Mistaken Love

Chapter One : Sakura's Request

Disclaimer : I do not own Cardcaptor Sakura and never will sighs

Author's Note : This is my first E&T fanfiction [cant get enough of them ]. Now on with the story. .. Wait..here's a little background info. Sakura, Tomoyo, the mysterious sapphire eyed man [ bet you know who that is ] and Syaoran are all 18 years old. Sakura and Syaoran never met each other, only through letters.. Ok the story!!

An eighteen year old woman walked into the park with the moon risen to its highest and the stars glistening and twinkling above. Her dark violet hair blew past her shoulders by the rushing, but gentle breeze of the midnight winds. She continued strolling in the park by herself and looked upon one star that had caught her eyes. That one star made her smile, a real smile she had never felt in quite awhile. That one star actually made her day. She then tore her gaze from the star and took out a picture of a certain emerald eyed eighteen year old with honey brown hair. She glanced at that star once more and closed her eyes concealing her beautiful yet lonely amethyst eyes while still holding the picture that seemed so special and dear to her.
The midnight winds blew once again, but rather roughly knocking the picture out of her hands. She immediately opened her eyes and ran to the direction of which the photo flew off to. She continue running till she bumped into a tall man, somewhat around her age. He had midnight blue hair, very handsome features, but what surprised her most was his sapphire eyes that were so mysterious. She remained silent, but he broke it,

" I'm sorry miss "

The amethyst-eyed woman only smiled, but replied softly after, " No, it was my fault..I should've.."

The sapphire-eyed gentleman shook his head silencing her, " No, please thats okay "

"Okay.." She lamely replied. The man stuck out his hand for proper introduction,

" Allow me to introduce myself..Hiira.."

-- End Dream Sequence -- [A/N : I didn't want to tell you it was a dream till now. snickers ]

RING!RING!! RING!!RING!! -------- " Hi, I'm not here at the moment, but please feel free to leave me a message after the beep." -- BEEP --

" Tomoyo chan!!, I know you're there!! Please pick up!!Tomoyo chan!! "

The amethyst eyed girl picked her head up from the pillow " eh?Sakura chan? " She quickly sat up and reached out for the lavender phone. " Sakura chan? "

" Tomoyo chan!!!!!!!! " The girl on the other line squealed.

Tomoyo held out the phone to prevent her ears from hearing her squeals. " Yes, Sakura chan? "

" I just received another letter from my penpal Syaoran kun from China.. Yesterday!! " Sakura squealed once more.

" Yes, Sakura chan. I know "

" But how?...oh yeah i told you..eh heh.. " Sakura sweatdropped

-- Silence --

" Tomoyo, is there something wrong, you are so quiet. "

-- Silence --

" Tomoyo? "

" Huh? Oh nothing, is there anything else? Sakura chan? "

" I was just wondering , Tomo chan..If I can go over to your house and read the letter to you from Syaoran kun."

" Why not read it to me now? "

" Tomo chan, scratch that, I'd like YOU to read it "

" but..why? "

" You'll see..so can I? " Sakura pleaded over the phone.

" Fine, of course you can " Tomoyo took out o picture of the emerald eyed girl and smiled.

" I'll see you in 30 minutes, Tomo chan, Bye! "

-- Busy Tone --

" Bye " Tomoyo whispered.

Suddenly curiousity crossed her mind as she stared deeply into the picture " That dream..his name..

Hiira..?? " Tomoyo's smile grew wider. " Hiira.. " she repeated " Your name is incomplete. " Something about that dream had piqued her curiousity. The sound of the doorbell had broken her thoughts.

" 30 minutes already?? COMING!! " She yelled loudly and rushed down the stairs. Tomoyo opened the door and put a big smile on her face.

" Are you sure you are Sakura?? She's never this early. " Tomoyo took a glance at her wrist.

" First, of all Tomoyo chan, I am on time and you're not even wearing a watch "

" Sakura chan you know what I'm talking about "

" Of course Tomoyo chan " Sakura hugged her.

" Now lets go upstairs to my room , I need to know what you're constantly blabbing about "

" Hmph! Tomo chan " Sakura pouted and followed Tomoyo upstairs leading her directly to Tomoyo's room.

" Always rushing Tomoyo chan "

Both girls reached the room and Sakura directly stretched upon Tomoyo's bed as Tomoyo sat on lavender couch across from the bed.

" Where's the letter? "

Sakura guestured to her pink purse laid on the bed next to her.

" Sakura chan, always loafing " Tomoyo retorted from Sakura's last comment.

" I heard that " Sakura giggled while Tomoyo opened up the letter.

Sakura san ,

For the past five months we've written to each other, I think we should finally meet. I know you dont know me personally, but I'd like to meet you, I hope you feel the same. I will be departing China in three days, hopefully I'll arrive there at Japan and finally greet you face-to-face. I dont know exactly where we will meet, but how about one of your favorite places in Japan? Penguin Park?? I know you love that place since you were in elementary, but I'd love to see your memories from the past. If thats okay with you though. See you soon.

- Syaoran Li

" So? " Tomoyo folded the letter to how it once was.

" Tomoyo chan. " Sakura stretched out and sat up. " I know its a date..and..I'm too nervous to meet him..and.." Sakura fiddled with her fingers.

" And..you want me to pretend to be you..right? " Tomoyo finished Sakura's sentence.

" Oh would you?? Tomoyo chan!!?? " Sakura let out her squeals.

A/N : The chapter will stop here. Sorry! Don't worry though, I go online mostly everyday,
so I'll have the next chapter soon.
Hint : This is mainly an E&T fic also a bit of S&S.