I Promise You

Disclaimer; I do not own digimon

Editor: Queen-Assassiness [Cynthia]

Summary; Mimi Tachikawa is a smart, beautiful and caring girl. Everything is perfect except her boyfriend- Kevin. He's disrespectful, abusive and violent. She then meets Taichi Yagami and begins to hang out with him. She then gradually falls in love with him. When Kevin finds out, he does everything to keep Tai away from Mimi. What will Tai do? Is Tai what Mimi ever wanted?

Main Characters;

Mimi Tachikawa; age 16

[Mimi is a very popular and nice girl. Even though she's perfect… she's not happy.]

Taichi Yagami; age 17

[Tai, who is also very popular… has his eye on a special girl, Mimi. He tries everyway to get her even though it would mean to sacrifice his life.]

Kevin Yule; age 17

[Kevin is Mimi's violent boyfriend. He only uses her for her popularity. Basically, Mimi is Kevin's bitch.]

Yamato Ishida; age 17

[Yamato is Mimi's best friend. He loves her in a sisterly way. He is really overprotective over Mimi.]

NOTE; Future characters will be mentioned later on the chapters.

A/N; Well, this is my first Michi story. I'm not a really big fan of Michi but my friend, Cynthia wanted me to write a Michi in exchange for a Mimato because I adore them. Michi is the second best =) Anyways… I hope you like my story and review for ideas and comments… thanks =)

Chapter 1

[Normal point of view]

"Mimi, wake up NOW!" Mrs. Tachikawa shouted out to her daughter. Mimi groaned for she fell asleep at 3:00 AM in the morning because she was up all night thinking.

"Five more minutes!" Mimi groaned as she tried to get herself up.

"No! You better get up young lady or you'll be late for school!" Mrs. Tachikawa told Mimi as she tried to pull the blanket off Mimi's body but she held it tight that she couldn't.

"MIMI TACHIKAWA WAKE UP THIS INSTANT!!!" With that, Mimi fell off the bed and groaned. She needed a lot of sleep but couldn't… she had to go to school.

Mimi finally got up and took a 'waking' shower. She put on a pink T-shirt and jeans. Mimi went downstairs to eat breakfast before she walked to school.

"Bye mom! See you later!" Mimi waved to her mom as she stepped outside.

"Bye honey! Try your best at everything!" Mrs. Tachikawa kissed her daughter on the forehead before she went. She walked to the stop where she would meet up with her friend, Miyako. She waited for five minutes but she hasn't arrived yet, which made Mimi impatient. As she was about to go to school alone, she heard someone shout,

"Hey Mimi! I'm here!" Mimi looked back to see Miyako waved at her. As she came closer, Mimi complained.

"What took you so long? I've been waiting for almost 10 minutes!"

"Oh umm hehe well you see I woke up late then –"Miyako started to explain her 'excuse' when Mimi cut her off,

"Oh just save it for later, I have no time to listen… we better go now or else Mr. Takani will give us a lecture about being late, again." They both laughed as they ran to their school.

[At school]


When everyone heard the bell, they quickly went inside Odaiba High for their upcoming class. Mimi and Miyako went to their lockers to get their books. Mimi was the most popular girl in the school. She was captain of the cheerleading team; a straight A student and was pretty. Every guy would come up and ask her for a date. This annoyed Mimi so much especially when her so-called-boyfriend would come up and beat the living souls out of them. But that didn't stop all the boys swarming around her.

Still, she wasn't happy for some reason. Well, she was perfect… popular, smart, beautiful, and have a boyfriend. What keeps bugging her? That's what she thinks about everyday, but never comes up with an answer to satisfy her. She shook her head to get the thoughts out of her mind.

"Hey beautiful…" a voice behind her came.

"Oh, hey Kevin," Mimi said when she saw who it was. Kevin was Mimi's boyfriend… well, that's what he said. Kevin was like every other guy in the school. He was a jock, not that much of a 'teachers pet' and gets mad easily. Since when they met, she has been depressed lately… she always wonders why. Was it because she is with Kevin?

"What's the matter, Mimi?" Kevin said when he saw the look on her beautiful face.

"Nothing, it's just that I haven't slept a lot." Mimi lied.

"Oh well… see you later then." Kevin said when he looked mesmerized at something he saw. Mimi turned to where he was looking and saw one of the cheerleading member, Angela. She just sighed knowing that she could never leave him. She even wondered why she even got together with him. She wondered if she even loves him.

Queen-Assassiness is my dork. Just a note for you to remember.

A/N; Yeah I know… boring! Grr I hate the stories I write! Oh well… don't flame if you don't like Michi. If you don't like Michi then why bother to read right? Anyway please review and give me ideas! Thanks!