Disclaimer: I don't own Newsies, Medieval Times, or any other media
references I may make.
Information for the casting call is at the bottom!
Medieval Times
Chapter 1: Summer Job
~General PoV~
"Boo!" All around him people were making noise. Mostly booing, but in one, red painted corner the crowd was cheering.
Jack sat atop his black horse, Tuscan, and grinned into this area.
"And from the farthest corner of the land, having travelled so far to be here and is such a hope for his kingdom, Sir Henry Gemoldi! The blue knight!" there was cheering at this announcement and David stumbled to keep control of his bucket of soup.
He could see Jack smiling into crowd, Racetrack standing just behind the opening of the curtains, Spot ushering people to their seats, and Mush hawking glow in the dark memorabilia. Who would have thought he would get this summer job?
Every day he and his friends drove out of New York to New Jersey to get to Medieval Times, a themed dinner and show for all ages.
Unfortunately, everyone seemed to have a better job than him. He got to tend to unruly kids, scrape dirty plates off, and bring people extra glasses of Pepsi.
The luckiest of them all, by far, were Skittery and Blink who didn't even have to be in the dinner part of the whole thing. Skittery worked at editing together birthday videos and Blink ran the Knight's and King's Quests.
At the moment Skittery sat in the quiet billiards room, hunched over the computer with his headphones on, pasting together another spoiled kid's birthday DVD. Behind him Blink roared with laughter.
"Skitts," he gasped, "Skitts, you've gotta see this!"
Skittery muttered a response and continued to stare at the screen.
Blink shrugged and turned back to the surveillance monitor. On it he was replaying footage from inside the King's Quest, where groups of people were dragging themselves across thin beams of wood, and pulling rafts across murky water.
He didn't know what could possess people to want to endure such embarrassment, but he knew he never wanted to do it. Maybe it was just because he knew someone would be watching them. He jumped at a loud whinnying coming from the show room
"Welcome Lords and Ladies! I welcome you to dine with us! I hope that your serving wenches will be helpful in providing you with a warm feast as you observe the tournament!" Snyder opened his arms wide. The crowd cheered.
In the sand below, Jack rolled his eyes. Tuscan stamped her foot impatiently.
Snyder rambled on and Racetrack tore himself away from the spectacle. He turned back to the horses.
"Who's saddling up Frostbite? I need her in the next act!" a couple of boys ran forward and grabbed the saddle blanket.
Frostbite stood in the corner looking forlorn and forgotten. Racetrack knew she must be lonely; all the other horses were out performing at the moment.
Next to him Jingles neighed softly. Boots unknowingly raised his hand to stroke her mane.
"Shh," he hushed her. Her eyes darted around, wild, and her rider struggled to keep her head forward.
Boots fixed his gaze on Snyder once more.
"Now, let the games begin! Let's eat, drink, and be merry!"
The crowd cheered louder and the riders and scribes took their positions.
Wasn't this a dream job?
((OK, Medieval Times is really in New Jersey somewhere. I thought it would be cool if the newsies worked there. R&R please! Plus, I need a few more characters to play the female parts. Maybe.........five. Please send me:
Name, nickname, personality, appearance, skill with horses/special effects/serving (is that considered skill?), and anything else you think important. Thanks!))
Information for the casting call is at the bottom!
Medieval Times
Chapter 1: Summer Job
~General PoV~
"Boo!" All around him people were making noise. Mostly booing, but in one, red painted corner the crowd was cheering.
Jack sat atop his black horse, Tuscan, and grinned into this area.
"And from the farthest corner of the land, having travelled so far to be here and is such a hope for his kingdom, Sir Henry Gemoldi! The blue knight!" there was cheering at this announcement and David stumbled to keep control of his bucket of soup.
He could see Jack smiling into crowd, Racetrack standing just behind the opening of the curtains, Spot ushering people to their seats, and Mush hawking glow in the dark memorabilia. Who would have thought he would get this summer job?
Every day he and his friends drove out of New York to New Jersey to get to Medieval Times, a themed dinner and show for all ages.
Unfortunately, everyone seemed to have a better job than him. He got to tend to unruly kids, scrape dirty plates off, and bring people extra glasses of Pepsi.
The luckiest of them all, by far, were Skittery and Blink who didn't even have to be in the dinner part of the whole thing. Skittery worked at editing together birthday videos and Blink ran the Knight's and King's Quests.
At the moment Skittery sat in the quiet billiards room, hunched over the computer with his headphones on, pasting together another spoiled kid's birthday DVD. Behind him Blink roared with laughter.
"Skitts," he gasped, "Skitts, you've gotta see this!"
Skittery muttered a response and continued to stare at the screen.
Blink shrugged and turned back to the surveillance monitor. On it he was replaying footage from inside the King's Quest, where groups of people were dragging themselves across thin beams of wood, and pulling rafts across murky water.
He didn't know what could possess people to want to endure such embarrassment, but he knew he never wanted to do it. Maybe it was just because he knew someone would be watching them. He jumped at a loud whinnying coming from the show room
"Welcome Lords and Ladies! I welcome you to dine with us! I hope that your serving wenches will be helpful in providing you with a warm feast as you observe the tournament!" Snyder opened his arms wide. The crowd cheered.
In the sand below, Jack rolled his eyes. Tuscan stamped her foot impatiently.
Snyder rambled on and Racetrack tore himself away from the spectacle. He turned back to the horses.
"Who's saddling up Frostbite? I need her in the next act!" a couple of boys ran forward and grabbed the saddle blanket.
Frostbite stood in the corner looking forlorn and forgotten. Racetrack knew she must be lonely; all the other horses were out performing at the moment.
Next to him Jingles neighed softly. Boots unknowingly raised his hand to stroke her mane.
"Shh," he hushed her. Her eyes darted around, wild, and her rider struggled to keep her head forward.
Boots fixed his gaze on Snyder once more.
"Now, let the games begin! Let's eat, drink, and be merry!"
The crowd cheered louder and the riders and scribes took their positions.
Wasn't this a dream job?
((OK, Medieval Times is really in New Jersey somewhere. I thought it would be cool if the newsies worked there. R&R please! Plus, I need a few more characters to play the female parts. Maybe.........five. Please send me:
Name, nickname, personality, appearance, skill with horses/special effects/serving (is that considered skill?), and anything else you think important. Thanks!))