Hi peoples. I am starting this other fan fiction. I got the inspiration,
and had to start writing it. I will be focusing on this story while I still
have it in my mind instead of my other fan fiction. I suggest you read it
too if you are bored. To remove confusion I want to explain something. This
story is about a girl named Noel, you will learn more about her in this
chapter. However I am starting this chapter in Kuronue's POV. You will see
what he has to do with this fiction. Another thing is that this fiction is
a Hiei pairing story. HieiXNoel. Not a Kuronue love story. Unless you want
me to add something for him. Review for me. I also am having problems for a
name for Kuronue, read to find out what I mean. Ok now I will begin with
the story.
Hello. My name is Kuronue. Yes, I was the partner of the infamous Youko Kurama, the best thief in Makai. I died painfully. I can still feel the bamboo spikes shot through my arms and legs, and the blood sliding down them making a pool around me. Youko and I were on a heist and he would have gotten caught as well unless he left me. He ran away. I told him to, so I held no grudges or hatred for him.
After I died I was reincarnated to this body. It is a living hell for me and my family, well what was left of it. All I have left is my sister. Her and I were born servants of the Great Lord. What his name is, no one knows, nor do they know what he looks like. Anyone who goes to his "office", never comes back, like my parents. That story pains my sister so.
My sister......................
She was the only reason I stayed here. I originally planned to leave this body at the age of ten. Yes, I loved my family very much when I planned this. Still I ended up growing a strong bond with my sister. I cleared my conscious though. I told myself that I would come back and free them and everyone else that was forced to work here. Even then though, I felt a little guilty about leaving my human sister, but she had mom and dad and her on best friend to look after her.
Then it happened. The thing that ended up changing all my plans.
I was 8 at the time. My whole family was happy, especially my sister. It was her birthday. December 25, or Christmas day. The slaves didn't get to celebrate much on that day, it was Thursday and only adults had off, but it didn't dampen our moods any. She was 4 years old. We gave her small trinkets and hand made objects. It was the only thing we had to give. Noel.
That was her name, you can probably imagine why.
However, the Lord had a present for Noel as well.
He let her see his face and watch him slaughter our parents and her friend. I wasn't around when it happened, and to this day I wish I was, and partially blame myself for their deaths. She didn't deserve what he gave her, she didn't do anything wrong. I still wonder what exactly happened, but she never speaks about it.
I still remember the change I noticed in her in the days following the event, which soon became the way she was today. She became quiet, only talking every once in a while, and always in insults, unless it was to me. She no longer smiled or laughed at things like she used to. She put up a barrier around herself, not letting anyone pass through it. Every night she cries herself to sleep, though she doesn't think I know or would ever admit it. Basically, she lost all hope and happiness in her life.
All she has left is me, no other friends or family. Nobody else understands what she went through, and is still going through today. The pain she must feel. It gave me chills.
That Sunday after her birthday was the day I changed my mind about leaving and decided I had to stay. I didn't want her to be alone, and since then I was with her almost every second. I couldn't stand even the thought of what would happen if I left her like I originally planned.
Everyday since her change I would pray that someone that someone would come that would understand her, and would fill in the emptiness in her heart that I alone could not fill. I prayed for her to be happy again, and to smile and laugh, just like the old Noel I used to know. I am now 20 and she is 16, and still Kami-sama hasn't answered my silent prayers.
I pulled out of my thoughts and turned to look at my sister working next to me. We both had our similarities and differences. Both of us had black hair and deep purple eyes. Her hair was always down, reaching her waist. Both of us were wearing the uniform that marked us as slaves. They were the only sets of clothes we had. The uniform consisted of a deep blue, long sleeved shirt and black pants that reached the ankles. The main difference between us was height. She inherited my mother's short gene, and I inherited my father's tall one. She only reaches my chest when standing side by side.
Today was yet again a Sunday, which was usually a great day because all of the "children" had today off from chores, and got to rest. But we had to pack, at least I did and she decided to help.
I sighed audibly and put a pillow in a box that already contained some blankets. I was being reassigned to a new room away from my sister. My 21st birthday was coming up, meaning that I would officially be an adult by the Lord's point of view. This meant that I had to have another roommate, who would train me to learn the more, and drastically harder work that I would have to do. I didn't know who would replace me as Noel's roommate, but I hope that person will be someone who can help her. I doubted it though.
The only good thing about rising up is that I would get more days off from work, allowing me to see my sister. The adults had Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday off.
I hope it will be enough.
Again the idea of telling Noel who I really was popped into my head. I had thought of it on more than one occasion, but never did. I won't tell her this time either, I have a feeling that now is not the right time.
I felt a shiver go down my spine.....................
Something was going to happen today, I know it is, and that thing will lead to something even bigger. I had a feeling it has something to do with Noel...................
My past is my story. This is hers.
Well how do you like it? I need a name for Kuronue's human form, just like Kurama, but I can't think of one. Please help.
Hello. My name is Kuronue. Yes, I was the partner of the infamous Youko Kurama, the best thief in Makai. I died painfully. I can still feel the bamboo spikes shot through my arms and legs, and the blood sliding down them making a pool around me. Youko and I were on a heist and he would have gotten caught as well unless he left me. He ran away. I told him to, so I held no grudges or hatred for him.
After I died I was reincarnated to this body. It is a living hell for me and my family, well what was left of it. All I have left is my sister. Her and I were born servants of the Great Lord. What his name is, no one knows, nor do they know what he looks like. Anyone who goes to his "office", never comes back, like my parents. That story pains my sister so.
My sister......................
She was the only reason I stayed here. I originally planned to leave this body at the age of ten. Yes, I loved my family very much when I planned this. Still I ended up growing a strong bond with my sister. I cleared my conscious though. I told myself that I would come back and free them and everyone else that was forced to work here. Even then though, I felt a little guilty about leaving my human sister, but she had mom and dad and her on best friend to look after her.
Then it happened. The thing that ended up changing all my plans.
I was 8 at the time. My whole family was happy, especially my sister. It was her birthday. December 25, or Christmas day. The slaves didn't get to celebrate much on that day, it was Thursday and only adults had off, but it didn't dampen our moods any. She was 4 years old. We gave her small trinkets and hand made objects. It was the only thing we had to give. Noel.
That was her name, you can probably imagine why.
However, the Lord had a present for Noel as well.
He let her see his face and watch him slaughter our parents and her friend. I wasn't around when it happened, and to this day I wish I was, and partially blame myself for their deaths. She didn't deserve what he gave her, she didn't do anything wrong. I still wonder what exactly happened, but she never speaks about it.
I still remember the change I noticed in her in the days following the event, which soon became the way she was today. She became quiet, only talking every once in a while, and always in insults, unless it was to me. She no longer smiled or laughed at things like she used to. She put up a barrier around herself, not letting anyone pass through it. Every night she cries herself to sleep, though she doesn't think I know or would ever admit it. Basically, she lost all hope and happiness in her life.
All she has left is me, no other friends or family. Nobody else understands what she went through, and is still going through today. The pain she must feel. It gave me chills.
That Sunday after her birthday was the day I changed my mind about leaving and decided I had to stay. I didn't want her to be alone, and since then I was with her almost every second. I couldn't stand even the thought of what would happen if I left her like I originally planned.
Everyday since her change I would pray that someone that someone would come that would understand her, and would fill in the emptiness in her heart that I alone could not fill. I prayed for her to be happy again, and to smile and laugh, just like the old Noel I used to know. I am now 20 and she is 16, and still Kami-sama hasn't answered my silent prayers.
I pulled out of my thoughts and turned to look at my sister working next to me. We both had our similarities and differences. Both of us had black hair and deep purple eyes. Her hair was always down, reaching her waist. Both of us were wearing the uniform that marked us as slaves. They were the only sets of clothes we had. The uniform consisted of a deep blue, long sleeved shirt and black pants that reached the ankles. The main difference between us was height. She inherited my mother's short gene, and I inherited my father's tall one. She only reaches my chest when standing side by side.
Today was yet again a Sunday, which was usually a great day because all of the "children" had today off from chores, and got to rest. But we had to pack, at least I did and she decided to help.
I sighed audibly and put a pillow in a box that already contained some blankets. I was being reassigned to a new room away from my sister. My 21st birthday was coming up, meaning that I would officially be an adult by the Lord's point of view. This meant that I had to have another roommate, who would train me to learn the more, and drastically harder work that I would have to do. I didn't know who would replace me as Noel's roommate, but I hope that person will be someone who can help her. I doubted it though.
The only good thing about rising up is that I would get more days off from work, allowing me to see my sister. The adults had Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday off.
I hope it will be enough.
Again the idea of telling Noel who I really was popped into my head. I had thought of it on more than one occasion, but never did. I won't tell her this time either, I have a feeling that now is not the right time.
I felt a shiver go down my spine.....................
Something was going to happen today, I know it is, and that thing will lead to something even bigger. I had a feeling it has something to do with Noel...................
My past is my story. This is hers.
Well how do you like it? I need a name for Kuronue's human form, just like Kurama, but I can't think of one. Please help.