It was nearly twelve hours later before the first of the sleeping hell mates finally regained consciousness, and no surprise it was one of the two who did not have a hangover to sleep off. It was Raditz, who had been stirred by the very sound that he had fallen asleep to; Giggling.

Sitting up, the long-haired Saiyan rubbed his eyes groggily, and looked to the source of the laughing, completely dumbfounded. "You're awake? For how long?"

Cell simply looked at Raditz, before bursting out in even louder giggles.

Raditz sweatdropped, and asked another question that he could already guess the answer to. "...You haven't even slept, have you?"

While still managing to continue on his insane giggling spree that has been in the works on and off for three chapters, Cell shook his head, indicating to Raditz that he had indeed not slept.

"Why am I not surprised?" Raditz muttered to more himself than the bio-android, beginning to actually feel awake. Once his thoughts were seemingly fully functional, his mind quickly jumped to the items he fell asleep with; his cameras. "Where are they?!"

Raditz jumped up, and looked at the area around where he had fallen asleep for the disposable cameras, not seeing them anywhere. He was sure they had been practically in his hands before he drifted off. Just to be sure, he began to non-too-quietly check around the room in desperation for any sign of them.

"Dammit! Dammit Dammit! Where the hell could they be?!" Raditz nearly yelled aloud in frustration, mixing with the noise his search was making, and causing a few of the others to stir.

"Ugh, what the hell's with all of the noise?" Jeice questioned, still half-asleep, not even bothering to open his eyes.

Raditz sighed in relief as the fact that it was only Jeice had had woken up, and rushed to his side. "I lost the cameras! I lost them!"

"Hehehehehehehehe!" Cell continued to giggle, just for the hell of it.

Upon hearing the Saiyan's concern, Jeice just rolled over. "Goz and Mez came and took them shortly after we went to bed."

Raditz blinked, "Oh. Do you know if they were taking them to that one-hour place that Cell and Frieza took their pictures to?"

Jeice attempted to shrug while lying down. "I don't know. They just took them and left. Go find out for yourself."

"Maybe I will!" The Saiyan said determinedly, stalking toward the party room door.

"Good morning!" Goz and Mez greeted the hell mate simultaneously, as the party room door slammed shut behind him. "Have a good night?"

Raditz ignored the ogres' question, and focused on the matter pressing his mind. "You guys took my cameras, right? Have you gotten them developed yet?"

Mez nodded and grinned proudly, "Yup, we dropped them off just over forty-five minutes ago! We should be able to pick them up shortly!"

"Can I go pick them up with you guys, since I was the one who took the pictures?"

This time it was Goz who nodded, "I guess, since there probably won't be any that I can laugh at you for anyway."

Goz, Mez, and Raditz arrived at the Other World Photo Developers just as the one-hour mark was reached for when the ogres dropped the previous night's cameras, and were able to quickly collect the pictures from both, before returning to hell to take a good look at them.

"What the hell is this?!" Raditz demanded angrily, as he flipped through one of the stacks of pictures being circulated among the trio. "Why are they all black?!"

Goz and Mez were also encountering the same problem, and once again replied in unison. "What the hell did you do, Raditz?!"

The Saiyan stopped looking through the photos, and blinked. "What do you mean 'what did I do'?! I just took pictures with the cameras you guys gave me, so maybe your cameras were just defective or something!"

Mez shook his head, "That's impossible! We stole those cameras from King Yemma's private stash, and his are top quality!"

Raditz vaguely wondered what use King Yemma could have for a collection of disposable cameras, before shuddering at some of the random ideas that popped into his mind. Changing his track of thought before letting his ideas go any further and he ended up at the Other World Therapist, Raditz began to wonder. "I wonder if they're just too dark from not using flash..."

"You didn't use flash?!" The ogre duo both yelled in outrage. "Why not?!"

"Because I didn't want the others to notice it and get caught!" Raditz shouted back in defense, frustrated with the entire situation.

"Well, you're of no use to us anymore. Just go back with the others until it's time for you to clean the party room up."

The Saiyan's mouth went agape, "Me?! Why do I have to clean up?!"

Mez simply motioned to the doorway leading to the others and said, "Because it looks like that's the only task you can handle without screwing up."

"But, Jeice was helping me too in the beginning!"

"Now Raditz, you shouldn't blame your mistakes on others. There's a workshop at the Other World Community Centre for that that you should take too." Goz added, grinning. Since his attempt at camera-torture of the hell mates failed, he would make sure that Raditz made up for it personally.

Not even bothering to say anything else for fear of further punishment, Raditz stormed off, and back into the party room to see that everyone else was already awake and looking pretty hung over.

Even more noticeable than that was the silence that hung in the air, meaning only one thing; Cell had stopped giggling, possibly for the rest of the story!

Wondering what could have caused the giggling Cell to actually cease, Raditz looked around, sweatdropping when he saw that the bio-android had finally fallen asleep after his little all-nighter. "Should have known that he wouldn't have shut up on his own..."

"Hey, did you get the pictures?" Jeice whispered, sneaking over to the Saiyan.

"The pictures didn't turn out because of us not using the flash!" Raditz exclaimed, louder than he meant to, capturing everyone's attention and curiousity. Well, and one person's anger.

"Keep it down, Raddy, my head's killing me!" Kold snapped, cradling his head in the palm of his hand, making Raditz feel a little better. At least he wasn't the only one suffering.

"Pictures? What pictures?" Goku asked through his own pounding headache, though a little more together than King Kold.

Raditz just sighed in frustration, figuring that there was no point in lying anymore. "The pictures that I tried to take last night while you guys were drunk and making complete morons out of yourselves."

"And just how did we make morons of ourselves?" Vegeta asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Well, you let Kakarot get cozy with you last night and fall asleep on your shoulder, for one." Raditz nearly burst out laughing at the memory.

Ki flared around Vegeta in an instant, "That never happened!"

"Yes it did! Just like Guldo admitting that he wears makeup!"

"That never happened either!" The aforementioned Ginyu good snapped, blushing lightly. He would never have admitted his deepest secret!

"Come on, don't you guys remember anything?! Like giving Kakarot a lovely makeover before you guys deciding that you wanted to be super models?! Looks, he's still wearing the makeup! You all are!"

Everyone looked around, and for the first time took notice that they were indeed wearing makeup. Rather than actually accepting the possible fact that they may have put in on willingly, they came up with a conclusion that they liked much better.

"Wait, you weren't drinking last night, and you're the only one who remembers these crazy accusations, so you must have done this to us!" Nappa, speaking for the first time in this chapter, pointed accusingly at the person who was usually his partner in crime.

"How could you, Raditz?! I thought you were our friend!" Recoome scoffed with a mock sniffle.

"I didn't do anything except take pictures that didn't turn out! Even ask Jeice if you don't believe me, he was helping me!"

Jeice quickly through his hands up in defense. "I don't know what you're talking about! All I recall was Raditz wanting to get revenge on everyone..."

"What?!" Raditz felt like he could snap, "Jeice is lying! I'm being honest!"

Jeice caught eyes with the Saiyan, smirking at him.

"Why don't you just admit the truth, Raditz, it's not good to lie!" Goku chirped in his usual innocence.

"I'm not lying!"

"You know, lying can be a real problem, Raditz. There's a workshop for that, too that we'll sign you up for!" Raditz heard the voice of one of the ogre guards say from the doorway behind him.

Raditz, completely fed up with how this day was treating him already, threw his arms into the air in frustration, and stalked off, muttering, "I need a drink..."

"Hehehehehehehehehe..." Giggling once again filled the room, and everyone looked down to see that Cell had woken up just in time to finish of the story.


A/N: Wow, after 30 chapters Slumber Party had finally come to an end... It was fun while it lasted, wasn't it? What do y'all think? Should I continue on with the hell mates because I already have another story in the works! Let me know! :)

And thanks to those of you who have stuck by me on this not-so-little adventure!