Here is some more Meta-Knight Goodness. Thank you all the reviewers! Now let's get on with the story! Oh and Meta-Knight Girl, Mettameao is not based on Mattemeo, but the first chapter was. After that I kind of went on my own. I thought of calling it Mettameao because it was going to be similar to Mattemeo. But, I changed my mind and didn't make it based off Mattemeao. But, Mettameao was the name, and I couldn't think of a better one. So, I kept Mettameao.
Saga 2, Final Chapter
The crew watched as Kirby fell toward the island.
"Good riddance!" Captain said.
"He might be back," said General Dee.
Meta-Knight popped in, "What about the Heavy Lobster? Who is Heavy Lobster?"
Meta-Axe replied, "Dandede...umm..achooo! Man my cold is harsh!" Meta-Axe slipped up once again. "Excuse my cold. Anyway, we all made it. It is a major weapon for us. Don't worry about it, Heavy Lobster puts itself back together once it is blown away. It's pretty nifty I say."
Captain all of the sudden spoke up, "META-KNIGHT! We have an unidentified communicator in our ship. I'll bring it up for you."
A Sir Kibble appeared on the screen. He was talking in the communicator giving Dreamland Officials information about the ship.
"Execute that traitor! Wait, isn't that the Dreamland sign. " Meta-Knight replied.
"N.M.E. s using it as a disguise. I'll take my army and destroy that Sir Kibble," said General Dee.
General Dee blew a whistle. Hundreds of Waddle Dee's flooded the room wi th guns and swords. General Dee went out of the cockpit along with his army. Their progress showed up on the monitor.
The army was running on deck and the crew was watching intensely. They were nervous. They were afraid that the transmission from the traitor might get to Dreamlandian, except for Meta-Knight, who had know idea that this was a scam. . The Sir Kibble obviously had an army because when the Waddle Dee arm reached him, a group of Sir Kibble's popped out. They were at the edge of the ship.
General Dee's voice could be heard in the fierce wind, "READY! SHOVE THEM OFF!"
The Sir Kibble had a weird accent, "Ye shall not walk near thou! Ye don't knows ze powel of Sir Kibbel!"
General Dee was mad, "Oh Shut up! NOW GO!"
The Sir Kibble and the Waddle Dee army charged at each other. Swords were stuck in Waddle Dee's and bullets pierced the Sir Kibble's. The Sir Kibble commander tried to escape with his mechanical wings. One Waddle Dee shot him, and the commander fell off the ship.
The waddle Dee's were losing. More and more Waddle Dee's were killed like bugs.
"Hold your fire!" Yelled General Dee, "THE CANNONS WILL FINISH THEM! Captain aim cannons toward the nose! The nose won't be hard to repair!"
Captain pushed a button in the cockpit. Cannons came out of the side of the Halberd. They all aimed toward the nose. General Dee and his army ran away. Suddenly, like bombs going off, the cannons fired. BOOOOOM! The loud ear splitting sound could be heard for miles away. The Sir Kibble army was killed instantly.
Meta-Knight was very appalled. He never knew that the Halberd was that capable of that power. General Dee came into the cockpit yelling, "Did you manage to destroy the transmission?"
Captain smiled, "All is well. The transmission was deleted. Noone can get it now."
The all sighed. All the sudden, a crash was heard on the ship.
Meta-Chain replied to the crash, "Captain, the ancient Dyna-Blade has come onto the ship, with Kirby on her back!"
Captain replied, "Fire main cannon! KILL HER!"
Dynablade was shot down instantly. But Kirby was dashing through the deck killing everyone in sight.
Captain replied, "Kirby has destroyed the deck!"
Meta-Knight replied, "Hmmmm, send all warriors to the cannons! NOW!"
Kirby zipped through the hallways, killing all enemies. Kirby came to a big cannon. It fired bombs out at him. He sucked them up and sent them right back at it. He destroyed the cannon.
Captain reacted to this, "Damn, this guy's got guts. RELEASE HEAVY LOBSTER AGAIN! HE IS ENTERING OUR Main ENGINE ROOM!"
Kirby then came face to face with a huge mechanical lobster. Kirby was scared. The lobster charged toward him. Kirby kicked it but nothing happened.
Meta-Axe replied, "Isn't it sad! Kirby can't defeat our lobster."
Then Kirby with all his might, sucked up the claw. He fired it back at heavy lobster, piercing the main power source. Heavy Lobster exploded in a big flash.
"Shut up you babies! Captain replied, "He's just destroyed the main engine!"
The Halberd stared to descend.
Meta-Axe whined, "WHAT DO WE DO NOW! Nightmare's gonna hate us!"
Meta-Knight was fed up, "That's it! You guys are up to something! You guys tell me you work for Dreamland, but you keep sounding like your on Nightmare's side! Tell me the truth or suffer my Galaxia!"
"Well...." Captain started.
"TELL ME!" Meta-Knight was furious.
Captain started, "OKAY! I was hired by Dandede to making you think you are on our side. He wanted you to destroy Kirby, N.M.E's biggest threat. He also wanted us to kill you. What was in it for me? I couldn't been head of N.M.E.! DON'T KIILL ME!"
"Anyone in N.M.E. deserves to die!"
"Wait a minute," General Dee said, "Noone said anything to me about N.M.E.!
Captain replied, "Don't you get it dumbo! Isn't it obviously! Meta-Axe messing up and everything. You have got know we work for him now!"
General Dee replied, "He had a cold!"
Captain was mad, "Don't you get it dumbrain! We wanted Meta-Knight to think we work for Dreamland! You have seen to much General Dee!"
Captain got out a gun and shot general Dee. He fell flat in the ground.
Kirby was leaving the ship now. It was crashing.
Meta-Knight replied as he saw Kirby fly off, "Captain, you are going to die now. This will plunge into the ocean very soon. I should turn you in. I can't believe I let you trick me like that. And hiring someone without telling them full detail is illegal too. Let's say you and your crew are getting the Death Sentence.
Meta-Knight spread out his wings and flew to a plateau. He looked at the orange ocean as the Halberd plunged into the ocean, creating a huge wave. Meta-KNIGHT smiled for the first time in a while. He knew right then that Kirby was a Star Warriors. There are still some left!
Meta-Knight Kirby would be the strongest. Kirby had great skills. All of the sudden, Meta-Knight felt a jolt in his stomach. He felt warriors, dying. He thought about Star warrior Capital, where the disturbance was coming from. Had Nightmare penetrated the barrier?
Meta-Knight flew out of Dreamland and onto Star Warrior Capital.
End of Halberd Saga. Next up, The Last Warrior Saga.
Saga 2, Final Chapter
The crew watched as Kirby fell toward the island.
"Good riddance!" Captain said.
"He might be back," said General Dee.
Meta-Knight popped in, "What about the Heavy Lobster? Who is Heavy Lobster?"
Meta-Axe replied, "Dandede...umm..achooo! Man my cold is harsh!" Meta-Axe slipped up once again. "Excuse my cold. Anyway, we all made it. It is a major weapon for us. Don't worry about it, Heavy Lobster puts itself back together once it is blown away. It's pretty nifty I say."
Captain all of the sudden spoke up, "META-KNIGHT! We have an unidentified communicator in our ship. I'll bring it up for you."
A Sir Kibble appeared on the screen. He was talking in the communicator giving Dreamland Officials information about the ship.
"Execute that traitor! Wait, isn't that the Dreamland sign. " Meta-Knight replied.
"N.M.E. s using it as a disguise. I'll take my army and destroy that Sir Kibble," said General Dee.
General Dee blew a whistle. Hundreds of Waddle Dee's flooded the room wi th guns and swords. General Dee went out of the cockpit along with his army. Their progress showed up on the monitor.
The army was running on deck and the crew was watching intensely. They were nervous. They were afraid that the transmission from the traitor might get to Dreamlandian, except for Meta-Knight, who had know idea that this was a scam. . The Sir Kibble obviously had an army because when the Waddle Dee arm reached him, a group of Sir Kibble's popped out. They were at the edge of the ship.
General Dee's voice could be heard in the fierce wind, "READY! SHOVE THEM OFF!"
The Sir Kibble had a weird accent, "Ye shall not walk near thou! Ye don't knows ze powel of Sir Kibbel!"
General Dee was mad, "Oh Shut up! NOW GO!"
The Sir Kibble and the Waddle Dee army charged at each other. Swords were stuck in Waddle Dee's and bullets pierced the Sir Kibble's. The Sir Kibble commander tried to escape with his mechanical wings. One Waddle Dee shot him, and the commander fell off the ship.
The waddle Dee's were losing. More and more Waddle Dee's were killed like bugs.
"Hold your fire!" Yelled General Dee, "THE CANNONS WILL FINISH THEM! Captain aim cannons toward the nose! The nose won't be hard to repair!"
Captain pushed a button in the cockpit. Cannons came out of the side of the Halberd. They all aimed toward the nose. General Dee and his army ran away. Suddenly, like bombs going off, the cannons fired. BOOOOOM! The loud ear splitting sound could be heard for miles away. The Sir Kibble army was killed instantly.
Meta-Knight was very appalled. He never knew that the Halberd was that capable of that power. General Dee came into the cockpit yelling, "Did you manage to destroy the transmission?"
Captain smiled, "All is well. The transmission was deleted. Noone can get it now."
The all sighed. All the sudden, a crash was heard on the ship.
Meta-Chain replied to the crash, "Captain, the ancient Dyna-Blade has come onto the ship, with Kirby on her back!"
Captain replied, "Fire main cannon! KILL HER!"
Dynablade was shot down instantly. But Kirby was dashing through the deck killing everyone in sight.
Captain replied, "Kirby has destroyed the deck!"
Meta-Knight replied, "Hmmmm, send all warriors to the cannons! NOW!"
Kirby zipped through the hallways, killing all enemies. Kirby came to a big cannon. It fired bombs out at him. He sucked them up and sent them right back at it. He destroyed the cannon.
Captain reacted to this, "Damn, this guy's got guts. RELEASE HEAVY LOBSTER AGAIN! HE IS ENTERING OUR Main ENGINE ROOM!"
Kirby then came face to face with a huge mechanical lobster. Kirby was scared. The lobster charged toward him. Kirby kicked it but nothing happened.
Meta-Axe replied, "Isn't it sad! Kirby can't defeat our lobster."
Then Kirby with all his might, sucked up the claw. He fired it back at heavy lobster, piercing the main power source. Heavy Lobster exploded in a big flash.
"Shut up you babies! Captain replied, "He's just destroyed the main engine!"
The Halberd stared to descend.
Meta-Axe whined, "WHAT DO WE DO NOW! Nightmare's gonna hate us!"
Meta-Knight was fed up, "That's it! You guys are up to something! You guys tell me you work for Dreamland, but you keep sounding like your on Nightmare's side! Tell me the truth or suffer my Galaxia!"
"Well...." Captain started.
"TELL ME!" Meta-Knight was furious.
Captain started, "OKAY! I was hired by Dandede to making you think you are on our side. He wanted you to destroy Kirby, N.M.E's biggest threat. He also wanted us to kill you. What was in it for me? I couldn't been head of N.M.E.! DON'T KIILL ME!"
"Anyone in N.M.E. deserves to die!"
"Wait a minute," General Dee said, "Noone said anything to me about N.M.E.!
Captain replied, "Don't you get it dumbo! Isn't it obviously! Meta-Axe messing up and everything. You have got know we work for him now!"
General Dee replied, "He had a cold!"
Captain was mad, "Don't you get it dumbrain! We wanted Meta-Knight to think we work for Dreamland! You have seen to much General Dee!"
Captain got out a gun and shot general Dee. He fell flat in the ground.
Kirby was leaving the ship now. It was crashing.
Meta-Knight replied as he saw Kirby fly off, "Captain, you are going to die now. This will plunge into the ocean very soon. I should turn you in. I can't believe I let you trick me like that. And hiring someone without telling them full detail is illegal too. Let's say you and your crew are getting the Death Sentence.
Meta-Knight spread out his wings and flew to a plateau. He looked at the orange ocean as the Halberd plunged into the ocean, creating a huge wave. Meta-KNIGHT smiled for the first time in a while. He knew right then that Kirby was a Star Warriors. There are still some left!
Meta-Knight Kirby would be the strongest. Kirby had great skills. All of the sudden, Meta-Knight felt a jolt in his stomach. He felt warriors, dying. He thought about Star warrior Capital, where the disturbance was coming from. Had Nightmare penetrated the barrier?
Meta-Knight flew out of Dreamland and onto Star Warrior Capital.
End of Halberd Saga. Next up, The Last Warrior Saga.