the characters they are the property of their respective creators. Please be aware that no profit is being made from this work of fan fiction.

Upon opening my eyes the first thing I noticed was the fact that I was not greeted by the sight of an irate red head standing over me, loudly demanding that I get out of bed. This of course, my half awake mind concluded, meant that today was Sunday, the one day we do not have school and as such the one day of the week when Asuka does not come round to wake me. If it weren't for the fact I know she never gets up before noon on a Sunday I would think she would show up today as well out of habit. Pushing those thoughts aside and having come to the conclusion I most likely wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, I pulled back the covers and hauled myself out of bed.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I trudged my way out of my bedroom and into the bathroom, fully intent on taking a shower. The purpose of this was two fold, the first being to wake me up ready to face the day while the second, and perhaps more important, was to alleviate my 'problem' of morning wood…it gets very frustrating waking up with part of your body standing to attention, especially when the person who usually wakes you is a girl, a girl with a very short temper and a hang up about perverts. It wasn't as if I did it on purpose, my dad had explained I was just at that age where my hormones were in flux because I was becoming a man. He had been grinning the whole time, looking at my mother with a distant look in his eyes, based on some of the stories he's told me when mom was out, I think I know why…let's just say I'm not the only male in the family to have received early morning wake up calls from a girl and gotten in trouble because of it. Shaking my head to clear those thoughts from my mind I turned on the shower, spinning the dials until the water was pleasantly warm.

Disrobing I stepped under the warm water, letting it soothe my muscles and wipe the last vestiges of sleep from my mind. My thoughts once again turned back to Asuka, and her early morning wake up calls. In truth, they were hardly necessary these days. Years of being woken up at the same time, six days a week, had conditioned me to wake up at around that time every day, whether she was there or not. These days, since my little 'problem' had developed and she had started slapping me for it I almost wished she wouldn't, I mean how would she like someone to come and wake HER up like that…it was then it dawned on me, the perfect plan for revenge.

Finishing my shower, I pulled a clean towel off the rack and dried myself before wrapping it around my waist and heading back to my room to get dressed. One, Asuka slept late at the weekend. Two, I was already up. Three, she would never be expecting it. I was going to go round there and wake her exactly like she did me! Of course, not having a death wish I would offer to take her to that little café I spotted afterwards for breakfast to appease her wrath. Most likely it would take up most of the morning, a good thing, as I wasn't scheduled to meet Toji and Kensuke at the new arcade that opened in town until the afternoon. Satisfied with my plan I got dressed, choosing a light blue shirt and a pair of black dress pants. I pulled on my socks and exited my room, heading towards the kitchen where I knew my mom and dad would be having breakfast.

"Hi mom, dad."


My father grunted from behind his paper, reading as usual while my mother turned to look at me and greeted me with her usual smile.

"Good morning Shinji, what do you want for breakfast?"

I didn't want to lie to my mom but at the same time I definitely was NOT going to tell her what it was I planned to do especially since Asuka's mother, Kyoko, was my mom's best friend…in the end I decided to compromise.

"It's ok mom, I'm going round Asuka's to ask her to come out for breakfast, I'll eat with her."

My mother paused for a moment, most likely thinking about what I said before breaking into a huge smile.

"That's very nice of you Shinji, a thank you for Asuka for taking the time to wake you every morning?"

I tried to hide a grimace and simply nodded, not trusting my words. My dad actually lowered his paper for a moment after mom turned her attention back to the food she was cooking, fixing me with a look as if to say 'are you serious?' I answered him with an evil smile, one that he quickly caught onto and grinned in return before lifting his paper once again. Calling goodbye to my parents I headed to the door, put on my shoes and headed out onto the landing, walking in the direction of the stairs to head down to Asuka's apartment. Asuka and her mother live two floors down from us in an apartment almost identical to ours. It's just the two of them now since Asuka's father died, he was killed in an accident at where our parents work almost ten years ago now, a day that I remember all too well…

Asuka and I were called to the principal's office in the middle of class without any real reason being given. We walked there in silence, neither one of us knowing what was going on. When we arrived the secretary ushered us inside immediately before turning around and exiting the room, closing the door behind.

"Sit down Mr Ikari, Miss Soryu."

We did as instructed, sitting in the large chairs in front of the principal's desk.

"It is my unfortunate duty to inform you that there has been an accident at your parents' workplace, an explosion occurred in the labs and a number of people were killed."

My heart rate doubled as fear crept across my mind. I glanced over at Asuka and saw her fists gripping the arms of her chair tightly, tension clearly evident on her face.

"At present we have not been informed of specifics casualties but we do know that it took place in the area your parents were working. The survivors have been taken to the hospital, we have organised for the both of you to be taken there now."

The next few minutes seemed to pass slowly, the walk to the front of the school and the following drive to the hospital had felt like an eternity. When at last we arrived we found our parents almost immediately; my mother was comforting Asuka's while my father looked on, a tormented look on his face. At first I felt a sense of relief wash over me, knowing my parents were alright but, then looking over at Asuka, seeing the tears forming in her eyes the realisation hit me…her father was not there, her mother was crying. In a moment of insight I knew then that her father would never be there again and looking over at her I felt my heart ache.

I don't know how long we spent there, waiting before our parents were released and we were all allowed to return home. We ended up in our apartment, Asuka's mother and my parents in the kitchen, Asuka and I in the living room. She was sat on the couch, an angry expression on her face, defiant tears sparkling in her eyes. Not knowing what else to do, having no idea of what to say I walked over to her and tried to catch her in my embrace. She immediately pushed me away, focusing on me with an angry gaze.

"Go away idiot."

I would have to admit I had been so shocked by the anger in her words I had almost done just that but for the first time in my life a spark of defiance had ignited in me and I had refused to run away.


I stepped forward again, this time resisting her attempts to push me away, even when she began to beat her fists against my chest I continued to pull her closer until she was crushed against me. It was then the tears came, flowing freely down her face and soaking into my shirt. I don't know how long we stayed that way, Asuka silently shaking against me as she continued to cry out her sadness against me. When at last the tears came to an end and she looked up at me with eyes red from crying with in a look in her eyes that at that time I could not place.


Her voice was little more than a whisper when she spoke, I could barely hear anything other the sound of my own heartbeat ringing in my ears.

"Yes Asuka?"

"Promise you won't leave me."

I don't know what made her ask that of me, nor would I for a long time realise just how important my answer would be to her.

"I promise Asuka, I'll never leave you."

She hugged me back then, holding me against her as a fresh wave of tears overcame her. That single event forever changed our relationship even as she had stood on her toes and gently pressed her lips against my cheek.

"Thank you Shinji."

Pushing the memory away I turned my attention back to the present, realising that I was now outside their apartment. For a moment I hesitated, that memory had caused feelings that I did not want to deal with to come to the surface. Asuka was very important to me, and although I would never admit it to anyone, she held a special place in my heart. I felt a little guilty about what I was planning to do, but when put against the memories of so many mornings of her painful wake up calls, the guilt was quickly quashed as I felt my resolve strengthen. It wasn't as if I wasn't going to make up for it afterwards, it was just that she deserved a taste of her own medicine for once. I was about to hit the buzzer when the door opened to reveal Asuka's mother standing in the doorway, looking as if she were ready to go out.

"Oh! Hello Shinji, what are you doing over here so early? And on a Sunday no less…"

Panicking slightly, worried that my plan may be in jeopardy I stammered out an answer.

"Hi Mrs Soryu…"

Before I could continue I was cut off by a stern look from her.

"Shinji…I've told you before, you're like family to me."

"Um, sorry aunt Kyoko…I was going to invite Asuka to come and have breakfast with me. Um, you're not going out are you?"

She simply smiled at my nervousness before shaking her head.

"Yes and no. I am but Asuka's not, your parents and I are going to visit some old friends of ours today and won't be back till this evening. In fact I was thinking of asking you to look after Asuka while I was gone, it was very thoughtful of you to offer, I'm sure Asuka will be thrilled."

I was a little surprised by that, I hadn't known that my parents were going out although I do vaguely remember them saying something about it a couple of weeks ago, I hadn't been listening.

"Do you ant me to wake her for you? She can be a bit…difficult when she first wakes up."

Once more sensing that my plan was in danger I answer more quickly and forcefully that I meant to. Deviousness was never my strong suit…

"No! Er…no, that's ok."

She looked at me puzzled for a second before her face softened and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright, please tell Asuka where I've gone. Enjoy yourselves."

Without another words she departed, leaving me standing at the door to the apartment. I stepped inside, slipping of my shoes and walked into the apartment proper, making my way to Asuka's bedroom where she was hopefully asleep, blissfully unaware of what I have planned for her…

As I moved through the apartment my mind drifted back to the last time I entered Asuka's bedroom, almost a year ago now.

Our parents had decided to go to Okinawa for the weekend then as well, we had just completed a round of exams and were really tense. The idea was to help us unwind and relax, before the next term began. Asuka's mom had come up to our apartment early and was helping my mom with the packing, I was told to go and fetch Asuka and bring her down to the car. In a good mood I had rushed off, the key aunt Kyoko had given me stowed safely in my pants pocket. I had raced down the stairs and the entire hall to their apartment, unlocking the door and slipping inside before closing it and slipping of my shoes and navigating my way to Asuka's bedroom. Had I been thinking I would have knocked before entering but as it was I forgot and was greeted by a sight that would remain etched in my memory for the rest of my life…Asuka stood there wearing nothing but her underwear, pulling on a dress. As our eyes met time seemed to stand still and for the tiniest of moments I had felt a brief flicker of desire…


Time resumed its flow as Asuka had screamed at me, obviously none too pleased that I had walked in on her when she was undressed. Fearing for my life, I had ran out of the room, tearing through the apartment and out into the hall. Asuka had followed, screaming curses, every last one promising me a world of pain when she caught me. In the end she managed to pin me at the foot of the stairs, her dress hanging off her shoulders as she straddled my hips. It was ironic that it was just then that our parents had chosen to come down and so that was how they found us. We had both blushed up a storm, Asuka getting of me before grabbing my arm none too gently, whispering that I would pay for this later.

As it turned out she never had the chance, we were never really away from our parents long for the rest of the weekend and by the time we got home it was long forgotten. A narrow escape for me but one I hoped not to have to repeat again…once again dragging my thoughts back to the present, I carefully slid the door open and into her room. She was asleep, deep red comforter pulled right up to her neck, lying on her back with a gentle smile spread across her face. She looked so different when she was asleep, all the tension seemed to fade away and give her a very innocent look. Part of my mind commented that she was beautiful but that was a part that I had long ago learned to ignore, she was my friend after all…

Steeling myself for what I was about to do I reached down and took a firm hold of the bedclothes, preparing myself for what I was about to do. Taking a deep breath I pulled hard, lifted the bedclothes away from her and exposing her body to the air even as the words began to form upon my lips…only to die in my throat. Now uncovered, Asuka lay there wearing nothing but a pair of white cotton panties, her chest completely exposed. I couldn't stop staring, as much as I wanted to tear my eyes away I found myself entranced by her naked flesh. That same part of me that had spoken of her beauty before now returned, its voice far louder than before. I was filled with a sudden sense of longing, not simply for her naked boy and the forbidden pleasures it could offer but for her companionship, her presence, her warmth. Perhaps had I been able to pursue that train of thought a moment longer I would have come to a very important conclusion but as it was my thoughts were interrupted when Asuka stirred slightly, mumbling something that sounded like 'cold' before reaching out, catching hold of my shirt and pulling hard…

Caught off guard I lost my balance and fell right on top of her, coving her with my body. Finding myself surprisingly calm I took stock of my situation…I was currently in Asuka's bedroom, laying on top of her almost naked body with her arms wrapped tightly around me, squeezing me in rather uncomfortable ways. In short, I was a dead man. I shifted slightly; trying to get free only to have Asuka murmur something in her sleep I couldn't understand and clutch me tighter. I tried once again and this time she shifted slightly before opening here eyes and looking straight into mine…before she started unbuttoning my shirt! What the hell was happening? Why was I still alive? Not only that but why was Asuka now unbuttoning my shirt? Terrified I pulled away sharply and leapt of the bed, fleeing her room as fast as my legs could carry me. I made it to the door before I heard a scream behind me, not liking my chances I abandoned my attempt to put my shoes on and made a run for it…I got no further than the stairs when Asuka tackled me from behind, turning as I fell we landed with Asuka on top of me, straddling my body. Of course this meant that I once again had a perfect view of her breasts and once again I found my eyes inexplicably drawn towards them. She seemed to noticed this and shrieked before pressing herself firmly against me, something that if it did not stop soon would cause me to have a very very unfortunate and entirely involuntary reaction…

"Quick! Give me your shirt!"

Woken from my thought by her words I looked up at her, not fully understanding what she said but at least attempting to deny it what ever was.



She cut me off; by the look in here eyes I knew not to argue. I noticed her eyes had now slid to my chest and I realised she obviously wanted me to take of my shirt, realising that she must plan to cover herself with it. Part of me was secretly thrilled at the thought of her wearing my clothes and for an instant an image of her wearing my shirt with nothing beneath danced through my mind…snapping back to the task at hand I decided rather than trying to unfasten it, especially since Asuka was pressed right against me, it would be easier to pull it over my head. I unfastened the top three buttons, careful not to allow my hands to get too close to her breasts, before pulling it upwards and over my head and handed it to her. For a moment her bare flesh had been pressed against my own, the warmth of her skin making me feel as if I were on fire. The sensation quickly faded as she pulled away from me, slipping my shirt over herself. Not a moment too soon as a shadow fell over us, she didn't seem to notice at first, the far away look in her eyes suggesting that she was too busy thinking what she was going to do to me. She was on my lap after all, effectively pinning me to the spot, stopping me from getting away. At first I tried to ignore the presence, hoping they would simply continue on without bothering us, that was until a familiar voice broke the awkward silence.

"Shinji? Asuka?"

A sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach I turned to face the new arrival, a feeling of déjà vu creeping over me.


A/N: And so In a Perfect World begins anew. I hope you like it as much as the original version, I promise this time I will finish it although as for 02 there will be a two or more week gap between chapters Oh, and on a side note someone mentioned Girlfriend of Steel 2 and the similarity to this story. To date I am unaware of an English translation of this game and until they mentioned it I knew nothing of it. Now, having been told about it and having looked at some screenshots I felt inspired once again, my only hope is that my work does not end up the same as the game, if anyone out there knows of an English version or has a translation please fell free to point me towards it so I can make sure!

Till next time,


Chapter preread by That Other Guy