I Promise You

Disclaimer; I don't own Digimon

Summary; Mimi Tachikawa is a smart, beautiful and caring girl. Everything is perfect except her boyfriend- Kevin. He's disrespectful, abusive and violent. She then meets Taichi Yagami and begins to hang out with him. She then gradually falls in love with him. When Kevin finds out, he does everything to keep Tai away from Mimi. What will Tai do? Is Tai what Mimi ever wanted?

A/N; Haha, you guys will know what will happen!

(AND NOTE: the italics are the thoughts inside her soul)

Chapter 7

Mimi's POV

Where am I? Am I dead? Where is this place? I found myself in a world… so small yet so peaceful. I was sitting on green grass with many different kinds of flowers surrounding myself. I felt a cool wind breeze blow across my face. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the soothing voice of the wind. It felt like I was in a dream… yet it felt real. Everything seemed so perfect and superficial. Was it real? I closed my eyes and thought hard… in how I ended up in this dreamland.

'Kevin...' I heard a voice call out. Yes… Kevin… and those horrible things he did to me; those horrible things that hurt me physically…and emotionally. But now I'm okay… more than okay. I feel free… I feel light. I looked at myself… I didn't have any bruises or and cuts. No harm on me. I smiled to myself. I like this place. This place was so peaceful. I wanted it to be like this forever… away from the violence and terror. Away from every problem I ever had. This was what I want in life.

'Mimi…everything's not real.' I heard a voice whisper out. Everything's not… real? What does suppose to mean? I tenderly picked up a rose and inhaled its graceful scent of freedom and eternal happiness.

'Mmm' I thought to myself. How can this not be real? Then I saw a blood red stain on my white dress. Then I looked at my hands. There was dark, red blood dripping carelessly down my snow white skin. It came from the thorns of the rose I held.

'Huh?' I thought to myself… I pinched myself… but I can't feel it. I can't feel the pain that I went through before. I can't feel it. This isn't real. I closed my eyes… I have to get out of this place. This place is fake… unrealistic.

Then I was engulfed by bright, blinding light.

I opened my eyes. Where was I? I looked around only to see my mother sitting on a chair beside me, sleeping on the bed I was in. I sighed and attempted on getting up. Then that was when I felt great pain all through my whole body. I let a little cry and fell back on the bed which woke her up.

"Mimi! You're awake! Thank God! I was beginning to worry sick about you!" my mother suddenly burst into tears and held me tight like she was going to loose me forever. I was confused. Where was I?

"Mother? Where am I? What happened to me?" I asked as if I was again in my little lost world. My mom stared straight in my eyes and tried her best to speak properly.

"That's what I like to know. We're in the hospital. You didn't come home last night so I was worried sick about you. I called the police and they found you in an alley with deep bruises and a huge cut on your leg. So I want to know what had you been doing." She asked me, still crying.

I breathed heavily. Everything came into place and all the memories of what happened last night came back. Taichi, Kevin and… and… I swallowed – a knife. Then it stopped. My next curiosity came to 'what happened next?' What happened after when I saw Kevin possessed with a knife. My train of thoughts was cut my mother's tap.

I can't tell her what happen. The police will eventually find out and they'll go searching for Kevin. Then, at that point Kevin will seriously kill me for good. I can't let that happen. I looked at my mother sadly.

"I… I don't know… I was walking and then for some reason I got knocked out… I can't… remember what happened," I lied – white lies. I hated lying to my mother when she was the best friend I could ever have. I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead but luckily my mom bought it. She sighed and sat back down.

I laid there staring straight up the ceiling. I didn't know what to do. All of this was still registering in my brain. I kept on wondering and something popped up that made me ask.

"What about dad?" I asked curiously. My dad… oh how can I even start about him? He was just like Kevin - abusive and unfaithful.

"He… he doesn't know about this," my mother said not looking up to me. It was no surprise he doesn't. He doesn't know anything. I bet he even knows when my birthday is or how old I am. He is just like the older copy of Kevin.


I was watching T.V when I heard my mom call out to me.

"Honey… don't forget about tomorrow! We're going shopping together!"

"I won't!" I yelled back. I looked at my watch. It was 11:30 PM on the dot. Where could my dad be? I sighed… and let my mind go free. He could be out in those clubs… or having a party with his so called friends. I always hated his friends. My dad would sometimes come home, and order us to cook because his friends are coming over for a party. His friends are the worst kind of people I'd ever meet. They're messy; they're weird just like my dad. One of them always scares me. He would always wink every time I brought food to the table. I think he is a pedophile. Then one time he cornered me and told me how beautiful I was, and was about to do something. He came closer and I remembered how I begged for him to stop. Luckily my mother came and saved me. She was always a strong woman.

Sometimes he would even bring some of those sluts or prostitutes home and who knows what they do after that. What about my mother? My mother gets hurt, obviously but she can't do anything. My dad is messed in the mind – ever since when I was a little. I still do have memories of him being himself as the loving father. I missed that… I missed him. Even after all those drunken and abusive nights… I still love him. And I wonder why… maybe because there still is hope of love in his heart for me and my mother.

Suddenly the door burst open revealing a drunken man. He walked in which took him like hours to reach the kitchen. His hair was dirty and a mess, his clothes looked unwashed for years and he walked ever so unsteadily and slowly.

"I made dinner for you, dad" I offered him a warm plate of food I made for him.

"I don't need food, you slut," he said as he slapped me as the food also flung across the room. I just stood up. No, I did not cry or yell in pain. I was used to this it was almost normal. I'd cry every night wishing I had a father every other lucky girl would have.


After my thoughts, I saw my mother outside the room and walking with the doctor, having a conversation. They disappeared down the hall leaving me alone to rest some more.

I sighed… I hate this world. How did I deserve all this pain? How did I get into this mess with Kevin? Why can't my family be loving and normal? Everyone thinks that I live a perfect life… sometimes perfect isn't a way to describe it. I closed my eyes and prayed softly, out loud.

Dear God… I know you're listening. You always listen to my prayers… I can feel it. Anyways… I don't ask for much right? Well… can you do a least bit of favor for me? I feel hopeless in this condition. God… I need someone there for me. I need someone there when I need comforting when I'm hurt. Please… I need someone who understands what I'm going through and that I need him/her always by my side. I'm living a life of hell. The people I love the most give me pain and suffer in return. You know what I'm going through… I just need something… I need… a miracle.


A/N: I hope you guys like it. It took my long to write this. And I actually gave up homework just to write this ) Well, you know what to so. Review, please and I'll update when I get the reviews I wanted ) Love, cinnamonnn

Cynthia Queen-Assassiness: Aww Miriam! These chapters are cute lols, I get to read before everyone!
Ifixed mistakes yet again and surprisingly there weren't many! Give a prize to this girl! Remember next chapter!