Chapter 4 by Saikoro

The next day was a nice one, the sun shining brightly. The rays of

sunlight danced upon the face of Matilda Mattisse, who was laying on her bed.

Her clock read 9:26AM. She had not gotten much sleep, due to the events

that had unfolded yesterday. Still wearing what she had on the day before,

Machi got up and left her room.

As she entered the living room, she noticed

Kanna sitting on the couch, sipping coffee. "Morning....where's Mari?" the red

head asked. "Morning Machi....she's getting dressed. She has a date with

"Niiiiichrome." Kanna replied, saying the shaman's name in a cute, yet sarcastic

tone. Machi shook her head. "Well, I think it's cute..." "You would." the bluenette

retorted. There was a long silence before Kanna spoke up. "Look, about

yesterday...." She was inturupted by a knock at the door. "Err...I'll get it...."

Machi said, walking over to the door.

She opened it to find Nichrome standing

in the hall, wearing his usual Patch attire. He had a bouqet of lilacs in his hand.

"Hiya Machi. Is Mari-chan ready yet?" Before Machi could reply, a loud noise

came from somewhere in the apartment. "NICHROME-KUN!!" Mari sqealed,

dashing to the door and embracing Nichrome with enough force to put the

Spirit of Fire to shame. Both of them are knocked out of the apartment and

into the hall. Nichrome lays flat on his back, Mari kneeling on his stomach.

"Hello beautiful...." the young man says before Mari presses her lips to

his in a passionate kiss. Machi just stares down at the two. "Err...have fun

you two..." she says, shutting the door.

Matilda returns to the living room

with a sigh. "I'll admit, that was kinda cute..." Kanna said. "Anyway, as I

was saying....about yesterday...I...I shouldn't have acted like that.." "No made me feel better..." the red head replied. "...Thanks." Kanna

was taken aback by this. " did? Well....err....your then..

do you like me too?" she asked. Machi sat down on the couch next to her.

"Yeah, I like you too..." she said with a smile. She moved her face closer

to Kanna's and put their lips together in a kiss, both as happy as ever.....

....And so, two friends became more that friend, and Mari and Nicrome's

date didn't go any farther than the hall......

A/N: Yeah, so this turned into I think the first MachiXKanna fic I

also threw in MariXNichrome, 'cause it's my favorite couple...SUPPORT MARIxNICHROME-ISM!!

Please makes me feel loved....