I've Seen More Spine In Jellyfish


Squee! I'M BACK! SORRY IT TOOK SO FRIGGIN LONG TO UPDATE! I was banned from Fanfiction for summer vacation, but I'm back in school now and I just turned 14! Squee! so I'm ready for chapter five of ISMSIJ ... MUCH MUCH MUCHO THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SUBMITTED A REVIEW!!! AND I APOLOGIZE FOR KEEPING YOU WAITING!!!!!

And I really hope you all out there enjoy chapter Five of ISMSIJ. If you get a chance I urge you to drop a review in... Please? If you love me, will you? Sniffles I have more cookies...

Oh and guys, by the way, the next chapter is the last ISMSIJ chapter, so enjoy the last two while you can and PLEASE SEND ME REVIEWSSSS!!!!

Chapter Five – Colorblind


"Yamato Ishida." My mother stood firmly, with Takeru behind her. I could feel the blood running cold in my veins. Why? Why now? How come I never get a chance in my life to appreciate something, to finally let happiness set in, that fat-assed bitch comes knocking at my door, making every ounce of emotion slowly drain from my body as I sit writhing in my own deer-in-the-headlights stupidity?

"Mother." My voice was surprisingly firm and icy.


I would not let this bitch take Takeru away from me. My little Otouto. The only one I had ever managed to be close and open with, the only person in the whole world who had helped me through the toughest years of my life, despite the fact that he knew nothing, and knew he knew nothing. The boy is an angel on earth. My little ray of hope. No, I will not let her take him and poison his mind, or hurt him. I love him.

"Yamato Ishida, do-you-know-that-I-have-been-searching-far-and-wide-for-my-child-only-to-find-him-in-the-one-place-I-hoped-and-prayed-he-would-not-venture-to?" GOD, she said it in ONE BREATH. Does that Define monster? I think it actually does.

"Well, Mother, I didn't lure him out of your house with a Sandwich. He must have come here for a reason." Ah, the joys of sarcasm.

"Yamato Ishida, watch your mouth. I'm still your mother."

"Really? Are you really my mother? Wouldn't a kid know loads of stuff about his parents, 'mom'? Why is it, then, that I DON'T KNOW THE FIRST THING ABOUT YOU? MAYBE BECAUSE YOU CHOSE TAKERU OVER ME AND WALKED OUT ON ME AND DAD WITH THAT LAWYER AND BECAME THE SLUT STANDING BEFORE ME!" I screeched, Takeru flinching at my tone.

Of course that psycho ice-bitch just smirked at me. Bitch. I'll fucking kill her. I will absolutely fucking kill her. I will wring her neck and hurt her like I've been hurt. I deserve to be happy and she's stolen it all away. All of it. Away. Bitch.



"Dad... where's momma going?" I asked him uncertainly. "She said... she said she was gonna take me and Teeks to the park today. We were... gonna swing. She promised."

My father patted me on the head, the touch I had come to dread so soothing, and I was so confused. Where was she going, why was she taking my baby brother away from me? Did she forget, and why was Takeru allowed to go but I had to stay back? "Yamato, I don't think your mother will be back for a long time."

"So... we're not going to the park?"

My father smiled at me. "You know, I could always take you to the park. It wouldn't hurt you to spend some quality time with daddy."

I remained quiet and stagnant. "Momma always takes me to the park, dad. Momma always does."

"Your mother isn't coming back."

It was my fault.


"Yamato, Yamato, Yamato. He's my son, Yamato. If you continue to house him here I will simply report you to the police as a kidnapper. You can spend some time in jail to think about what happens when you come between me and my son. The son I wanted, that is." She smiled devilishly at me.

"What the fuck are you smoking?!" I demanded. Son she ... wanted? What the hell is she talking about?

She looked shocked. "Your father never told you? Yamato, I'm shocked. The only reason I married the idiot was because he had gotten me pregnant with you, you little beast you. I knew as soon as you were born that this marriage would not last. The way that father of yours treated me after your birth, I was second-string to you. You were like... birthing the demon seed, the spawn of Satan..."

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" I thundered. Why, why did she do this to me? I WON'T LET THAT BITCH GET AWAY WITH IT! I WON'T! I CAN'T!!!! "Where the HELL do you come off saying the things you do to me?! You think you're FIT TO TAKE CARE OF TAKERU?! YOU CAN'T EVEN TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR MOTHER-FUCKING MOUTH! And you know what, maybe I can't do my best job at it either, but at least I'm not screwing around every night, not home to take care of him! AT LEAST HE MEANS SOMETHING TO ME!" I hesitated slightly.

"Yes, but it's not like you mean anything to anyone other than him." She smiled again. "Isn't it the truth? I know it is."

I remained quiet. What if it was true? What if I didn't mean anything to anyone, anyway, and this life was all just a waste. I ran my fingers over the wounds on my wrists and wondered why I made them just deep enough to heal. Was I too coward to give up my life? Or was I holding on to something?

And then it hit me.


I actually... I actually matter to him. I know I do, and though I try my best to fight him and my best to stay on my own, I mean something to him, something more than just a childhood friend or an opponent. "I mean something to Taichi. You're wrong, mom. Wrong."


I can't keep Takeru forever, but I won the first battle. My 'mother' had to go back home to screw around a little more and said that she'd come back for him or she'd have my head, but I'm not ready to let him go just yet. I'd have killed her if I had been, yesterday, the man I was a month ago. I'd have had a blatant disregard of the law and I would not have cared about my life.

But now I have Taichi.

When he runs his fingers through my hair slowly, softly, and tells me about how his day went... it's enough to make my skin crawl. He's so beautiful, so full of life and vibrancy. He's everything that I could never be, and everything needed to save me from what I had become.

And I'd probably be no where without him. I just want him to know how I feel... because I've never been good with emotions.

Oh crap, he's back from the bathroom and I still have to choose...

Between him, and my dream of going to Julliard school of the arts.





SO MUCH LOVE TO PEOPLE WHO REVIEW!!! Reviewers are almighty and I love them sooooo crazy much! Hands out random cookies Please you guys, keep me going for the Last chapter! Send me reviews and I'll hook ya'll up!

Love always, Meg Ishida